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Posted By: BIABguy More weird behaviour - 07/02/15 11:49 PM
I seem to have a knack for finding all of BIAB's quirks. frown

I was going back and forth from Chord Sheet mode to Lead Sheet.
56 bars to the song.

I click on bar 47, then Lead Sheet, it shows the whole song on the screen.
I click on bar 48, then Lead Sheet, it shows bar 44 until the end of the song!!!

I click on bar 21, then Lead Sheet, it shows the whole song on the screen.
I click on bar 49, then Lead Sheet, it shows bar 44 until the end of the song!!!

Very repeatable. frown

Then to throw in for good measure. I will click on a bar to highlight, and BIAB starts playing the song!!!
It will do this whenever it feels like it. frown

Very random. frown

And if that wasn't weird enough...
Just now I want to print the damned song. (After choosing printing to .pdf) to double check what the song will look like after I print.)

I look at the song in Lead Sheet mode. Looks OK.
I choose Print and what happens?
Up comes the same dialogue box that pops up when you choose Print to .pdf !!! @)%&#(%^#@( Arghhhhh!!!!!

Very repeatable. frown

Posted By: BIABguy Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 01:01 AM
Definitely at least one bug in the program.
Because I discovered that after I had printed to .pdf it changed that to the default print mode!

It never did that before!
Posted By: Noel96 Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 02:33 AM
Hi there,

I've tried but I can't seem to reproduce the lead sheet problem. The below image shows my Lead Sheet Options.

Try setting yours to these and see what happens.


Posted By: BIABguy Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 01:34 PM
Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi there,

I've tried but I can't seem to reproduce the lead sheet problem. The below image shows my Lead Sheet Options.

Try setting yours to these and see what happens.


Hi Noel. Thanks for helping out!
I figured out the first problem.

My song consisted of two pages.
If I clicked on any bar on the first page and then clicked on Lead Sheet, it would show the first page, and then I needed to scroll to the right to see the second page.

If I clicked on any bar on the second page and then clicked on Lead Sheet, it would show the second page, and then I needed to scroll to the left to see the first page. smile

So that is working as it should.

But I still have the 2nd and 3rd problems. frown

Posted By: Noel96 Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 05:17 PM
I will click on a bar to highlight, and BIAB starts playing the song

I'm not sure how you are going about selecting and highlighting a single bar. In BIAB, the only way that I know to highlight one bar is to drag the mouse across two bars and, keeping the mouse button down, dragging it back to the first bar.

  • For example... if I want to highlight bar 15, I'll left-click on bar 15, keep the left mouse button down, drag the mouse cursor across bar 16 (now both bars 15 and 16 are highlighted) and, keeping the mouse button down, drag the mouse cursor back to bar 15.

The behaviour you describe sounds like the mouse button is effectively being double-clicked (double-clicking will cause BIAB to play from the current position).

After choosing printing to .pdf, to double check what the song will look like after I print, I look at the song in Lead Sheet mode. Looks OK. I choose Print and what happens? Up comes the same dialogue box that pops up when you choose Print to .pdf

Lead sheet mode is not fully "what you see is what you get". If you want to see what the printout looks like, it's best to use Print Preview. If I understand you correctly, by exiting the printer dialogue box and going back to Lead Sheet Mode, you are effectively closing down the "I'm going to print" routine. This means that when you click on "Print" again, you are starting up this routine from scratch again.

I don't use the pdf printer that BIAB supplies so my ability to guide you through this is limited. I have Bullzip pdf printer installed (it's free). To use Bullzip, I simply select it as the printer to print to from the "Setup Printer" option and then print to a file.

Hopefully these thoughts help.


Posted By: BIABguy Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 06:45 PM
Originally Posted By: Noel96
I will click on a bar to highlight, and BIAB starts playing the song

I'm not sure how you are going about selecting and highlighting a single bar. In BIAB, the only way that I know to highlight one bar is to drag the mouse across two bars and, keeping the mouse button down, dragging it back to the first bar.

...The behaviour you describe sounds like the mouse button is effectively being double-clicked (double-clicking will cause BIAB to play from the current position).

Sorry I should have been clearer. I meant to say I click on a bar to select it (not highlight it).
Left mouse, single click.

But BIAB has a mind of its own and is sometimes trigger happy.
I just opened a song now and left-clicked randomly on four different bars. On the fourth SINGLE click BIAB started to generate and play!
You can imagine how frustrating this can be, especially
knowing the you can't immediately stop BIAB once it begins this operation. frown


Lead sheet mode is not fully "what you see is what you get". If you want to see what the printout looks like, it's best to use Print Preview. If I understand you correctly, by exiting the printer dialogue box and going back to Lead Sheet Mode, you are effectively closing down the "I'm going to print" routine. This means that when you click on "Print" again, you are starting up this routine from scratch again.

Yes I realize that Lead Sheet mode is not fully WYSIWYG.
That's why I would always choose Print Preview after going into Lead Sheet mode.

And more recently, after being advised to (I believe it was you actually) I started to print to .pdf to get an even more accurate view of what the print out would look like.

Well yesterday when I was trouble-shooting the problem, I went into the Printer settings and saw that the Printer had been changed to PDF995.

I had not changed this myself manually.
BIAB made this change!
I have since changed it back to my printer.

But I am awaiting BIAB to do another intercept. frown
Posted By: Noel96 Re: More weird behaviour - 07/03/15 08:41 PM
You can imagine how frustrating this can be, especially
knowing the you can't immediately stop BIAB once it begins this operation.

Once BIAB starts generating, if ESC is pressed, the generating process will stop. That should help if the problem happens again.

Also, have you had a look at your double-click speed in the Windows set up? It might be that its speed is on the slower side and when clicking fairly quickly between BIAB cells, the two single clicks are being interpreted by Windows as a double-click.


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