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Posted By: Trygve Larsen Memory problems.. - 11/23/17 09:55 PM
More and more I experience this "out of memory" message. But when I check my memory there is still like 26gb available and only like 5 in use... I try to restart my PC, reset BiaB to factory setting, but the problem persist.. Any idea what the problem can be? I have not noticed any other problem with other software. It happens mostly when I load Kontakt 5 in more then one slot, but also sometimes by only loading a new style.
Posted By: Kent - PG Music Re: Memory problems.. - 11/23/17 10:40 PM
Hi Trygve,

Were you working on a song with an unusually high number of choruses? That could easily eat up all your memory very quickly, especially with a 32-bit application like Band-in-a-Box, which will only have access to a few GB.

This is referring to RAM, not hard drive space by the way.

PG Music
Posted By: Trygve Larsen Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 01:19 AM
Originally Posted By: Kent - PG Music
Hi Trygve,

Were you working on a song with an unusually high number of choruses? That could easily eat up all your memory very quickly, especially with a 32-bit application like Band-in-a-Box, which will only have access to a few GB.

This is referring to RAM, not hard drive space by the way.

PG Music
Hi Kent!... Thank's for quick respond.. No, it's just a song with 3 chorus.. So u r saying that a 32 bit application cannot use all the memory I bought solely for use with Band in a Box? Oh, that sucks to learn...;) I bought a new Desktop with 16 gb ram for could run BiaB faster and better, but when I started using Kontakt 5 and som library for it, the problem was still there. So I bought 16gb more Ram, to solve the problem.. So no I learned that that actually did not do anything.. Hm, so now I understand why everyone ask for Biab to be a 64 bit software... So then I join in there! wink

Anyway, thanks for stepping in...;)
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 01:33 AM
It's not quite as you have described it. Yes, we want a 64-bit BIAB, but it's not always clear to everyone why.

A 32-bit app can only address 4 GB of RAM, true, and some of that (around a GB) is taken up by Windows leaving at best 3 or 3.2 GB free for programs. Yes, BIAB is a 32-bit program. No, it is not always limited to using the 3 GB RAM described, because of the JBridge utility. JBridge allows BIAB to use all of your added RAM if you are using a plugin. Plugins are the main reason people want a 64-bit program, but BIAB found a way around that.

All this assumes you are not limited by a 32-bit Windows anyway, but if you recently bought your desktop, it probably uses 64-bit Windows.
Posted By: Trygve Larsen Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 03:39 AM
Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
It's not quite as you have described it. Yes, we want a 64-bit BIAB, but it's not always clear to everyone why.

A 32-bit app can only address 4 GB of RAM, true, and some of that (around a GB) is taken up by Windows leaving at best 3 or 3.2 GB free for programs. Yes, BIAB is a 32-bit program. No, it is not always limited to using the 3 GB RAM described, because of the JBridge utility. JBridge allows BIAB to use all of your added RAM if you are using a plugin. Plugins are the main reason people want a 64-bit program, but BIAB found a way around that.

All this assumes you are not limited by a 32-bit Windows anyway, but if you recently bought your desktop, it probably uses 64-bit Windows.

Ah, ok.. Thank's a lot for jumping in Matt! Now I understand more of it here. What I did wrong when I downloaded Kontakt, or when I installed it, I think, was just selecting the 32 bit version, because I was thinking, no need to use JBridge if I use the 32 bit versjon. Because I did not know that would do anything different, then being able to use a VSTi if it was only available as a 64 bit...

So now I have to try to install the 64 bit Kontakt and use JBridge, to see if that will solve this problem...

Again, thank's a lot for jumping in here...;)
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 04:59 AM
Originally Posted By: Trygve Larsen
Ah, ok.. Thank's a lot for jumping in Matt! Now I understand more of it here. What I did wrong when I downloaded Kontakt, or when I installed it, I think, was just selecting the 32 bit version, because I was thinking, no need to use JBridge if I use the 32 bit versjon. Because I did not know that would do anything different, then being able to use a VSTi if it was only available as a 64 bit...

So now I have to try to install the 64 bit Kontakt and use JBridge, to see if that will solve this problem...

Again, thank's a lot for jumping in here...;)


I solve the above problem by using a DAW (Reaper 64 bit in my case) and doing this...

1. Generate the song in BIAB using just a very basic VSTi/DXi (I tend to alternate between TTS-1 and Coyote WT).

2. I keep on generating individual tracks until I get what I like.

3. When I get a particular track generated that appeals, I freeze it.

4. When all the tracks sound like I want them, I drag them over to Reaper (there's a drag 'n' drop option that let's midi be dragged as midi and not converted to audio).

5. I then use my more up-market softsynths in Reaper-64. (This is what I bought my 16GB RAM for and it works really well!)

If you haven't tried it and you are looking for a great DAW Reaper is a brilliant program. There's lots of help for it on Youtube. It's also possible to use it for free for an unlimited time just to see if you like it (there's a countdown that pops up once you've used it for a defined period of time).


