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Posted By: MyZone1958 Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/08/12 05:00 AM
I was playing around with BIAB and I discovered I can mute out any of the floating mixer controls at will with my mouse. I find this useful when wanting to punch in and out Instruments in a song at will as a live performance.
What I don't like is my mouse tends to move when using this method .Is there any way I can control the Mute button in the floating mixer with out having to use the mouse to do that ? If this could be done using my Computer Keyboard that would be great, even better yet if there was a way to use a floor pedal to do this.If this can not be done I think it would be a great idea to be able to use floor pedals to control the floating mixer Mute on and off control especial if a person wants to play and instrument and keep his or her hands free. I know there are ways to lay in a smoking guitar or sax in certain parts of a song by programming it in but I would like to be able to feel that guitar or sax going in and out of a song when ever I feel the urge to do that .It gives me the feeling as if I'm playing the instrument or having more control over it. Any one's input would be appreciated on this subject .

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/08/12 05:41 AM
From the BIAB Help, searching for the word "mute", the second entry is Keyboard List which says:


ALT 2 Mutes All Instruments

ALT 3 Mutes the Bass

ALT 4 Mutes the Piano

ALT 5 Mutes the Drums

ALT 6 Mutes the Guitar

ALT 7 Mutes the Soloist

ALT 8 Mutes the Strings

ALT 9 Mutes the Melody

ALT 0 Mutes the Thru
Posted By: MyZone1958 Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/08/12 10:50 PM
Hello Matt thanks for your direction in getting that feature working for me.The only thing I do not like is I have to hold the Alt down while pressing one of the numbers.I am starting to get some ideas rolling around my head on How I can improve this. I discovered I can clamp down the Alt Key using a clamp .Now I only have to press one key to bring in and out the soloist at will. Now my next step is I'm wondering if I can transport these key connection to the floor working them as floor pedals .I went up in the attic where I have another computer keyboard that I'm thinking of taking apart to see how these keys are connected to the computer keyboard .It may be possible I could hard wire it and connect a momentary pedal to the floor modifying the computer Keyboard .I would have to take the computer keyboard apart and see if this connection would be possible. I could have pedals 2 to 8 on the floor giving me access to take drums bass Solo melody and so forth in and out at will for live performance .This would put an end to having to program this all in to the song.Being able to bring instruments in and out of a song when ever i feel like it just blows my mind.Maybe one day BIAB Will make an attachment to do this but for now it looks like I'm going to have to try and make this happen now. I might have to speak with some one that understand electronics on trying to Modify this connection to the floor from the computer keyboard .I think it can be done but i'm not 100 percent sure.If the computer keyboard controls could be converted to the floor any one who plays Guitar, Sax or what ever hand held instrument they would be playing along with BIAB would provide hands free operation. If there is any one on this forum that understand electronics I would like to know if the connection under the computer keyboard could be hard wired to some momentary foot switches .
Posted By: John Conley Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/08/12 11:06 PM
This company has some products that might interest you:

You can program that to do any keystroke, but check it out first. Rachel here has one.

Behringer make a BCb1010 footswitch, its much more complicated.
Posted By: MyZone1958 Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 03:02 AM
Thanks John for the web site .Here is another web site I was looking at. This one provides 3 foot switches . Would this do the same Operation ? >

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 03:10 AM
Windows has a mode for those with disabilities that changes the keyboard so key combinations can be pressed one key at a time. I wonder if that's worth looking into? I know you can turn it on and off.
Posted By: John Conley Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 05:04 AM
Any footswitch that is programmable to allow you to send complex key operations should work. I'd pick one in particular you think would work and ask here.

Believe it or not many people here are more lucid than I, and have far greater intellect. Many of them have forgotten more than I even knew I knew I think.

Once you get good at this you'll notice a bunch of people acknowledge your greatness with the genius border on god comment of

+1 to what He said.

As you scored a touchdown you can celebrate or do the new normal, give thanks.

If Ra is listening I want a hot summer. I'd tell you the origins of cheering are Egyptians yelling Ra e Ra e, but you'd recognize that as merde de buffle or merde de Buabalus bubalis.
In English that's el toro poo poo! So, forget it and just find a foot switch at a good price, reiterate (big wurd alert) your objective, and wait for the enlightenment to take place. The last one was tedious to get going, so I'll say something oblique to get the posters tripping over each other to contradict me.
Posted By: MyZone1958 Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 03:06 PM
Matt I'll have to look into that. The only downside to that is I would still have to use my hand to activate a button and then there is the thing of being trained to press a key with out having to look down for it and the key is small and close together .I have to look down sometimes when Typing to find a key and doing that and looking at my sheet music at the same time Is hard for me to do.And then there is the thing where If I want to mute out the guitar and play my own lead I need two hands to do that .So there I would have to be reaching over for a key and letting go off one hand from the guitar. This is why I thought the foot switches would be Great. Programming the foot switches is another thing to think about .I have no training in doing that .Not sure how difficult that would be in setting that up.It would be nice to be able to mute and un mute any track 2 to 9 at any given time bring in and out different instruments from the tracks. With the foot switches you could also take turns with the lead or solo when playing your own instrument.If anyone comes across anymore info on computer keyboards and foot control I would be very interested in looking at that .I'm still searching the web .You would think they would have a full size keyboard that just lays on the floor for disabled people. I don't know if that even can be had. Something like the Roll out piano thing they use to sell that was like a rubber mat and you could play the keys .Now that's an idea a rubber floor mat with USB that looks like a computer Keyboard but only 3 times bigger . lol haa!

Greg :O)
Posted By: John Conley Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 04:12 PM
Have a look here:

I have one of these. I need to get it out and make it work.

It arrived just before the big C which took a good year away and then left me stupid.

Oh well, I survive to push those big buttons.
Posted By: MyZone1958 Re: Muting one of the Mixer controls - 01/09/12 05:15 PM
I seen that unit before .That it for midi control .I would need USB which that unit does not have. Lots of programming In that Unit . lol

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