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I have Biab 2015 for Windows. I have written a melody track using the notation window. By default the level of the velocity of each note is 90.

I’d like to reduce the velocity of a group of notes of the melody track from a specific location to another specific location (and I'd prefer not to change individually each note as there are a bunch of them ...)

I already know how to change the velocity of all notes of the melody (Melody / Edit Melody Track / Adjust Level of Melody), but I wonder if it is possible to change the velocity of only a group of notes?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Originally Posted By: Lazy Bird

I have Biab 2015 for Windows. I have written a melody track using the notation window. By default the level of the velocity of each note is 90.

I’d like to reduce the velocity of a group of notes of the melody track from a specific location to another specific location (and I'd prefer not to change individually each note as there are a bunch of them ...)

I already know how to change the velocity of all notes of the melody (Melody / Edit Melody Track / Adjust Level of Melody), but I wonder if it is possible to change the velocity of only a group of notes?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Lazy Bird
You can do that using Bar Settings (F5 key).
Select the bar you wish to change, press F5. There a many different options, including all instruments, some instruments, make them louder, software, return to normal, and more:

Attached picture 2015-05-06_04-30-34.jpg
You can also use the piano roll window to "draw" the velocity of the notes across a range of notes on a track.
Hello VideoTrack

Thank you for your help.

In fact, I already knew this function which allows to change the volume of a track from a specific bar.

But I look for a way to change the velocity of notes in the notation window.

However, I suppose the result is the same and I will use this solution if there is no other.

Thank you again.
Hello jford,

Thanks for this idea.

May I ask you to be a little bit more precise, because I'm not used to the piano roll: namely, is it possible with the piano roll to select several notes at the same time, and how to do that?

Hi, Lazy Bird -

Hopefully this will help.

Attached picture Piano Roll #1.jpg
Attached picture Piano Roll #2.jpg
Hi jford,

Thanks a lot for your advice ... although it took me 3 days to find out that I had to draw an horizontal line across all the velocity vertical lines to "cut" them at the targeted level and 1 more day to understand how to reduce the space between the velocity vertical lines in order to see the most of them at the same time :-); but it was a good debut to learn how to use the piano roll!

Just a little regret: this method allows changing the velocity of a group of notes to a new level, but to the same level for all notes. As you seem to know everything about BiaB (okay, I'm a little flattering ...) would you know a method to change all the notes of a group by the same level, for example reduce the velocity of all the notes of 8 bars by 15 (i.e. the notes with a velocity at 90 will have a velocity of 75 and the notes with a velocity of 60 will have a velocity of 45)?

If not, I make a wish (I will post it on the appropriate forum): as it is possible to select an area in the notation window by left clicking in any location and drawing the mouse, that PG Music add in the corresponding shortcut menu the possibility to change the velocity of all the notes of the selected area to a specific level or by a specific level.

Thanks again
Hi Lazy Bird,

Try normalizing the midi by following 1, 2, 3 on the image below. This will set everything to same velocity.

To simply drop notes by a set value, try the following. (Click on Soloist or Melody depending on where the midi notes in question are located. In the example below, I've selected the Soloist.)


Hello Noel96

There is always something to learn with BiaB: I didn't know this "MIDI normalize velocities" function ... But it's apparently a way to normalize the volume of all the notes of all the MIDI tracks of several songs played sequentially, in order to avoid a song is played louder than another.

And unfortunately the "Adjust level of melody (or soloist) part" function has also a general effect: it changes the level of all the notes of the melody (or soloist) track.

In my case, I want to adjust the level of only a few notes of one song: more precisely I want that some notes of the melody that I have written with the notation window are played a little bit quieter.

For now, the best solution seems to be the one proposed by jford. But even this one does not solve exactly my problem as it allows only to change the velocity of consecutive notes: if the notes are not-consecutive you have to repeat the operation.

That's why I wrote a wish in the dedicated forum: to add in the notation window the possibility to change the velocity of selected notes to a specific level or by a specific level.

But my wish does not seem to interest many people ay PG Music. Tears :-;

Thanks again.
Lazy Bird -

Wishes do get granted, but unless it's a trivial fix, it's never been done quickly. That's why we users offer the workarounds.
Hi jford,

And there is a very active community of BiaB aficionados!

Thanks again.
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