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Posted By: dennis1945 Midi controllers - 07/31/09 05:37 AM
Hi, I need something to enter melody and chords using the RealTracks and Midi Patches. I'm new to Midi, and BIAB, and I was wondering if any of you are useing the M-Audio Axiom 25, and if so, what's your opinion of it. I have a Rolands KR-500, but it's too big for my workspace; my main instrument is guitar, and the amp takes up a good chunk of space. I'd appreciate any advice on Midi controllers or keyboards that you might have. I'm trying to keep the cost down, but I don't want to be frustrated with lack of quality either. I suppose the first question I should have asked is; will it work with BIAB?

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Midi controllers - 07/31/09 01:47 PM
I think any MIDI controller will be fine with BIAB; just specify it as the input MIDI device in Opt, Pref, MIDI Drivers.

I have an E-Mu Xboard 25 on a test system I use. It measures just under 18" wide, and 9.5 inches deep, so it fits right in front of the screen with no problem. It is two octaves, C to C, but you can easily shift octaves with the Octave Transpose + and - buttons. It also works on Windows 7 using the Vista drivers. It is powered just by USB, has a power supply input jack if you prefer, and has a MIDI Out port. You can send MIDI either by USB or MIDI Out.

I don't play keyboard so I don't benefit from the fact it also has a feature called weighted keys, but a real player would want that feature.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Midi controllers - 07/31/09 03:15 PM
Make sure it's also velocity sensitive.
Posted By: Kent - PG Music Re: Midi controllers - 07/31/09 07:54 PM
A good buddy of mine has the Axiom, it has a really nice feel to it... I have the Korg MicroKontrol, which cost twice as much, and prefer his Axiom... M-Audio gear rules.

Nice and sturdy, too... Can't go wrong, considering how affordable they are.
Posted By: dennis1945 Re: Midi controllers - 07/31/09 10:46 PM
Thankyou very much folks, that is a tremendous help, I at least feel I'm on the right track, no pun intended. The only negative point I've seen mentioned in reviews is that the instructions are a nightmare. This happens with some manuals that are translated straight into English with no regard to grammar.

Thanks again,
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Midi controllers - 08/01/09 04:31 AM
Re: pg kent's comment, watch out for M-Audio that they have drivers for your OS before you buy.
Posted By: dennis1945 Re: Midi controllers - 08/01/09 05:32 AM
Thanks Matt, appreciate the input. I'll ask about that before buying.

Posted By: Lloyd Re: Midi controllers - 08/04/09 01:46 AM

Dennis, I have an Axiom 49, and it works perfectly with BIAB, Real Band, and PT. It has "semi-weighted" keys, the feel is DEFINITELY not "hammer graded" like a real piano (although the keys are molded to look like an acoustic keybed), but it is usable and I prefer it for modern music. About 9 lb. for the 49-key model. All the controller knobs and dials one could want. I use it in XP, so I cannot vouch for a Vista/BIAB/Axiom combi. M-Audio support is fair. There is a considerable amount of Axiom info on the net.

You might take a very good look at another board I use now -- the newer Yamaha KX series. I have the 49-key version. These are also MIDI controllers. I prefer the KX-49 to the Axiom in almost every way. Lighter (5 lb.? I think) but well made, looks nice, has ample controller knobs, etc. and although this is another "semi-weighted" keybed, it is quite pleasant to use.

Both boards have velocity settings, the Axiom also has aftertouch, which might be important for you. The Yamaha does not. It does, however, have an arppeggiator function built in.

In the $200-$300 MIDI controller price/feature range, I think these two boards are at the top of the pile.
Posted By: dennis1945 Re: Midi controllers - 08/04/09 02:56 AM
Thanks Lloyd, I have had Yamaha keyboards in yhe past, and had no complaints. I only want enough keys to do some right hand melody and fills mostly, and I don't have a lot of space to play with. I don't mind semi-weighted keys; our Rolands KR500 has weighted keys, and even when I use earphones, my wife can still hear the keys from upstairs, they're noisy. I'll take a look at the model you mentioned though, in fact I was looking the other night to see if they make a 25 key model.

Posted By: dennis1945 Re: Midi controllers - 08/04/09 11:53 PM
Lloyd, what is aftertouch, I've never used it as far as I know.

Posted By: Lloyd Re: Midi controllers - 08/05/09 12:46 AM

"Aftertouch" is pressure sensitivity, built into the keybed itself. Permits different responses depending on keystroke pressure. Some players swear by it and use it extensively. I do not. But it is respected and many KB players will not use a board that has only velocity settings. More on this and other terms used with controllers, synths, etc. HERE ...

PS: the Yamaha KX controller line does include a 25-key model.
Posted By: dennis1945 Re: Midi controllers - 08/05/09 08:17 PM
Thanks Lloyd. I now have an idea of how it works, and thanks for the link. Years ago I had a Yamaha console organ with two normal keyboards, a portamento strip, and a "floating keyboard," that you could create your own vibrato on like you do on a violin or guitar, and it was realistic; probably the forunner of aftertouch. It also had Leslie rotating speakers, should have kept it.

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