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Posted By: iSDA Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/11/18 03:52 PM

is there any known limitations about using the Steinberg YAMAHA USB ASIO driver in BIAB 2009?

When I select it in "Audio Settings" I receive the following errors:

""YAMAHA STEINBERG USB ASIO" ASIO driver is not connected, so audio output will be silent" (the first time I select the driver in the menu)

from then on when I select the Steinberg driver I receive directly the message "GetChannels failed".

All my music programs (notation, DAW etc.) are working fine with this driver.

Any suggestion?


Posted By: Noel96 Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/11/18 04:13 PM
Hi Stefano,

Welcome to the forums.

If the ASIO driver is relatively new compared to your 10 year old version of BIAB, it's possible that there could be issues. Are your other programs that work with this driver as old as your version of BIAB?

ASIO is highly individual when it comes to drivers and what works in one case does not always work in another case. Because of this, it would be difficult for BIAB developers to write program code in 2009 that can anticipate what might be happening in 2019.

Do you need to use ASIO with BIAB? If not, use MME as your audio driver. MME will work with stability (the output sound will be identical). (It's what I use and have been doing so since 2006.)

The advantage of ASIO relates to reducing lag time for recording and for synch'ing an external instrument to the program. If neither of these situations apply to you then there is no need for you to use ASIO.

ASIO4ALL is a freeware driver that imitates ASIO and works comfortably with BIAB. If you need ASIO, this would be worth trying.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: GAJ52 Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/11/18 04:22 PM
I'm having the same problem.

I'm currently using the Yamaha Steinberg driver 1.30.3 to use with my Steinberg UR22 Audio Interface. Band in a box v2019 intermittently displays the warning 'YAMAHA STEINBERG USB ASIO" ASIO driver is not connected' and no audio is produced.

This is becoming very annoying when using BIAB, I don't know if its the driver at fault or BIAB, as the OP said all other programs like Cubase etc. have no problems with this driver.

Stefano, just checking, do you have BIAB 2009, or was that a typo?
I'm having the same problem with my Yamaha steinberg UR242,??????
Posted By: Will Josef Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/11/18 10:40 PM
I'm also using that. Thanks for the warning. I will not update before that has been fixed.

Latest version is indeed Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver 1.10.3, (Mac: Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver 1.10.2)
Supported hardware: CI1, CI2, CI2+, UR12, UR22, UR22mkII, UR28M, UR242, UR44, UR824, UR-RT2, UR-RT4

Maybe try an older version? Yamaha Steinberg USB drivers F
Posted By: iSDA Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/12/18 06:11 AM
Sorry eek You're right it was a's 2019 just bought!
Posted By: iSDA Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/12/18 02:10 PM

sorry it was a typo, I've got the 2019 version.

What I've described happens with bbw.exe (32 bit) version. However if a try to use ASIO4ALL I'm able to use the audio interface embedded in my MOX8 YAMAHA keyboard.

With the 64 version of bbw64 (bb64.exe), in addition to forementioned errors my audio interface it is not visible at all and I can use only the WAS or MME audio driver.

Do you think it's an expected behaviour?
Hello all, in realband the asio driver of my steinberg UR242 works very well in 16 bits or 32 bits, we can even adjust these parameters, I think that the problem comes from the frequency of sampling that BIAB 2019 refuses to take in count, in BIAB 2019 my asio is 44.1kz, 32 bits, I can not set it on 16 bits, the problem may be from this setting
sorry for my english because I use a translator
Alain, I’m not at a PC but I would like to double-check your last thought about not being able to change the sample rate. Yes, I think 32-bit is a problem.

Even if you can’t get to it in Steinberg software, did you try this? In BIAB, Preferences, Audio, make sure to set driver to ASIO, then click on the button under it which says something like ASIO Control Panel. This should allow you to select 16-bit.
Posted By: iSDA Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/21/18 06:51 PM

I've asked (and received) for a refund for BIAB 2019 and reinstalled BIAB 2017.

BIAB 2017 works fine without any problem with the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver.
I have the same exact problem using the ASIO driver for my Steinberg UR22. In fact, I just installed an updated driver two days ago to troubleshoot another issue I was having with BIAB. Currently, I have to use the MME setting to get it to work, but it doesn't matter to me as long as I can hear it produce music.

I'm hoping for a fix, soon, as well, but these initial bugs take time to figure out. There is no way that software engineers can predict how their programs will work on every possible combination of computer and audio interface, etc. Not that I don't get impatient, just like everyone else! But the few times I have spoken with someone from PG Music on a technical issue, they were all very knowledgeable and helpful.

try the latest BIAB update, 608, some ASIO stuff has been fixed ..
Hello Fiddler2007!

