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I am working on my first BiaB song. I call it Look Up Ahead. I wrote the lyrics today. The song is Jazzy and I think my voice is sounding good with it. I think it has hope to be a keeper. I want to get some songs under my belt. That is a confidence builder to get me rolling.

Anyway hey I want to add some horns. Though I don't want it everywhere on my song. This won't be a masterpiece yet. Nothing tricky like you guys are probably doing. How do I just add it to one section? Lets say add this horn to Section 1a the intro only? I have this horn on my strings.

And can you add two or so solo instruments to one track? It would seem like there would be room for more instruments on that mixer. At any rate I saw some guy on youtube put an instrument to one second I think before. I will have to look for it.
One way is to put horns on a track and use the F5 key to mute and un-mute them.
I would think doing it in RB is better as you can generate whole track and keep regenerating just that Intro bit ( for example) until you get a Take that you like.
And yes you can put Audio on a Biab track
Great SixChannel, I got that now. I will use F5 often. I will have to mute and unmute these instruments. Seems like we would have room to put a few more instruments on that mixer though if we need them. I guess there is just 7. I think you can add more than one to each but you would have to mute whatever is there. I thought we were getting real good tutorials with our BiaB. Looks like some old tutorials. I want to get a song sounding good soon. I want one under my belt so to speak to I will build some confidence up. Get something accomplished. That means Words and Music sounding good. I am not saying anything real great or anything. Just a nice demo really. I found something real good to work with. One of the new styles.
Originally Posted By: Sly Ruby
Great SixChannel, I got that now. I will use F5 often. I will have to mute and unmute these instruments. Seems like we would have room to put a few more instruments on that mixer though if we need them. I guess there is just 7. I think you can add more than one to each but you would have to mute whatever is there. I thought we were getting real good tutorials with our BiaB. Looks like some old tutorials. I want to get a song sounding good soon. I want one under my belt so to speak to I will build some confidence up. Get something accomplished. That means Words and Music sounding good. I am not saying anything real great or anything. Just a nice demo really. I found something real good to work with. One of the new styles.

Yes - just 7 instruments. Often thats plenty but if you want more (and I've done a tune with 12 tracks) slide them over to RB and work in there. Go here for more info -
The Tutes may have the old GUI but the working and general "how to" is all valid.
Looking forward to your first post in "Showcase" - some amazing stuff in there.
I do this all the time.... I want instruments to come in and out in different sections of the song....

Simply listen to any of my songs and you will hear this happening throughout the song.

Use volume envelopes. Add the nodes manually and use that automation function to accomplish the job. I think Real Band now has node based automation. I don't use RB as my mixing DAW.... I use Sonar and this has been a feature there since I first got back into home recording about 8 years ago.

This song: The Best Christmas uses the volume envelopes on everything.... in the photo below, you can see where I used the envelopes, surgically placed, to envelope the piano fills you hear in the first verse of the song as well as the guitar and everything else further along. The guitar solo in the center of the song was enveloped from 5 different guitar tracks to make one solo. Listening, it simply sounds like one guitar playing a hot solo.

Hope this helps

Originally Posted By: Sly Ruby
I am working on my first BiaB song. I call it Look Up Ahead. I wrote the lyrics today. The song is Jazzy and I think my voice is sounding good with it. I think it has hope to be a keeper. I want to get some songs under my belt. That is a confidence builder to get me rolling.

Anyway hey I want to add some horns. Though I don't want it everywhere on my song. This won't be a masterpiece yet. Nothing tricky like you guys are probably doing. How do I just add it to one section? Lets say add this horn to Section 1a the intro only? I have this horn on my strings.

And can you add two or so solo instruments to one track? It would seem like there would be room for more instruments on that mixer. At any rate I saw some guy on youtube put an instrument to one second I think before. I will have to look for it.

Use the soloist Sly, it can do what you want.

