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Posted By: Pat Marr forum question (not about the software) - 05/16/09 02:51 PM
When someone posts, his/her personal info and picture is appended to the message. Under the name is a brief description of the person's proficiency with BIAB. (TEAM PG/ Veteran/ Journeyman/ Expert/ Enthusiast/ and for newer members, there is often no entry at all.

Where does this come from? It doesn't appear to be part of the profile information. Is it based on number of posts?
The description has nothing to do with a poster's proficiency in BIAB, only the number of posts he/she has made. It is automatically assigned by the forum software.
Posted By: Mac Re: forum question (not about the software) - 05/16/09 03:02 PM
Yes, those labels are just meaningless little humorous titles that are generated by the forum software, which uses the total number of posts to apply the label.

In most forum softwares, those labels are changeable by the forum administrator, too, or they can accept one set out of a list of defaults.

Means nothing much, as the total number of posts appear there also...

i can vouch for the fact that it has nothing to do with one's proficiency. i was 'promoted' to 'expert' today (1000 posts) and, although i have used biab for 6-7 years, i do not consider myself 'proficient' but i do offer help when i can as i'm sure you do as well. this is such a great group that i feel a debt to contribute back to the synergy of the whole.
I have a site where myself and a few others store information, and have a chat box for helping newbies, we have the same setup as the count rises you move on to new titles.
i noticed a nice forum feature at where it tracks the number of 'thank yous' you give or receive for helping others. no value to it, just a nice touch.
Thank you, Don.

(just in case!)

How's the flooding going?
Actually you guys are a bit mistaken.
Dr Gannon keeps watch over every instance of BIAB sold via a secret one way internet hookup.
The number of mistakes made is calcluated and somehow merged with things like complexity of the songs, length or different key sigs you work on.
It's all very complicated and it's wise to keep any laptop camera lens covered if you compose in the nude.

Posted By: Danny C. Re: forum question (not about the software) - 05/19/09 08:36 PM
If I composed in the nude, it would be very very very wise to keep the lens covered, and shades drawn!!!
I would crack the lens!
matt, so far no rain today for first time in over 3 weeks but more expected for rest of the week. we moved here from seattle, known for its rain, but i have never seen rain like this. in 40 years in seattle, i never owned an umbrella.
thanks for your concern though.
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