I don't know about the others who've had this problem, but I have already installed the 608 update, and these ASIO difficulties still persist.

I'm not sure but what it may also be why clicking on the mixer or soloing a track will cause the whole song to momentarily stop, then resume.

That is a problem that I have and I've heard others mention it as well. I have reported both of these issues to one of the PC Music technical staff. So we're probably going to have another update in the works, shortly, I hope.

Unfortunately, for me, it pretty well makes BIAB unusable at the present time.

Well, on a laptop you have probably a limited amount of USB controllers ... i invested a year ago on a Sonnet Allegro 4 controller card since i had occasional USB problems with an RME UFXii. Never regretted it. BTW you could remove old remaining USB drivers with USBdeview, a handy tool ..... there's also a heap of settings regarding USB to consider, search here and you'll find some to check. F

I guess I didn't explain things very well. Sorry.

I'm not having trouble with any USB ports OR my Steinberg UR22. It works fine with all other audio software, like Cakewalk, Acid Pro 8, Reaper, etc. Gives me great sound for videos on YouTube and Vimeo.

The problem is that BIAB 2019 refuses to connect to the ASIO driver for Steinberg. (BTW, it also refuses to connect to the ASIO driver for a Behringer UMC404HD audio interface... which works fine on all my other audio apps as well.)

This is true for both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. So that's why I have to use the MME driver. And it is also why I speculated that the ASIO problem was related to the other problems of the sound cutting out when clicking on the mixer or other areas of the program. (I could be totally wrong on's just a guess. But it would be great if 2 problems could be solved with one solution! lol)

Anyway, I'm hoping that Kent or Blake or someone whom I've spoken to is working on these issues. I'm sure someone is.


Well, i worked with 2018 until 607 came out, mainly for audio issues like vague distortion on transpose and inability to import a second chunk of pure natural 44.1 16kHz cheese .... Voicemeeter banana i tried once, worked ok but too much latency.

As i guess you need the Yamaha USB driver then, latest: Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver 1.10.3
Old UR22 driver: V1.7.1, UR22 Mk2: V1.9.4: older UR22 drivers

There were 2 versions of 1.9.4, 32bit and 64 bit: 1.9.4 PDF

Any chances of trying older versions or even another USB brand interface for a while? Are there any UR22 users on this forum?
Also check this out, as there seem to be a few UR22 versions: UR series forum

PM Ed Doll, helpful guy with some issues with Steinberg's older software licensing and a hardware problem regarding an old Nuendo (RMR) TDIF interface. F
Posted By: Graham Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/23/18 11:00 AM
I'm having the same problems with a Roland UA25-EX - this was sine with BIAB 2017 but not working with ASIO in 2019.

I do have the latest Yamaha/Steinberg driver 1.10.3, and I have also tried a different brand of interface (Behringer) as I mentioned in my last post. I have NO problems using these with anything other than BIAB, so I'm pretty sure that's where the problem is.

Jim, are you in contact with PG Music, maybe Kent? There are only a couple of you I can see who are still having trouble with BIAB 2019. It does seem to be something about the combination of your equipment and the new BIAB. I'm rooting for you and following your posts, although without the same equipment I can't help test anything.
Hi Matt,

In contact? Well, no. But when I spoke with Kent last week about the count-in distortion thing, I also mentioned the ASIO problems and the sound stopping when clicking on the mixer. He said at that time that he had noticed something similar.

Later, when Blake took over, and gave me the 608 update, I anwered his email and also emphasized that those two issues were still not fixed. I haven't been in contact with either of them since then. So I can only assume that someone, somewhere, is still working on those issues.

I will be trying to connect with someone soon, however.
I'm currently on the wrong computer to check BIAB.

Thanks, Jim. Good luck.
For any who might be interested, I downloaded and installed the 609 update, and it made no difference. BIAB would still not connect to the Steinberg ASIO driver. And that was whether I ran BIAB as Administrator or not. Both 32 bit and 64 bit.

Now in process of calling Tech support to see if there is anything else that can be done.

(Also still have the problem with the playback stopping for a second when the mixer is engaged, or a track selected.)

Posted By: Bunyip Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/27/18 07:00 PM
I have a Steinberg UR22 connected and set as the ASIO driver in BIAB.

If I enter the Audio Drivers tab and go to the ASIO Driver's Control Panel if get an error message which states "Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO" driver is not connected, so audio output will be silent.

Despite this, I get sound through the UR22 when I generate and play a song in BIAB.

