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Posted By: sixchannel COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/03/14 08:30 AM
Having been the victim of a total HD crash in 2012, for Christmas (lol) I am buying myself an external HD as a total backup.
I want to put my BIAB2015 onto it. Is it just a matter of a one click copy and paste the entire folder into a new folder created in the new HD - say F\bb (whatever)?
Does that need to be activated with my 2015 activation code in the next 30 days or, if I run BB from it, is it already recognised as being me and run without that?
Posted By: jford Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/03/14 08:42 AM
I can't answer about the activation (but from what I understand, if it's the same computer, it should re-activate without a hitch).

However, for copying over the hard drive, you can do a simple copy, except at one time there were a couple of hidden files in the BB folder. If your computer was not set to display hidden files, those didn't get copied over and the program didn't work. I don't know if that's still the case, but just something to be careful about.

BB doesn't care which hard drive it runs from - the one you received from them or the one you copied it to. It's good to have a backup.
Posted By: sixchannel Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/03/14 11:13 AM
Thanks John
I'll do that sometime today(ish) lol
I take it then that if I take my new drive out with me to a gig and run it through their lappy, it aint going to work cos its not my PC.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/03/14 11:25 AM
Ian, I think it will work but you have to use another activation. My understanding is that the activation goes with the machine, not the BIAB drive.
I take it then that if I take my new drive out with me to a gig and run it through their lappy, it aint going to work cos its not my PC.
John, That is correct as of 2014. Also, I would suggest to use the first activation code as you open 2015 in your laptop for the first time. Then, after a successful copy to the second (backup HD), another activation code should not be required.-----Leon
Posted By: rharv Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/03/14 11:28 PM
Copy your activation code (from your email) to the external drive as a (notepad) txt file.
Just put it in the root BB folder so it is easy to find (named something like BB_RB_code.txt)
I think it is also contained in a license file, but the txt file makes it easy/quick to find.

That way if you ever do get caught needing to activate in a 'live' situation it is a quick copy/paste fix.

I use a file named keys.txt and keep all my 'emergency/relied on' activation codes there so I can easily find them, but the principle is the same; having a local copy in every situation can be priceless. If you rely on the drive; store the activation there too. TXT containing this data are tiny and worth the effort.

That way, even if your main C: drive dies you have a copy of activation codes, saving (possibly) hours of hunting around for them or asking for them.
Preventative maintenance.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/04/14 09:18 AM
I don't think that any program that needs an activation will work with a straight copy of the folder into a new drive.

It needs to be properly installed. At least the program part does.... however, you can simply copy your work folders for songs in that manner.

A proper install sets the proper lines into the registry so the computer knows what to do and where to look.

I take it you didn't get the HD version. Installing it to an external drive will work just fine once it's done properly.
Posted By: PeterGannon Re: COPYING BB TO A NEW STAND ALONE HD? - 12/04/14 10:54 PM

))) I want to put my BIAB2015 onto it. Is it just a matter of a one click copy and paste the entire folder into a new folder created in the new HD - say F\bb (whatever)?
Does that need to be activated with my 2015 activation code in the next 30 days or, if I run BB from it, is it already recognised as being me and run without that?

Yes a simple one click copy of the folder should do it. And the activation should carry over.
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