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Posted By: rokq22 HELP! I still can't see the TABLATURE! - 01/31/12 11:18 PM
Don't wish to be a pain but decided to make a new topic (with new heading) on this. Apparently I'm ALMOST there, but not quite.


I'm doing this with B&B 2011.5, should be the same as 2012. To see the guitar tablature:
Click on the 1/8 note symbol(to the right of the tempo box)This opens the notation window,or click on options ( top left of b&b window) and select "preferences">notation (top left of this screen)this also opens the notation window.

Now in the notation window select options(top left). In the middle of the options screen you will see a box labled tab. Check it. You will also see a box to enable chord diagrams if you want. This will now show you the guitar tracks in the bass clef area of the staff as tab.

To be able to display the melody and solo tracks in tab do this...
At the very top of the b&b window click on "melody" in the next window click on track type and select

Click on soloist at the very top and follow the same procedure. You should now see the guitar, melody,
and soloist track in tab on the notation screen. Hint...any window you open usually has a help box at
the bottom. This will take you directly to the help manual for the window you have open. Also, hover
your mouse over an item and a help file will open.

Well, I guess there is something I'm doing wrong. I followed your instructions above and I got as far as to see the word "TAB" in the bass clef area. However, when the solo starts nothing appears! That is, of course, no numbers indicating what fret number the note "being played" is on. It just stays blank. Since I also checked the box for the chord chart the chord chart appears (as does the word "TAB") so I know I did SOMETHING right but the most important thing (the fret numbers) aren't being shown. What now?
Posted By: Mac Re: HELP! I still can't see the TABLATURE! - 01/31/12 11:21 PM
If using a RealTrack, look at the trackname across the top, RealTrack would be indicated by it turning Green in color, but to also have notation (as well as TAB) it must also have an Underscore beneath it. Some earlier RealTracks do not contain the MIDI notation data and hence cannot do the TAB either.

Try loading some pgmusic Demo songs from the Stylepicker and see if they show TAB for starters.

Posted By: rokq22 Re: HELP! I still can't see the TABLATURE! - 02/01/12 02:03 AM

If using a RealTrack, look at the trackname across the top, RealTrack would be indicated by it turning Green in color, but to also have notation (as well as TAB) it must also have an Underscore beneath it. Some earlier RealTracks do not contain the MIDI notation data and hence cannot do the TAB either.

Try loading some pgmusic Demo songs from the Stylepicker and see if they show TAB for starters.


I hate to sound like such a newbie, but I am. Heck, I took a screen shot and, naturally, I can't even figure out how to post THAT here. (Hell, is it even possible?) I know it's that I'm still doing something wrong but I don't know what! As you mentioned, I see that the instruments at the top ARE in green and, also, the word "guitar" IS underlined. So it seems all is correct (along with the bass clef area saying "tab" and the chord charts also visible). I also loaded a demo and while the song plays and the guitar is soloing there still is NO notation nor any TABLATURE being written out showing what is being played. (I'd really like to see that as the solos are cool!!). I don't know what I could be doing wrong as I have followed the recommendations and all seems to be going fine except for the most important part. Hell, maybe my software is broken?
Once you open the notation window, you need to select the track. If its guitar, this would be the [G] button on the row of buttons that say BDPGSMT (Bass, Drums, Piano, Guitar, Strings, Melody, Soloist). Same thing for the Guitar Window.
Posted By: Bobby Re: HELP! I still can't see the TABLATURE! - 02/01/12 05:42 AM
Options>Preferences>Realtracks_Check box that says show real charts notation. Even if it already checked uncheck it, check the box again and then click OK. Sometimes these things are quirky....Bobby
Posted By: Danna Re: HELP! I still can't see the TABLATURE! - 02/01/12 11:02 AM

sorry ..... should have been Re: rokq22 not Re: Bobby
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