Posted By: DrDan Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 11:31 AM
My work flow is essentially the same as Noels. What a coincidence! grin

It all may start in BIAB but then to Reaper which is flawless with Kontakt and any big VSTi.
Posted By: MarioD Re: Memory problems.. - 11/24/17 11:51 AM
Originally Posted By: Trygve Larsen
Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
It's not quite as you have described it. Yes, we want a 64-bit BIAB, but it's not always clear to everyone why.

A 32-bit app can only address 4 GB of RAM, true, and some of that (around a GB) is taken up by Windows leaving at best 3 or 3.2 GB free for programs. Yes, BIAB is a 32-bit program. No, it is not always limited to using the 3 GB RAM described, because of the JBridge utility. JBridge allows BIAB to use all of your added RAM if you are using a plugin. Plugins are the main reason people want a 64-bit program, but BIAB found a way around that.

All this assumes you are not limited by a 32-bit Windows anyway, but if you recently bought your desktop, it probably uses 64-bit Windows.

Ah, ok.. Thank's a lot for jumping in Matt! Now I understand more of it here. What I did wrong when I downloaded Kontakt, or when I installed it, I think, was just selecting the 32 bit version, because I was thinking, no need to use JBridge if I use the 32 bit versjon. Because I did not know that would do anything different, then being able to use a VSTi if it was only available as a 64 bit...

So now I have to try to install the 64 bit Kontakt and use JBridge, to see if that will solve this problem...

Again, thank's a lot for jumping in here...;)

Using the 32 bit Kontakt is your problem. Both BiaB and Kontakt are sharing that 3K of ram and Kontakt patches can take a lot of that. So if you have a patch or a number of patches that eat a lot of ram that leaves very little ram left for BiaB.

The workaround is to install the 64 bit Kontakt and use jBridge. This way Kontakt is using all of your available ram, leaving plenty of ram for BiaB.

FWIW this is one of the reasons I have been wanting a 64 bit BiaB as problems like this would not exist.
Posted By: lambada Re: Memory problems.. - 11/25/17 02:24 AM
Snap. Over to Reaper for Ozone 8, Neutron 2 and VST3s etc. I also go from BIAB 2017 to RealBand then on to Reaper.
Posted By: beatmaster Re: Memory problems.. - 11/25/17 07:53 AM

2. I keep on generating individual tracks and I get what I like.

3. When I get a particular track generated that I like, I freeze it.

I thought when you spoke about generating a track it was a real track not midi.

How do you use generate in the midi form ?.

As I use a lot of midi ,Though still learning on the program side.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Memory problems.. - 11/25/17 10:27 AM
Hi beatmaster,

What I do when I want to regenerate a single midi track is to freeze all the other tracks, leaving just the single track I want to regenerate unfrozen, and then use the "Regenerate" button.

(This approach also works for Realtracks and Supertracks.)


Posted By: Trygve Larsen Re: Memory problems.. - 11/26/17 06:45 AM
Ok, thank's a lot guys for try to help me out.. I have downloaded Reaper now and will watch some video about how to use it.. Will look into the installation of Kontakt 64bit and reinstall JBridge when I have the time...
Posted By: DrDan Re: Memory problems.. - 11/26/17 01:17 PM
You will love Reaper. However, setting up a multitrack VSTi in any DAW can be a daunting task of routing. Of course you can simply put an app like Kontakt on a single track and use it as a single channel plugin to play a single instrument. But when you have multiple instruments, routing is the way to go.

Reaper allows you to set up Routing to permit the most complex of setups to optimize the use of multichannel VSTi. Bad news is you need a degree in audio engineering to set it up.

In the past I have setup the routing for apps such as Kontakt and ST3, but when you forget to flip a switch or create the proper send and receive, or forget to click on monitoring, or fail to select send to parent - all you hear is silence.

So I recently discovered a feature in Reaper which allows for both Template Projects and Template Tracks. With the proper template you can use it and all the routing is set up at a click of a button.

Many templates (Project templates if you are just starting or track templates if you need to add to an existing project) are available on the web by users.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Memory problems.. - 11/26/17 01:20 PM
If you haven't felt the need for a new DAW prior to this, why use one now? Using 32 bit Kontakt was your only issue and that's now fixed.

There were huge threads about this two years ago when it was announced Biab could use Jbridge. Seriously this topic was all over the forums including many posts from Peter explaining in detail there is no need whatsoever for Biab itself to be 64 bit.

This whole thing can be confusing to folks who don't understand their PC's and that goes to my often repeated comments that if you're going to work with digital audio you need to be a computer nerd. And it's especially important to understand the relationship between having a 64 bit OS running a 32 bit music program such as Biab that can use 64 bit plugins.

Until a person understands that they nave no clue about whether or not Biab needs to be 64 bit and that's what starts these comments from people who insist that Biab simply MUST be rewritten to be 64 bit. Those who think that need to search for those posts from Peter and read them.

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