I have the 609 update, and the latest driver for the UR22.
I was waiting to see any reaction from PG. Not yet, weird, Kent must be on a (well deserved) holiday break.

It seems that there are more UR22 issues with ASIO-USB:


So there might be rather a Steinberg driver related problem. Try to mail Ed Doll at Steinberg personally through the forum, he's helped me out; at least and has the right connections.

Steinberg UR series forum

What you could try is go into device manager, switch off in ALL USB hub properties the Power thing. see picture. This is one of those settings windows update usually screws up again and again, why never dare to use it anymore LoL.

more various info: Asio4all

Searching for info i came across this: AQVOX asio Might be not related to your problems however. Luck, F

Attached picture USB hub settings.jpg
Posted By: jford Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/28/18 02:04 PM
Since you have a Steinberg driver, do you also have the Steinberg Generic Low Latency driver (that has come with every Steinberg product I've purchased). Have you given that a try to see if it works?

Just a thought.
Hopefully you know this. Only one program at a time can use ASIO.
Originally Posted By: silvertones
Hopefully you know this. Only one program at a time can use ASIO.

Not quite alas; I just had BIAB and Cubase using an RME ASIO driver playing back together over the same channels. Hectic sound but it works ... F
There are some new versions of ASIO that support more than one device. It still is probably not a good idea in general.
Hello everyone,

I've been continually trying to find a solution to the Steinberg ASIO USB driver issue, but so far am still unsuccessful.

For those who may be curious...

1. I never was able to reach PG Music Technical Support on Dec 27th. I called during their regular business hours, but the phone rang at least 10 times before I got a recording saying to call during regular business hours! ?? Then it disconnected me. I did not call back, yet.

2. I've sent 3 or 4 emails both to Support and to Sales and have not received any response from any of them (I suspect in this case that my emails may not be getting through, since I haven't gotten the usual auto-response emails from PG Music).

3. There was no Steinberg "Low Latency Driver" with my UR22, nor is there one mentioned on their website, that I can find. I did see a reference to it on another forum where the person said he had to remove it to cure a problem. Didn't read much further than that, though.

4. I only use the ASIO driver for one audio program at a time. It works fine with Reaper, Cakewalk, AIR Ignite, and previous versions of BIAB.

5. Some of you have commented on my elderly laptop as possibly being the culprit... I tend to agree. So today I purchased a new computer with an 8 core, 16 Gig RAM, 3.xx GHZ processor MOBO, and a 1 TB drive. I have not installed BIAB 2019 yet as I am putting some of my other stuff on there first.

Do you think I should try to contact PG Music again before re-installing BIAB 2019 so that they can note that this re-installation is to "hopefully" cure a problem and should not affect my activations? Just wondering.

I'll let everyone know what I find when I get it all installed again. I certainly hope a new, fairly fast computer will solve the problem! If not, then I guess the next thing will be to use an audio interface other than Steinberg.


Did you identify anyone else using BIAB with that Steinberg interface?
Originally Posted By: James Francisco
.... Some of you have commented on my elderly laptop as possibly being the culprit... I tend to agree. So today I purchased a new computer with an 8 core, 16 Gig RAM, 3.xx GHZ processor MOBO, and a 1 TB drive. I have not installed BIAB 2019 yet as I am putting some of my other stuff on there first. Jim

Drastic Measures Sir !, and i am jealous; mine has only 6, SIQ. Luxury problem. As for other brands hardware; i never regretted buying an expensive RME. But maybe it's wise to buy a cheaper one and flunk it when the (driver) going gets tough. I was quite content with my old M-audio Delta 1010 parallel interface, served me well over 10 years. Alas parallel disappeared from the planet. Went for Firewire, still the best system, never any latency hiccups etc. USB sucks for audio too often. I still have my old PC as backup with a PCI Soundblaster Audigy ZS2, complete with breakout box, headphone jack with volume pot, SPDIF optical. Best of all: a GM2 synth with programmable synthfont RAM. IMO one of the best systems for home based systems. There seem to be newer PCIe versions around ?? PS switch off your motherboard's HD audiochip in BIOS, also on your graphics card as with AMD Radeon. Disable it in Device Panel, but don't un-install them ... Want more driver trouble: MOTU. -F
Posted By: Bunyip Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/29/18 11:32 PM
I can use my UR22 with BIAB, but if I then start Cakewalk to drag and drop the BIAB song, I get an error message when Cakewalk starts that ASIO is not working so there will be no audio.

So BIAB and Cakewalk successfully use the Steinberg UR22 with ASIO driver, but only independently. When both programs are running, one of them spits the dummy.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 12/30/18 01:34 AM

Activation is computer specific and users get three activations.

