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Posted By: jt3 help I have an error mess. songs won't play - 01/03/16 02:28 AM
got an error mess. say the wave form device can't play this format any thoughts I just downloaded the 429 update?
Hi JT and Happy New Year! smile

Could you please be a bit more specific as to the steps you took up until the point you encountered the problem? It would be extremely helpful to know what exactly you tried to do and did.

Posted By: jt3 Re: help I have an error mess. songs won't play - 01/03/16 03:19 AM
sorry kind of in a panic mode, I got a gig tomorrow. I have tried to external drive I just got with biab on it git sound with it. ok I tried to go into preferences to try and make the line based text on main screen larger. but when I hit display nothing worked. so as an Idea on the forum I was told to get the 429 update. witch I did this allowed the display button to work. I don't know of anything else I changed even by accident. Its saying the wavefoam I'm I'm tring to use won't work any Idea's
thanks for your help
Presumably you get the message when you press Generate & Play in the BiaB program? You didn't say what you did to get this message.

Could you please clarify the steps that lead up to the 'Cannot Play' message?

What is your output devices set to?

For example, are you using ASIO or MME?
Are you using a VSTi/DXi synth such as ForteDXi?

Attached picture 2016-01-03_18-22-44.jpg
Re: "Its saying the wavefoam I'm I'm tring to use won't work"[sic]
Can you type out the exact text of the message, and exactly what you do before you get the message.
Posted By: jt3 Re: help I have an error mess. songs won't play - 01/03/16 08:31 PM
ok when i push play theres no sound midi or realtracks. the pop up window says [Error: the waveform can't play this format] this is in the middle of the screen. I have never seen anything for changing format anywhere?

What soundcard do you use?


Here's a link to a thread from a few years ago that has some bearing on your problem.

It seems that Audio settings changed by themselves. I wonder if this has happened to you.

To check Windows' settings....

1. Right-click on the speaker icon on the taskbar (beside the clock) and select "Playback Devices".

2. Make sure "Playback" is selected (#1), right-click on the item that has the 'default' tick next to it (#2) and select "Properties.

3. Select the "Advanced" tab (#3). Make sure the boxes labelled #4 have ticks in them and set your sound card to 16 bit 48000 kHz (44.1 is ok too).

4. Ok your way out of the windows.

Does this make a difference?

Posted By: jt3 Re: help I have an error mess. songs won't play - 01/04/16 12:41 AM
where do I find this to tell you?
Those diagrams are from your Windows mixer. Double-click on the little speaker icon, lower right of your screen.
Posted By: jt3 Re: help I have an error mess. songs won't play - 01/04/16 01:23 AM
hey I fixed it . I went to reset to factory default this seems to have fixed it not sure what got changed but is working now thanks for the help John

Now that everything is going correctly for you, under the "Options" menu, I suggest you save your preferences. I'd use a name like "Everything Working Jan2016".

Doing this may help avoid problems in the future. If BIAB once again behaves unusually, the starting place for solutions would be to load in the above preferences.

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