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Posted By: jazaddict Mixer Plugin question - 04/08/12 09:56 PM
Found the Add VSTI button, loads, life's abundant that I'm unclear on the presence of 4 plugins per instrument.

I'd assume that for piano, for instance, that I'd select a Grand, a Rhodes, a B3, and ....I dunno....a clav? Right? Well, which one is "used"? THe first? Do they have a "meaning" like the first one will be used when an acoustic piano is called for in the style, and the second when an electric? Or am I always choosing? Does the choice carry with the style? Or with the song?

And I can use the VSTI for more than one the expense of memory I guess.....

I realize some of these could be answered by trial and error, so I appreciate your generous indulgence.
Posted By: jazaddict Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/08/12 10:11 PM
oops......It would appear that only one instance of the same VSTI per instrument is allowed? Lets me "pick" the second spot, but when I select the same dll nuttin happens....
Posted By: Rachael Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/08/12 10:43 PM
You can have up to 4 plugins for each Midi/Audio track. The plugins include stuff such as equalizer, reverb, etc. Check page 37 in the BIAB 2012 manual which may help clear this up.

Posted By: jazaddict Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/09/12 12:11 AM
Thx Rachael
Posted By: jazaddict Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/09/12 12:05 PM
So ONE plugin spot can be assigned an instrument. OK....makes sense...I guess then you're gonna have THAT instrument until you change it. I have a love/hate relationship with the styles changing my patches to fit.....mostly annoyed me, until now that it seems the SoftSYnth VSTI patch stays til I change it....I'm thinkin I'd like to pick a few for it to rotate through.

No biggie...its pretty quick & easy to change.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/09/12 02:47 PM
You're confused by some techobabble terminology. VSTi and VST and DXi and DX. The i stands for instrument. If it's just VST or DX, no i, it's an effects plugin not an instrument. Don't confuse the two, the VSTi is your synth plugin the VST is for effects and those four slots are for effects only. That means you can chain up to four effects per track which is very useful. Typical would be reverb, EQ and a compressor/limiter.

Posted By: jazaddict Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/09/12 07:11 PM
thx Bob....I actually did understand the "i"...I misunderstood the presence of extra slots...thought I'd be able to choose different instrument patches within the soft-synth that BIAB would alternate use of like the midi patch-changes that styles change....anyway....good to know that I can chain efx. It IS a cool feature.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/10/12 09:00 PM

...I misunderstood the presence of extra slots...thought I'd be able to choose different instrument patches within the soft-synth that BIAB would alternate use of like the midi patch-changes that styles change...

Not sure I understand you. First, Biab will send patch changes if the style has them and whatever synth you have set up for that track should respond. Are you saying you want to override that and set up a different synth in the middle of a song and have that synth use a different patch? It sort of sounds like you have a particular instrument like acoustic guitar using Biab's guitar track but in the middle of the tune change that to s different acoustic guitar patch using a different synth? If so that's beyond what Biab can do, that's for Real Band. RB can have several tracks of acoustic guitar and you set up whatever synth/patches you want for each one using different midi channels.

Posted By: jazaddict Re: Mixer Plugin question - 04/11/12 11:06 AM
Well, I'm not lookin for patch changes mid song in this case, but I could see wanting that at some point.
Guess its time to dig into realband.
Thx Bob.......
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