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I'm really having a tough time with something that SHOULD be very easy to do, I'm hoping someone will have a solution.

1. I'm auditioning good RT demo songs. When I find one I like, I need to quickly drop in a previous SGU or MGU song file with Melody and chords. OR
2. I have an old BIAB file with Melody & Chords, I need to quickly drop in a great RT style from BIAB 2017.
Here is what I've tried>
Peter Gannon Suggested using Style Aliases, but this did not work.
The File>Import>Import MGU doesnt work
There doesnt seem to be a command for Copying the Melody & Chords into another song...?
Pulling my hair out here, If anyone has a tip I would really appreciate it. I have over 17,000 BIAB songs, so manually replacing every RT in every song is just not an option. I saw something about RT combos, but I can't seem to get that happening either.
Thanks so much!~
Maybe I am missing something here but I always thought you added a style to a song, rather than a song to a style.

So if you have found a demo you like, make a note of the style. You don't need to list instruments etc, just the 8 chacter name. Then open your BIAB song and change the style to the same as the demo. Just make sure you have the correct style name as there are many with similar names.

Hit generate / play and enjoy. If you don't like it then pick a new RT style and try again. When you are happy, save the song with the new style. If not move to the next song without saving.
Dave nailed it ...

Happy New Year, btw! laugh
If you start with a song sgu file, open the stylepicker and use the quick play using demo option to audition the style using the selected style demo and use the play using current chord chart button to audition the selected style over your chord progression you have input on the chord chart. The resulting audio can vary greatly between the two selections. Dr. Gannon recently showed how close a style can be for a song cover using Hotel California as an example. Playing the style over his chord chart (in the key and chord progression and tempo of Hotel California ) sounded very different than the style playing the demo chords and tempo.

Using the quick play button over your chord progression is a fast way to audition many styles without loading the style into your chord sheet and alternating back and forth between the stylepicker and chord sheet. You can choose a 4 bor audition or have it play your entire chord progression from the stylepicker page. Be sure to adjust the tempo to the correct tempo of your song. I sometimes find changing the first 4 bars to a specific chord progression to hear something specific to my song.

You can quickly alternate between two sgu files from the File Menu option which displays the last few selected song sgu's BIAB has opened. This allows you to go to another BIAB sgu file, Highlight and copy the chord chart, close and return to the previous file you want to work with. Highlight and delete the chords. Select the first bar of the song and paste the chords you selected from the other song into this chord chart.

This method gives the same result as Dave mentions but his method is the correct, conventional and proper way to do it.


Guys, I really appreciate the comments. What I need to do is use one of the RT demos, but with my own melody & chords, I've been listening to the Xtra Style demos. The demos are saved as SGU, not a style. So this is why it's been difficult to setup, but I will try these suggestions now, thanks again!
Ed, you're confusing things. An SGU includes the style, always has. The new Xtra Styles all have names.

You can have 2 instances of BB running
Copy the Melody track on the one Biab
on the other Biab File > Import Chords from PG Music Midi file on CLIPBOARD

But if it is just the Style, copy the style name from the demo then paste it in the Search in the Style Picker of your Song.
Originally Posted By: Edward Buckley
Guys, I really appreciate the comments. What I need to do is use one of the RT demos, but with my own melody & chords, I've been listening to the Xtra Style demos. The demos are saved as SGU, not a style. So this is why it's been difficult to setup, but I will try these suggestions now, thanks again!

If I am reading this correctly, there is a VERY simple way to do this:

- Take the Demo and Save it as a song file that you want to use
- Make changes to the saved file (formerly a Demo) as you please ... chords, chorus, instruments, melody, etc
- Save it - and you are done.

Surely, that's all you want to do, don't you???
Bob, you are correct, I saved SGU files, but now I see I was going about it the wrong way, thanks everyone!!
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