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I caught on to a trick for bossa tunes to get quarter note triplets to print properly. It was to create a swing style copy called lead-sheet where there is a division of 3 for the quarter notes then write the notes on (the beat, the let and the trip) so that the even division 2 made the triplets come out correct. Okay so I tried this on another tune using the exact same swing style but it did not work. Was it because I humanized it in swing feel? If so how do I get it back so the lead sheet looks like properly written triplets? I am wondering if I have to restart the process again and not humanize it.

Hi John,

Have a look at the tick setting. (Go to Notation Mode's Opt button and it's in the middle column of options.)

I find that a tick setting of 0 is a good starting place. The notation of quarter note triplets is not easily accomplished in BIAB. It will play them fine, though. I prefer to use Musescore (it's freeware) for notation.

Hi Noel,

I am going to try that right now. However just to let you know, I did try creating a copy of the version I call "lead-sheet" (renaming it test) and I took one triplet set, deleted it, then put it back in as 1/4 note triplets and that seems to have fixed that one set.

Okay I will let you know if you idea works in the next post.

It worked Noel. It saved me from having to reenter all those 1/4 note triplet fixes after deleting them to get the same result. I will take a note (note a musical note - LOL but a reminder note) which will remind me on a regular basis just in case it is a long time before I do it again.

In addition to Noel's excellent advice, another way to get triplet notation for only certain notes is to just change the beat resolution for those notes. This doesn't change the time signature, but changes the way that notes are interpreted and displayed:

Attached picture 2015-01-12_11-40-29.jpg
Attached picture 2015-01-12_11-41-53.jpg
Attached picture 2015-01-12_11-43-43.jpg
To insure proper triplet notation, I always have to be on the alert to make sure that I have the Tick Offset set to 0. Is there any way this can be defaulted to 0 at all times?

(I really don't understand the reason for having a Tick Offset. It has never proven useful for anything I do.)
Hi tsimpson,

In 2015 BIAB, the tick off-set can be permanently set to zero simply by deselecting the "Auto Set Tick Off Set" option in "Notation Mode | Opt".

Prior to version 2015, the tick off-set is automatically reset each time a song is generated and needs to be returned to zero manually.

Being able to advance or delay the melody is useful to giving a more human feel to some music types. For example, much jazz has a laid-back feel to the melody (negative tick off-set values) while some Latin music melodically leads (positive tick off-set).

Thanks Noel. May be time to trade-
in the old clunker for a new 2015 model.
Prices are certainly great at the moment! That will change after January 15 and they'll become standard prices again.
In addition to Noel's excellent advice, another way to get triplet notation for only certain notes is to just change the beat resolution for those notes. This doesn't change the time signature, but changes the way that notes are interpreted and displayed:

Thanks VideoTrack from post #6 of this thread and everyone else too. Initially I had right clicked while in regular notation mode and got the wrong popup. Later I tried it in Editable notation mode and it worked.

I did a sound and print test with it later. It works good and sounds like 1/4 note triplets if the tune is left in boss and I change the 1/4 note division to 3 instead of 4 during a few bars. However it does not write it in quarter note triplets. It writes it as tied 1/8th note triplets (harder to sight read). I tried setting the tick setting to zero and it did not fix this. So far I guess I copy my bossa tunes as a swing and notate there while running the bossa version for practicing against. Some day I should try Musescore as Noel suggested for doing up the lead sheets.

My problem seems to be the same as john's.

Trying to input these notes,

I have got following because I applied bossa style.

When I tried MuseScore as I learned this topic, it shows following.

MuseScore seems to find the tune has bossa style. I will try swing style later on.

And I cannot understnad Noel's "set to zero" tric. Do you mean this option windows?
Hi mitz,

Have a look at the graphic below. It will show you where to find tick off-set. (It can also be accessed via Notation Mode.)

To get quarter note triplets to show properly in BIAB, I've found that it's best to have "Triplet Resolution" engaged (#4 on image above). When you have this clicked on, the triplets will look like the below image.

In relation to Musescore. From what you've posted, it seems like you have opened the BIAB sgu/mgu file directly in Musescore. If that's the case, be aware the Musescore sometimes reads the notes and their timing incorrectly. When that happens, I simply delete the bar that's wrong, insert a new bar and enter the notes manually.

Quarter note triplets are easily entered in Musescore and, when entered manually, they look like below.

Hope this helps,
BIAB will only print triplets on the first two or the last two beats in the bar. I suspect you can actually make them on beats 2 and 3 but they won't print.

I think it's in the FAQ somewhere

I use 2013, so it may be fixed by now (lol)
Thank you Noel for your advice.

However, the tick setting is already zero and triplet resolution is already checked by default.

I understand that there can be something wrong with the beat resolution setting functionality because I could not get the correct notation displayed when I change the style to swing-type.

This is the root cause of this problem and I understand there is the work around. Can PG-Music fix this problem?

Was the tick off-set set to zero when the notes were entered? This makes a difference.

To check this, right click on the notes in editable notation mode and then select "Edit Note".

With swing resolution on, the last setting that I've highlighted in the above image should be ...

"0" if the note is on the first of the three vertical dashed lines.

"40" if the note is on the middle of the three vertical dashed lines.

"80" if the note is on the last of the three vertical dashed lines.

If the value are set to numbers like 3, 43, 85, etc., change them to 0, 40, 80 and see if that makes a difference.

Also, from the image, it looks like you have an earlier version of BIAB. What is your version of the program?

I found the "beat resolution setting" has serious problem.

1) start new song.
2) select 8 beat style, Bossa2 for example.
3) set triple resolution at the third and fourth beat of the first bar.
4) put a quarter note at the third beat.

Then you will get extra "tie" mark.

I think this is very serious problem and one of my friend confirmed it has also happened at his BIAB2013.

Can PG-Musib fix this? Or Should I post this in "WishList"?

Hi again, Mitz.

I suggest you send your findings to and include your graphics, too. Also send the URL of this thread and tell the Support team to look at the last few posts in the thread.

It might be that something has changed between 2013 and 2015.

Also, I've been playing around a bit more and have found the following...

When I set the note resolution to "Triplet Resolution (Swing)", quarter note triplets enter and print correctly. If I use the beat resolution adjustment in an even time (such as bossanova), though, I get notation issues. Below is one such issue when I tried to enter a quarter note triplet on beats 3 and 4 using beat resolution to set 3 divisions per beat in an even 4/4 time.

You're a good detective mitz!

All the best,


Found out following solution to write "triplets" in a straight straight Bossa Nova in BIAB.

I wrote the triplets in my other scorewriting program, and exported the file as midi - to import the midi to BIAB, and notised that the "triplets" do not look like triplets in that case, but it sound like triplets.

The half note triplets in that case will look like on the attached picture

Description: In BIAB the half note triplets in a straight Bossa Nova will in that case look like on the attached picture
Attached picture triplets - band in a box.PNG
Yes it would be usefull to have a oportunity to write real triplets in a straist Bossa etc.., the example i wrote about before, do not sound as "real" triplets, but allmost.
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