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Posted By: airtcon-161 The Soloist - 12/09/14 11:46 PM
Hi I do know how to generate a solo (or at least I think I do ) and have had some pretty good success. What I would like to know is why does it take too many tries to get a keeper. Is everyone else having the same problems as me. I guess you could get lucky on the first try and have a perfect one but I doubt it. Is it the program or me. Can anyone get a perfect solo every time. I am asking because I just don't know how the program is supposed to do it. As I said I have generated some pretty convincing solos but only after many,many tries. And as I'm on a roll here lol when you do get a good one other than freezing the soloist track is there a way to save the take so to say as you would do with a vocalist in a real studio environment. Thanks

Posted By: sixchannel Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 10:08 AM
Hi Nels
It may not be anything like the "right" method but when I have generated a soloist track that I really like,I save as a wav file off BB. Then I can try again and again (yes - like you say) which sometimes come up with some nicer alternative segments. I put my top 5 into my DAW (not RB) and take the knife to them.
Posted By: percy Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 11:19 AM
Hello Nelson,

This is where RB's multi-riffs might come in handy.

You can generate 7 different riffs at one time, audition them and select the one you like best, or regenerate again.

This makes mixing and matching much less time consuming.
Worth looking into if you've never used RB before.

Posted By: Jeff S Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 11:51 AM
The problem with the BIAB soloist is it lacks logic and emotion. It has a tendency to select repetitive parts and sometimes it nails it and other times not so much. You can re-generate the track as much as you want but there are only a certain number of combinations that it will generate based on the style, chord progression and key it's generating in so its not you.

If your willing to work in a DAW and edit several soloist tracks into one you can create some really good solo's that not only sound really good but reflect your personal taste and style. Only you know what you want your song to feel like and editing is by far the best and most rewarding way to get a custom solo to sit in the groove.

You do have to render the soloist tracks in to a WAV file in BIAB and drag them to your DAW but that's easy. Re-generate the soloist as many times as you want and render each one. When you have them all imported into the DAW and start listening you'll quickly see just how unoriginal and repetitive the tracks are. You can even generate different soloist styles that are similar and render and drag those over as well. The more samples you have the more creative you can get.

You didn't indicate which soloist instrument your dealing with. I primarily use the Brent Mason guitar solo's so I can't speak about how the other instruments sound. You will notice that sometimes there are sonic differences in the solo tracks where you can definitely tell the real tracks were recorded in different sessions or different settings. To get around this one of the greatest features of the guitar solo tracks is that they can be rendered as direct input (just the guitar signal was recorded and is therefore dry, no effects). You can then either insert Amplitube in BIAB to get your custom sound or you can add any amp emulator in the DAW to get really creative. This will insure that your sound is sonically the same all the way through the solo.
Posted By: airtcon-161 Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 05:20 PM
Thanks Ian Percy and Jeff. It's what I expected. It's not anything I'm doing wrong, it is the program which as been stated lacks the logic of a human being. It is trial and error simply put. I don't have or want to take the time to hack apart a wav file to get a fantastic solo, but I think the program should give better results than it is giving or maybe it is just wishful thinking.


Posted By: Cerio Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 05:31 PM
Originally Posted By: airtcon-161
but I think the program should give better results than it is giving or maybe it is just wishful thinking.

Is a matter of perspective, I suppose. In my opinion, BIAB's output is incredible, if you keep in mind that is computer generated music. Simply put, there's no other piece of software in the market that delivers music with such realism.

That said, the program can't do everything for you: if you want perfect results, you need a little bit of work. Take your time: the effort is worth it
Posted By: sixchannel Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 06:19 PM
Originally Posted By: Cerio
Originally Posted By: airtcon-161
but I think the program should give better results than it is giving or maybe it is just wishful thinking.

Is a matter of perspective, I suppose. In my opinion, BIAB's output is incredible, if you keep in mind that is computer generated music. Simply put, there's no other piece of software in the market that delivers music with such realism.

That said, the program can't do everything for you: if you want perfect results, you need a little bit of work. Take your time: the effort is worth it

Bon dia, Cerio
Yes-BIAB is computer generated and that is why I generate the Solo several times and then cut them about to put the "human" back in. Lol
Posted By: MarioD Re: The Soloist - 12/10/14 06:52 PM
Originally Posted By: sixchannel
Originally Posted By: Cerio
Originally Posted By: airtcon-161
but I think the program should give better results than it is giving or maybe it is just wishful thinking.

Is a matter of perspective, I suppose. In my opinion, BIAB's output is incredible, if you keep in mind that is computer generated music. Simply put, there's no other piece of software in the market that delivers music with such realism.

That said, the program can't do everything for you: if you want perfect results, you need a little bit of work. Take your time: the effort is worth it

Bon dia, Cerio
Yes-BIAB is computer generated and that is why I generate the Solo several times and then cut them about to put the "human" back in. Lol

What I do is to generate a solo then take a phrase or two and make it into a song with me playing the lead. It is a great idea maker, especially when you have 'writer's block'.
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