This means that you will be able to keep both computers running fine if you want to (while you are sorting out this problem). If you want to deactivate your other computer, go to "Help | Utilities".

All the best with your new computer. It sounds fantastic!!!

Well, Matt, Fiddler, Bunyip, and Noel...

It ain't the computer's fault.

I just installed BIAB 2019 this evening on my kinda new computer, and it still will not connect to the Steinberg Asio driver!

So... that tells me there is some problem between BIAB 2019 and Steinberg's version of a usb driver. Since I can hear BB fine using the WAS or MME settings, and the ASIO driver still works as it should with other audio programs, I'm not going to pursue this any further. This is between PG Music and Yamaha/Steinberg. I'll let them worry about it.

However, a more serious problem (to me) was the playback stopping whenever I clicked on the mixer. That is now gone, so it must have been my old computer's advanced age.

One new wrinkle that I noticed tonight is that the little black rectangle that shows what measure you're on, is about 1 to 2 measures ahead of the music now. Weird, but again, I'm not pursuing that.

I've had this software for almost 2 weeks now and haven't gotten to seriously use it, yet. I really appreciate all of you offering suggestions to me of things to try. Only hope that PG Music was reading these once in a while so they can take advantage of our discussions.

And my appologies to the one who started this thread. I never intended to take it over. I just thought that the more of us involved with the discussion, the more apt PG Music might be to listen to us.


James and anyone else in this thread,

Make sure you are using build 610, as there were specific ASIO drivers addressed in that release.
Thank you, Peter! I didn't know that there was a 610 release. I'll go right now and download/install it.

Much appreciated!

Posted By: Graham Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 01/01/19 09:43 AM
Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
James and anyone else in this thread,

Make sure you are using build 610, as there were specific ASIO drivers addressed in that release.

610 seems to have fixed ASIO for the Roland UA25-EX.

Thanks Peter
Hello Peter,

I'm afraid that BIAB 2019 still does not like the Steinberg ASIO driver. What I found after I had installed the 610 patch, was that: although BIAB now recognized and connected to the Steinberg ASIO driver, the sound quality was not good. Specifically, the sound would completely drop out randomly, and other times would create a crackling noise in the music.

By switching to my Behringer UMC404HD interface and drivers, the sound output was flawless and all of the beloved functions of BIAB work wonderfully. Obviously, I won't be using the Steinberg interface with BIAB, but it still works great with all of my other audio and recording programs.

Thank you,

James Francisco
Come to think of it: Manfred Steinberg invented this doggone ASIO thing ..... ASIO ...
James, this is again a very useful clue. I don't recall any other software in which the particular brand of ASIO driver makes such a difference as this one does.

And yes, as Fiddler says, Steinberg developed the idea to have audio bypass the operating system in this way. I wonder if this particular driver is doing something new.
It took me a week to get this right with my Stealth asio plug guitar interface. It was all in setting it to run in admin mode.
This admin non admin.What a pia.
It took me a week to get this right with my Stealth asio plug guitar interface. It was all in setting it to run in admin mode.
This admin non admin.What a pia.
Originally Posted By: silvertones
It took me a week to get this right with my Stealth asio plug guitar interface. It was all in setting it to run in admin mode. This admin non admin.What a pia.
IMO that means that (ONCE AGAIN) permissions are set 'wrongly' by windows. I regularly have to use 'take ownership', even while i run my whole system as administrator. Also once in a while i have to use's Windows Repair AIO. And mark fix all permissions, running in SAFE mode.

Then USE 'take ownership' especially on the Program Data, User and even Windows folders after that. Quite often too also to do with running software from an external USB drive. Permission issues with Windows 7 were far worse, but Windows 10 is getting the hang of it too.

At times Juction Box also can fix issues with Program Data and double set 'shortcut junctions', but it's hard to understand how to use latter tool correctly; its kind of a programmers thing .... F
The only thing I never tried was using ASIO4All as the driver for the Steinberg interface. I'll try that sometime.

Using Administrator priveleges didn't change anything either, in my case, but I've had that issue crop up on other apps.

I'm just happy that I can finally use BIAB again. Dang, I missed it! 8-)>

Installing the driverd as admin.and set permission by RT clicking the program file once installed,click properties/comparability and check. "run as admin. If that doesn't work same screen run the comparability test.Thats what it took me.
ASIO for all is not the answer.
Originally Posted By: James Francisco
The only thing I never tried was using ASIO4All as the driver for the Steinberg interface. I'll try that sometime.