1 open Soloist the big S button.
2 select a midi or realtrack instrument on left.
3 click on "custom round box" near bottom right side.
4 when you click on custom, box will open, select bar at what you want instrument to start playing and for how many bars.
5 you can do same thing again for different bars and have different instruments playing on same soloist track, though as far as I have tried you can't mix midi and realtrack instruments on same track.

Hope this helps you.

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker

...This song: The Best Christmas ...

Nice work Herb!

Wally G
Or right click and select Bar control, and select chorus # at the top, and on left below, click on the instrument to be muted or played wherever you've located the cursor...
Thanks for that important tip. I was muting on and off some horns on this song. But I think this custom setting is the most approprate. I just tried custom and added a horn. Though I didn't choose it so I really don't want it. But it worked at least. I guess I should have selected it first or it automatically found me something. How do I reverse it? I am trying to figure that out?
Thanks Dr. I appreciate it. I have a song that is sounding good. It really is coming along. I wrote the lyrics melody and it is sounding like a nice Jazzy song. But I want to copy this verse and paste it somehow below. Because I have a bridge there and it is coming too soon in the song. I just want to add another verse. I am trying to copy it and paste it below. I can't figure it out yet. I think I saw them do it on youtube. I am going to have to go search for these tutorials and save them so I can go back and check them out. BiaB has some old ones that come with it I think. They could be obsolete.
Originally Posted By: Sly Ruby
..;.But I want to copy this verse and paste it somehow below...

First use the Insert Bars command under the Edit menu to make the appropriate space on Chord Sheet for the number of bars you wish to copy, then copy and paste to that location.

I created more bars as you said. Then put the chords on it. So I am glad I am getting some things accomplished already. Gives me some confidence and makes me feel I am getting through the woods. I will keep workng on this song. Once I have something then I will work on some more ideas. I am not even using RealBand or any other DAW yet. Just using BiaB for now. Recording with Audacity singing with the the BiaB song I did. But after I get my Roland Audio Interface I might try it soon. But I think for now doing it like this and getting to know BiaB is good to get started. Thanks
I listened to your Christmas tune. Sounded good. Did you produce that in BiaB? Most of it? Then you took it to Sonar? Are those Envelopes you are talking about in BiaB or Sonar? I am getting a free Sonar version soon with my new Audio interface. I will see how that is. I should just take it slow and not get into the hype of these big time high tech DAW's. When I probably will be fine for a long time with the Limited version. I will see what happens. For now I want to focus on BaiB. Learn the fundamentals so I can accomplish a few things. Build up some confidence and enjoy creating a few good songs in it. I am interested in these envelopes. I think you are saying they are in Sonar.
You can do the same in realband Sly. Just a way to control volume as I understand it. Generate a realtrack in realband by selecting a track, right clicking and slect and generate a realtrack.

Then click on down arrow on track, it will expand, click on line in main tack window, put it a few nodes and drag and get them in right position for you to control volume.


Attached picture envelopes.jpg
the version of Sonar that comes with a audio interface is the LE version, and is pretty stripped down. It will do enough to make you want to upgrade, (kinda the point actually.

One of the reasons i like the Presonus interfaces, they at least supply the artist version of studio one it's only limitation is you can't use 3rd party VSTs. Not so bad when you realize they give you a full suite of Plugins even their fat channel strip.

Herb do you have X-3 yet?, i ask cause what you do with envelopes, in X-3 you can do with comping takes. If you have not watched their video on this it is very interesting for sure. This is also one of the main features of Studio One, that makes it so powerful. the ability to do several takes and just piece them together into the main track, and save.
Originally Posted By: musiclover
Originally Posted By: Sly Ruby
I am working on my first BiaB song. I call it Look Up Ahead. I wrote the lyrics today. The song is Jazzy and I think my voice is sounding good with it. I think it has hope to be a keeper. I want to get some songs under my belt. That is a confidence builder to get me rolling.

