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Posted By: cajunh2s i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/24/12 04:17 AM

i've been trying for several day's to try and get a snare drum sound into an existing midi i have.

it has a good Ride cymbal and sock just has no snare in the beat...

i've tried changing styles...and that just muddies up the whole song...playing a whole different style over the midi and leaving the old one in place....sounds bad..

i tried putting it in Realband and adding a midi drum track to it....but none of the beats jell with the song
so i think i need to figure out how to keep the drums it has in it..the cymbal and sock....and add a snare song some kind of way if thats possible...

how can i fix this midi guy's

Posted By: Noel96 Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/24/12 05:50 AM
Hi cajun,

This is easily done seeing that you're working with midi. I'd do it via the Piano Roll mode (see yellow arrow below) and by editing the existing drum track. (Make sure that you save your file with a new name so that the current style is not overwritten.)

Ensure that the "D" is selected (yellow cross in image below), set the "Snap" and "Dur(ation)" to eighth notes (green bracket in image below) and then add "D3" notes on the beats you need. It may be necessary to use the slider to the right of the monitor and to scroll down and locate D3. I've highlighted D3 by a yellow dot in the picture below. To add notes, hold cntrl+shift down on the keyboard and a pencil icon will appear as the mouse pointer. Left-click the mouse pointer on the the appropriate place in the piano roll grid.

For reference, the two red eighth notes shown above correspond to snare hits on beats 2 and 4 in bar #1. The blue "1a" at the top of the grid tells me that bar 1 is set to the "a" substyle.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/24/12 06:09 AM
if you're working in Real Band, you can also go to ACTION/DRUM GRID EDITOR
and use the editor to create whatever snare pattern you want.

You can also create and save other patterns, then insert your saved patterns into other songs with the menu selection: EDIT/ FILL TRACK WITH MIDI DRUM PATTERN

There are a bunch of presets already, but if you saved your original pattern in the same directory, it should show up in the list of available patterns

(this also works when you need more cow bell)
Posted By: cajunh2s Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/24/12 11:17 PM

worked with your lesson today...was able to add some snare....but i'm not adding it at the correct point
so i'm out of time on them....did several try's...either i added too many...or i added at the wrong spots....i have to figure out were the sweet spot is i guess..

also is there a way to copy and paste the measures after i add i can do a bunch at one time
a fella can go cross eyed doing one snare beat at a time....but if its the only way i'll have to deal with it...

thanks for taking the time to post the picture of the BIAB graphic...that was a big help to put me were i needed to be...

gonna keep slugging away at it....when i get the snare in the right spot i'll post back

Posted By: cajunh2s Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/24/12 11:20 PM

i tried the fill track with midi drum pattern approach...and couldn't get just the right close but couldn't get them to run in time together..

the beat was alway's ahead or behind midi playback
Posted By: Pat Marr Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/25/12 03:32 AM


i tried the fill track with midi drum pattern approach...and couldn't get just the right close but couldn't get them to run in time together..

the beat was alway's ahead or behind midi playback

that's interesting... the midi should have automatically lined up with the song's tempo. Is it possible that your song is not in 4/4 time but the snippet you created was?
Posted By: Noel96 Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/25/12 05:53 AM
Hi Cajun,

not adding it at the correct point
so i'm out of time on them....did several try's...either i added too many...or i added at the wrong spots....i have to figure out were the sweet spot is i guess..

It may be that the eighth note duration and/or the eighth note snapping to grid are not right for the beat that you need. Try setting the "Snap" to [none] as shown below by left-clicking on the box to the right of snap where "[none]" appears in the below image.

Left click on the snare drum beat so that it turns red. Now, move the mouse to left edge of the snare drum beat (as shown by the blue in the image below). The mouse pointer should become a double arrow. When that happens, you can now left-click, hold the left button down and drag the snare drum to wherever you want to place it in the bar.


paste the measures after i add snare

Yes there is.

Hold CTRL down and click on each snare drum note. All drum notes will turn red to show that they're selected. (the CTRL key allows a user to select more than one item). Now go CTRL+C (that is, hold CTRL down and press the C key; this copies), click on the new bar, go CTRL+V (to paste). You might need to align the beats a bit.

Note, it's also possible to select the notes by holding the left mouse button down and dragging a rectangle around the snare notes as shown below.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: cajunh2s Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/25/12 08:07 AM
i got a decent beat in the song now...all the lesson's helped me a lot...i was putting single snare hits in a song that has 140 measures in the copy and paste was a life saver for me..

Biab was giving a Bossa type style with this song...and it sounded half time to what the song needed...and this is a jitterbug type song..

song title is...Don't let the green grass fool you....i think its and old wilson picket tune..

anyway....i tried changing the style hoping to find something with a nice snare snap....but couldn't find anything that would play in time with this thing..

the formula after what seemed like a thousand try' was a snare hit on the beginning of a measure....count 3 blocks in measure...and snare hit on the 4th block
then another on beginning of measure.....and that put it in time pretty close....

to be exact on it...the middle snare hit would probably have to be...half in one block and half in the other...and i think noel's last lesson by setting snap to none...would let me set the snare hit across lines..

anyway i just got finished with the song a little while ago....and its good enough now to play on stage thanks to you guy's....but with noel's latest snap makes me want to mess with it again...god i'm my own worst critic with these songs....i drive myself crazy trying to be a perfectionist with

Posted By: Noel96 Re: i Need some snare drum in a midi - 01/25/12 02:01 PM
I'm pleased to hear that it all came together for you

All the best,
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