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Posted By: tributeman midi files zipped - 04/28/15 09:24 AM
Hi All,Because of illness haven't been on here lately.I hope someone can help me with a midi file problem. Ive written a couple of reggae tracks but have never been happy with the beats Ive listened to. I then came across a company selling files and for me anyway they sounded really authentic. It came to my PC complete in a zip file having never used this type of file before I would like to know how it can be drag&dropped either into biab or RB..hope you can help
Posted By: floyd jane Re: midi files zipped - 04/28/15 09:30 AM
Windows 7 has built-in functionality to handle it.

Right-click the file... there is an option to "Extract All..."

Clicking that will give you a dialog box to indicate what folder you want to extract to.... You might want to create a folder to hold the files beforehand, so you remember where they go...

Once you hit the Extract button, the MIDI files will appear in that designated folder.

(a "zip" file is just a convenient way of packaging a number of files together for "transport" from place to place - also "compressing" the files to a smaller footprint for the transfer...)
Posted By: tributeman Re: midi files zipped - 04/28/15 10:52 AM
Hi Floyd, Thanks for that..maybe I didn't explain myself properly..Ive managed to extract the file but how can I drag&drop it into biab or Rb Ive tried and for me anyway it doesn't work..Inside the file there are drums bass organ guitar mute guitar loops each having different takes...As I mentioned Ive never done this before and the company said to get the same sound they must be played back on very good virtual instruments!!.Ive learned a very important thing..know what your doing before buying a product Thanks Frank
Posted By: pghboemike Re: midi files zipped - 04/28/15 12:27 PM
in realband
Loading and Playing MIDI Songs
Loading a Song

To load in a new song choose File | Open.
navigate to where your file is located
You will then see a list of files available for use with the program.
click on the file you want to load
if asked to separate data to multiple tracks answer yes
Posted By: tributeman Re: midi files zipped - 04/28/15 01:17 PM
Thanks PG will try that and will come back and let you know how I got on thanks
Posted By: tributeman Re: midi files zipped - 04/28/15 01:31 PM
PG,I did what you said found the complete file which includes drums bass guitar organ etc but it wouldn't load it.I did manage to bring a drum beat to Rb but its playing piano.So how to I get the virtual instrument to play it as a drum hope you can help as its been racking my brain trying to install it..should have stuck to biab reggae styles
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