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What is the best way to get my songs to another potential gigging partner with the chord and lead sheets included(he has a version of BIB on his compuuter). A problem always seems to present it self because i made my own styles so when he plays one of my calypso tunes, it comes out sounding like Dave Bruebec instead of Bob Marley, or when i play Margaretaville it sounds like Miles playing "In a silent way".
Your help would be appreciated Thanx
If you have a customized style, it must be on the receiving side as well. The chords and lead sheet are in the song so the style sounds like your problem. Send the customized styles and have them put it the c:\bb folder and re-build the style list. Then when the song loads, it should have your style loaded with it.

A word of caution...if your customized style has the same name as a BIAB style, it will overwrite the BIAB style. Best method is to use a unique name for any customized styles. If not, the original style should be backed up first. And it is also possible that a BIAB update may overwrite your style.
You need to send a copy of the style file you created, along with the BIAB SGU or MGU file. If you have the style file in the same folder as the BIAB file, it will use that file. You can also just copy the style file to the main BIAB folder and it becomes available to all songs.
The colleague will need a copy of 3 things:

1. The .MGU (or whatever you're using) of the tune
2. A .PDF (or jpg or something) of the leadsheet
3. The .STY file of any custom style he doesn't have.

These files are very small and easily emailed. You may omit the leadsheet, because your colleague can print his own. But it may look different from yours, so send him one anyway. Other bands do this exact thing all the time.

Unless everything you do is entirely original (including all of the style), you can easily offend copyright laws with these exchanges. You're on your own about all that.

If using Real Tracks, it's essentially infeasible unless everybody owns the same files. They're too big to send and grossly unethical to share anyway.

(Looks like everybody already covered all this while I learned to type. Sorry.)

If using Real Tracks, it's essentially infeasible unless everybody owns the same files. They're too big to send and grossly unethical to share anyway.

But if both parties have the same Realtracks available already, it's still just a matter of sending the SGU or MGU file. They are still small. You probably also want to freeze the tracks before sending, so the other party can hear exactly what you're hearing.

But if both parties have the same Realtracks available already, it's still just a matter of sending the SGU or MGU file.

Good point.

And to somebody who does NOT own the Realtrack, you can always send an audio rendering to play along with. After that, don't nobody need no stinkin' style.*

Of course, some MP3 files get a ittle large for emailing.

*Not no way.

Of course, some MP3 files get a ittle large for emailing.

Use gmail and that's not a problem.
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