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Posted By: husker _RKBILYF.STY. Rockabilly Rock - 01/12/16 07:35 AM
Hi all,

Would someone mind checking this realtrack out in the _RKBILYF.STY. Rockabilly Rock>

RT2352: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillyRockNRollBrent Ev 165 , Brent Mason.

It does nor seem to flow right on chord changes if you know what I mean? There seems to be a slight pause?

Posted By: GHinCH Re: _RKBILYF.STY. Rockabilly Rock - 01/12/16 11:29 AM
Yes it sounds sometimes like Brent Mason needs to think about setting his fingers when changing from Bb to F7 (and quite some other combinations).
Sometimes it stutters like a tape that has some creases and lost some of the magnetism.

The pauses are too short to possibly be a stylistic variation.

Usually when BIAB stutters, it stutters with all the instruments. Here it is the guitar only.

I used it with several chord progressions that would fit the style in several tempi about the given 165 bpm.
Posted By: husker Re: _RKBILYF.STY. Rockabilly Rock - 01/12/16 12:32 PM

Thanks for that. I see there was a fix in Version 2015 Build 415 (Jan 20, 2015) for piano:

RockabillyRockNRollKevin Ev 165 (RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks) has additional work done so it doesn't cut out as often in chord transitions.

Which is also used in _RKBILYF.STY. Rockabilly Rock.

I will send a request to PG.
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