Anyway hey I want to add some horns. Though I don't want it everywhere on my song. This won't be a masterpiece yet. Nothing tricky like you guys are probably doing. How do I just add it to one section? Lets say add this horn to Section 1a the intro only? I have this horn on my strings.

And can you add two or so solo instruments to one track? It would seem like there would be room for more instruments on that mixer. At any rate I saw some guy on youtube put an instrument to one second I think before. I will have to look for it.

Use the soloist Sly, it can do what you want.

1 open Soloist the big S button.
2 select a midi or realtrack instrument on left.
3 click on "custom round box" near bottom right side.
4 when you click on custom, box will open, select bar at what you want instrument to start playing and for how many bars.
5 you can do same thing again for different bars and have different instruments playing on same soloist track, though as far as I have tried you can't mix midi and realtrack instruments on same track.

Hope this helps you.


I'm new here with BIAB and tried to follow the instruction above,but got stuck after inserting the first soloist.
I've put the first soloist into the intro (bar 1..4).
How do I have to proceed with the next one eg. bar 5..20 and then bar 21..36 ....

Thanks in advance!

Hi Sly, all methods mentioned above should work, as far as having more than one instrument in a track in BIB, the answer is not (I think), but you can use the "medley" option in the Real Track picker window and add several instruments that would play on each chorus or a given number of bars alternatively and yet they are in one track. Hope this help.

Mike B.
Forum member Bomberomusician made a video on one way to accomplish Multiple Soloists with RealTracks.


Great tunes SixChannel. Checked a couple out. Keep up the good work!
Hi Mac,

that's true for playing a soloist part by muting other instruments. I am referring to the post from musiclover (a bit up). When I open the Soloist menu where one can choose a solo for a specific range of bar. Now if I have chosen say bars 5-20 for one instrument how do I add another instrument for bars 21-35?
Can't find the button to add a second instrument.

1. Click on SOLOIST button
2. Select the 2nd option- Open Soloist Dialog...
3. Select an RT on the left. RTs have the tan-colored background
4.To the right is the SOLO MODE box
5.Click on CUSTOM
6.Up pops the GENERATE SOLO for specific bars window
7.Fill in the desired parameters
8.Hit the GENERATE SOLO NOW button

Repeat same procedure for any additional soloists.

They will all stick.

That works pretty darned good, and I have used it, but In RB you can generate several options over that section, and chose the one you want. It take tools to do these things. One trick i like to do on solos is to generate about three on separate tracks in RB, then listen to them and comp together one i really like using parts of each.

I hope someday RB includes a comping feature like studio one check out this video, and see what i mean. Simple and effective. Here is another video of the comping being done to give some ideas

I RB you can accomplish the same thing with volume automation. Take three tracks and highlight a bar section, and generate a multiriff, it will give you about 7 different solos, pick the one you like the best, then highlight the next track down and generate a multiriff, do the same on this track and one or two more. It is a little bit of work, but worth it.

Then listen to each a couple times and if you like the first bar of one and the second bar of another, then maybe the next two bars of the third, set your nodes in the volume automation and to hear just the sections of each you want. You can comp in two or three instruments soloing together, or generate a medley and try to mix that in.

Unlimited options.
Hello percy,

I am gonna try your approach know.
Lets assume I have 3 or 4 different soloists in different parts of the song, is there a way to show them all to which part of the song they belong to or in case I want to delete one of them how can I tell which is which?


Yes ! it's working. My fault was not selecting RT. The difference in color (tan-colored - white) is not quite good on my laptop.
Thanks! -> See as well my previous post.

Merry Xmas !


Sorry for not getting back sooner. I've been AWOL these last few

Haven't done much with multiple soloists. I looked over the various menus and sub menus tied to the SOLOIST button, but found no method to delete individual soloists.

However, under the SOLOIST heading of the Menu Bar on the main screen, you do have an option to kill the entire soloist as well as kill soloist chorus--

Soloist | Edit soloist | Kill entire soloist or Kill soloist chorus.

This will work on RTs.

Good Luck.

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