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BIAB 627 64 bit crashes with exit using a 4k monitor (3840 x 2160). Loads OK, and exits after 2 seconds ... there's no log entry.
BIAB 627 32bit doesn't loading the same file & preferences settings.

(Windows 10 64bit, AMD R7 360 graphics, HDMI connected, 60Hz, latest drivers)

probably has to do with font scaling set by windows to 150% as recommended standard,

EUREKA! the fix:

Attached picture BIAB x64 crashfix 4k monitor.jpg
Interesting, I try to keep up with any 4K related issues, since I'm using dual 4K screens here.

Haven't observed any problem like this on my system (specs in signature), but good to keep this in mind just in case!
Looking at the Properties page, for BIAB 64-bit, I do not have either of those high DPI settings selected.
I've always used Windows scaling set to 150% also.
Best of luck,
Got x64 628 running this way OK, but the BIAB system fonts are scaled rather small ... any tips? Windows scaling is set to 150% ...

I just switched off DPI scaling (pic above) after installing v628, and NO CRASHES !! (And fonts appear normal now, but a little blurry)
OK, good! Yes, I agree the Menu / system fonts are scaled too small, even at 150%, but otherwise looks OK.
Seems to be a common problem with a lot of programs, I'm not sure what the solution to that is, other than BIAB having a setting programmed in to handle that.
Just discovered that some GUI interfaces seem also slightly blurry, like Toontrack EZkeys, while others are OK. Reading on forums it seems a lot has to do with graphic cards drivers not coping with 4k HDMI that well ....

At least i was advised replace the AMD Radeon r7 360 (with HDMI port) is not too compatible, and get a Nvdia 1050 Ti as minimal possible solution instead.
Had some time to dig into this a bit more, here's a bit of a workaround that might work for you too.

I'm using Nvidia GTX970 graphics card, outputting to 2 Vizio 43" TVs through HDMI, both at 3840x2160/60p

(trying to add files, not sure how that will come out!)
In my Nvidia control panel, I have a setting to "Adjust desktop size and position" and it allows me to choose "Perform scaling on" where I can choose GPU or Display. I'm using (forcing) the GPU to do scaling, rather than the Display. Works great.

In my Windows Display Settings, I normally have both set to 150% scale, and under Advanced Scaling settings, I turned ON the blur setting (Let Windows try to fix apps so they're not blurry) Custom Scaling is left blank, it affects all displays, might be useful if you have some oddball percentage, which I'm not doing.

If you go a little further, at the very bottom of the Display settings page, there's a link to "Graphics settings".
Here, you can choose to customize performance (GPU again) for either "Classic app" or "Universal app" (STore apps!) I left mine on Classic app. So far, so good, everything works fine, except small Menu text on apps.

The workaround, is to set my secondary display scale setting to 200%, and leave the Primary display scaled at 150%.
You can do this "on the fly", it takes effect right away, and BIAB is scaled very nicely, no blur, and easier on the eyes! LOL

I have several video editors, where I prefer to have both displays scaled the same amount, to 150%, so I just switch it back, and works fine. WIth a single monitor, just keep in mind that if you change scaling, it'll affect all programs, which may or may not be an issue. Hope this helps!

Attached picture Annotation 2019-05-04 092324.jpg
Attached picture Annotation 2019-05-04 094230.jpg
I'll look into that, before getting another graphics cars .... And then got me another better suited nvdia one LoL.

UPDATE: now connected with a Display Port cable, new nvdia 1050 ti card ....
some plugins and programs are still blurry; guess it's windows 10 scaling that sucks here ...

Info and tool for scaling behavior in Windows 10:

I tried it, no improvement ...
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