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Is it possible, and legal, to run Realband on a separate computer? This would entail using one computer running only BIAB, and the other running only Realband.

If you asked it's probably ok.

I suspect the majority just do what they want and never ask.

I doubt pg music, unlike NOT so microsoft, are putting rogue code in the stuff to phone home.

Some even say that microsoft disables corporate versions of windows that the companies sell off, after some unkown point in time, disabling them bit by bit to force the purchase of a new machine.

It gives the conspiracy types something to fret over other than Gibson guitars which are neck and neck with the cries and laminations of modern string twisting endangered species at risk of sounding like some stone age instrument in the hands of a monophone.

It the previous made sense to you please consult your physician. Pay as you go in the undeveloped southern areas. (USA). LOL I'm on a so called roll. (Jordan)
Hey John

I'm in one of those undeveloped areas of the USA ... but I'm OK.

Your "previous" made NO sense to me.
Ever since I bought an iMac it decides to spell correct everything, without letting me know. Facebook can do that on any system too.

So it was supposed to be IF the previous...

I'm just the right age for a Canadian that going to the doctor and getting out my wallet seems weird is all.

If I go somewhere odd where they don't know me I have to show a health card. I've gone to the same doc for over 40 years now, and I don't make appointments, I now call on my cell and go in the back door so there is no waiting room. I've done that off and on for years, but my current permanent condition says stay away from sick people, so I follow his rule. In, 5 minutes, and out. I send an email with what's wrong.

The vet costs me about 120$ a visit. That includes medication. But I get most of the medication at the farmer's co-op, saves me BIG bucks.

Stay well. Saves money.
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