Gee, I hope it doesn't come to that. The irony here is thick: Steinberg invents ASIO, Steinberg makes a sound card, and you try to make it work by using a driver that isn't ASIO but a wrapper that simulates it.

I have lost track without re-reading the thread, but what happens when you use the MME driver?
It took "run as admin. And run in compatibility mode for my Stealth.
I forgot one step I had to do after failure. I first uninstalled the Stealth. Then the tricky part. I had to use REGEDIT to remove every registry entry for the Stealth.
No matter what I did it failed because I improperly installed the first time. I had to edit the registry, install it with the right person ions and now it's perfect. Your symptoms are identical.

MME worked fine. That's what I had to use to get it to work. WAS also worked after the update (I can't remember if it did before), and by then the ASIO driver also "worked", except for the other issues.

Silvertones, I'll try your method when I get a chance. Right now, even though I'm not a big fan of this Behringer Audio Interface... it IS working. It may be time for me to save my pennies to get a new audio interface... maybe a different brand this time! lol

Putting all of my plugins on to a new computer, as well as other programs, etc. is like starting all over from scratch. Especially when I have to contact the companies (WAVES, Izotope, Native Instruments, etc.) to move licenses from the old to the new computers Probably won't be fully operational for a couple of days yet.

Originally Posted By: James Francisco
.....Especially when I have to contact the companies (WAVES, Izotope, Native Instruments, etc.) to move licenses from the old to the new computers Probably won't be fully operational for a couple of days yet. Jim
I usually buy the software when it works OK, like a Waves bundle this year in a 80% off deal. Had friggin' licensing issues, and also with their Waves Central installing all sorts of unwanted bull creating at least two new ASIO slots etc. you have to remove again manually.

A studio owner-friend suggested to install an older illegal Waves version; he experienced too many issues with a lot of software and licensing errors. Especially during a job when clients wait or hired musicians have to be paid, while the computer is down unnecessarily ... No wonder so may legit users install hacked versions afterwards. I gave up on IK and their Amplitube & Sampletank because of that. Any one interested in buying my license, LoL? Hackers run away laughing they say ...
Posted By: Graham Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 01/03/19 08:07 AM
One thing that I noticed when my Roland UA25-EX was not working with BIAB is that it DID WORK with RealBand.

610 fixed BIAB for me.
That's a very interesting point, Graham! It would be nice to know what the difference is between the two programs, that causes this.


Posted By: jford Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 01/03/19 05:31 PM
I'm not a big fan of this Behringer Audio Interface

I do like my Behringer UMC404HD interface except for one major annoyance. You can't monitor anything going into it through the line output; only through the headphone jack. My workaround was to hook my four port headphone amp to the headphone connection on the Behringer with headphones connected to one of the four ports (to listen with phones) and my powered speakers connected to one of the other ports. Not the best solution, but works for now. Each port has its own separate volume control.

I wasn't trying to disparage the UMC404HD, just that it's not my favorite. I actually like the mic preamps better than the Steinberg UR22, and it's quieter!.

But when I play back I really have to crank up the volume on the UMC404HD (to 3:00 position) to get the same level as the Steinberg does at the 11:00 position. I realize I can increase the volume on my monitors as well, but they have a detent on the volume control at 50% and I like to use that.

Other than that the only other thing is having to have a separate power supply for the UMC404HD. It's inconvenient, but I also think it's a good idea. Just wish there was a power switch!

An often made 'mistake': Sometimes higher audio levels seem to sound better ....

Originally Posted By: James Francisco
.. the only other thing is having to have a separate power supply for the UMC404HD. It's inconvenient, but I also think it's a good idea ..... Jim

That's usually the way with 'cheaply' constructed audio hardware lowering noise levels.

Now i wonder if these UR22 problems persist if you UNINSTALL all audio drivers completely, especially eventual old Yamaha Steinberg ones, and also remove all entries regarding those in the registry, then properly reboot ... i guess ASIO4all does not help out? F
Posted By: BDJ Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 01/04/19 05:38 PM
I'm using an IK Multimedia USB product... it worked perfectly fine until I upgraded 2018 to 2019 (64-bit). When BB opens I get the error message "unable to open stream... error -9997" It allows me to select the item in the audio drivers, but I get that message the USB device will be silent, etc. I did the update to no avail. I called dozens of times... never any answer... no emails are being answered. Anyone figure this out yet? By the way, the 32-bit version works just fine... it's the 64-bit that's having a problem... and I do have a 64-bit computer.
Posted By: animix Re: Steinberg ASIO driver "not connected" - 01/04/19 06:24 PM
I am having to reset my RME ASIO driver upon each launch.
sure. Read my post
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