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Posted By: DrDan Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:15 PM
I have never seen this here before. The "webmaster" locked a discussion thread and no further entries are permitted. This is a poor practice and I am hoping it was by accident.

These threads in the forum are a significant mechanism for users to discuss and troubleshoot the issues which arise in this program. The locked thread is not resolved - although marked as resolved, and there are more issues to be worked out.

Just wanted to have my say on this matter eek . Would hate to see this become a precedent here. Best to attempt to nip this in the bud.

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:32 PM
A link to the thread would be nice. Without a link it doesn't take much to loose track of a thread in here and not be able to figure out which thread you mean.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:33 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
A link to the thread would be nice. Without a link it doesn't take much to loose track of a thread in here and not be able to figure out which thread you mean.

Opps, good idea.
Posted By: silvertones Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:38 PM
The post was snarky you said so yourself. What are you crying about.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:47 PM
No, I said, "If it was snarky, I would remove it." It was not, and I did not. It had a bit of humor in the title implying a world class guitarist not being able to play a CMaj7. That humor has permitted me to participate in this forum for years with no issues.

The problem is the webmaster locked the thread right after he provided a simple workaround. Sounds ok, right? But I tried that workaround and things simple got worse. There is a problem here which is not being addressed. I suppose I can just shut up and let the next person stumble on this issue. But I don't think that would be right.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:50 PM
That IS bizarre. I don't remember seeing a thread locked before. Maybe somebody new is watching over the forum this weekend.

Having said all that, the issue was acknowledged, that 2020 BiaB build 708 failed to address the issue was acknowledged and a promise was made the issue will be addressed. All that is lacking is an apology the issue was not properly addressed.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:51 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
Having said all that, the issue was acknowledged, that 2020 BiaB build 708 failed to address the issue was acknowledged and a promise was made the issue will be addressed. All that is lacking is an apology the issue was not properly addressed.

Sorry, Jim, please read the rest of the story - I added as you typed. I spent a lot of time and effort to trouble shoot this issue. The problem is not solved. And btw, no apology necessary. I Notified the webmaster that a new issue had arose with details of how to verify. However, that will now have to be discovered by others.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 08:59 PM

Yes, you did extensive troubleshooting and you were the one that made PG Music aware of the issue. Tobin said as much.

I do think an oops, we made a mistake would be helpful in this situation.

What more needs to be said in the thread?
Posted By: DrDan Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 09:09 PM
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
What more needs to be said in the thread?

I provided a detailed narrative in my message to the "notify webmaster". I did not save a copy and at the moment have little interest in redrafting the message. All I can say is try to substitute the RT that was suggested. You will find yourself going down a long dark rabbit hole of menus and options none of which lead to the solution.

Bottom line here.

+1 Don't lock threads. If for some reason a thread is deemed offensive and violates rules, as was suggested above - remove it!
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 09:40 PM

I'm sorry you believe my question required a detailed explanation. I had no way of knowing what transpired behind the scenes.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Locking Treads - 12/21/19 09:51 PM
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
I have never seen this here before. The "webmaster" locked a discussion thread and no further entries are permitted.

Hi Dan,

This has happened a few times during my time on the forums. It's not a new event.

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Locking Treads - 12/22/19 12:22 PM
I'm sure you just intended the post title as humor, Dan, but I read it as being insulting, which perhaps didn't help here.

You didn't report it directly to PG Music; Trevor (VideoTrack) did.

You found a problem (very good) but you didn't test it extensively at first; at your request, I did.

PG Music has promised a patch, possibly tomorrow. This has happened before in the same situation. It's good customer service.

Noel is correct that posts have been locked before. In my memory, it has only happened when there were copyright violations or the tenor of discussion got well out of hand (humor, politics, personal attacks etc.). I agree this thread doesn't rise to the level of prior threads that were locked, and it would be good to be able to follow up when a workaround does not yet work. But locking is better than removing a thread because then the problem statement and suggestions are lost entirely.

If the patch in the next few days doesn't work, then we can let PG Music know, in a respectful manner.

All is good. Carry on.
Posted By: Pipeline Re: Locking Treads - 12/22/19 05:56 PM
The second I saw the post name "Oliver Gannon Does not know all the Chords?" I knew what was meant by it and sure enough when I opened the page and read the post that's what it was.
I don't know how anyone could take it literally as "Oliver don't know chords" he's a world class player.
I don't think anyone needs to put a post up saying "Oliver is a World Class Player" it is somewhat obvious, a no brainer.
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