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Posted By: Tom Dentist Drag and drop erases files - 04/01/14 10:31 PM
I use drag and drop a lot (BIAB 2014). One part (e.g. piano, soloist, drums, etc.) at a time. At one time, I had about 15 files in the folder. Now, any new file I d&d replaces the previous one. The recycle button is unchecked.

This didn't use to happen. Didn't change anything that I know of.

What the help says seems like what I'm looking for :

Preserve dragged files permanently in folder (default=false)
When you drag a file, Band-in-a-Box makes a copy of it and puts it in the c:\bb\DragDrop folder. This is a temp

folder. Most DAWS (and Windows Explorer) take the dropped file, and make their own copy of it to incorporate into

their file structure, but some don’t (e.g. "pure" wav editors like SoundForge). So if you are dropping the files to a

DAW that works with dropped files and doesn’t make a local copy of them (like CoolEdit or SoundForge), then you should

set the "Preserve dragged files permanently in folder c:\bb\DragDrop" to true. Otherwise, Band-in-a-Box will recycle

(trash) the files in the DragDrop folder on boot up. You can retrieve these files from the trash if needed.

but there is no such check box in the plug-in settings, even in the illustration in the Help.

Nor are the deleted files found in the Recycle Bin.

I tried making a custom D&D folder. That only allows one file, i.e. if you D&D a new one it replaces the old one.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/01/14 11:32 PM
Where do you D&D to (what DAW?). In Reaper no need to worry about where they go since the go right into the tracks of your project.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/02/14 02:58 AM
Yes, same question, as SONAR does not use the temp files either. That also means I can't really test your problem.
Posted By: Tom Dentist Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/02/14 03:29 PM
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I drag and drop to the drag and drop folder, not to the DAW. Each new file replaces its predecessor in the folder.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/02/14 03:47 PM
Well, that would be expected if they have the exact same name. Do they?
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/02/14 04:20 PM
I believe we understood the question. We were only making sure you had to do it the way you are doing, as it often is not necessary to take that extra step. What DAW are you using?

And Jazzmandan has a good point.
Posted By: Tom Dentist Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/06/14 02:15 PM
No, as I said, at one time I had about fifteen files in the folder. Because when you save e.g. the bass file and then the drums file, BIAB gives them different names.
Posted By: Tom Dentist Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/06/14 02:17 PM
I want to do it this way. I want the files to go where I want them to go and stay there until I say different.
Posted By: Tom Dentist Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/06/14 02:20 PM
This is interesting. If I keep the folder window open, with a previously saved file in it, and click on a track tab i.e. drums, bass, soloist . . . the file in the folder vanishes before I even begin to drag and drop.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/06/14 02:45 PM
I have to report I have just recently seen some "unusual" behavior with my D&D into Reaper. Too early to know exactly what is going on, but something is. I will keep you posted if I figure it out.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Drag and drop erases files - 04/06/14 07:21 PM
You can look in the log to see what may be going on:

- Converting file D:\bb\DragDrop\Lifetime love from m BBPiano_Real 1406 Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Soul70sSteady Ev16 100 _SingleRender_DragDrop_1.WAV [4/6/2014 11:44:32 AM]
- Converting file D:\bb\DragDrop\Lifetime love from m BBPiano_Real 1406 Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Soul70sSteady Ev16 100 _SingleRender_DragDrop_0.WAV [4/6/2014 11:43:17 AM]
- If you drag this track and drop to the DropStation (top left), you can make a wav/wma/m4a or .MIDI file of the track, depending on where you drop it. [4/6/2014 11:42:02 AM]

I believe the unusual behavior is that it is doing the operation twice. I can see the process the first time, then it drops the file into my DAW, but the spinning top starts immediately again, apparently repeating the process. If you just wait and don't do anything all will be ok, but if you think it is done and try to move forward, a second file will appear in your DAW in a possible wrong place.

Not sure if this is related to OP's problem, but it is new and I have never seen this happen before.
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