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Hi All,

I found a blues midi track that has a great sax fill, I changed the midi sax to realtracks and it did not play the fill just the realtracks solo following the chords. Is there a way to convert the midi sax with fill to a realtracks sax with the same midi fill. Hope I am explainging correctly.

Yep... unfortunately, that is correct at this point in RB's evolutionary process.

I've run into the same thing and wished I could have converted the solo/fills to real tracks.

Use of a great sounding MIDI synth can change all that for you easily.

Mixing that one MIDI sax patch in with Realtracks can sound realistic indeed.

Hi Bob, +1 on what Mac said. I do it quite often with a pretty good rate of success (to my ears anyway), and I must say that I'm pretty hard on myself when it comes to sound realism. It all depends on the quality of the midi file itself and the quality of the sampler or vst used.

Mike B.
Since it is a midi track, you can go in that direction.

Save the midi source track and simply replace the synth with a sax specific sampler. Kontakt has some sax samples IIRC and, to go further in that direction, there are some really amazing "horn specific" synths on the market that have all sorts of articulations to make the horn sound as real as possible.

The only reason a general midi sax patch sounds so fake is that it has no articulation to it.

It all depends on how much time and money you want to put into that sax part.

Native instruments has Session Horns and a Bing search will turn up several others.
My answer is like the others - 'no can do'. At least with today's technology. You can get a realistic MIDI sax voice though. But not with the sound card on your computer or an entry level software synth. A good quality soft synth or external hardware synth should do just fine.

Here are some MIDI sax samples using the Yamaha VL70-m Physical Modeling hardware synthesizer. The tone is a little thin because they were recorded on the gig using a pre-iPod Archos Juke Box, they sound much fuller in person.

mp3 Clip 1

mp3 Clip 2

They are moderately slow songs, which is the most difficult situation to get a realistic sax sound on.

Hi Bob,

I just sent you an email at Norton Music. Kind of funny you saw my post at the same time. Please see email about specific questions with your product.

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