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Posted By: Bobby Watson Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 01:50 PM
I probably know the answer to this question. But thought I'd throw it out there just in case. Say you have everything just like you want it in a composition, and there is one small passage you'd like to change. But, not the whole song, for instance on a solo break in one chorus that just doesn't sound right. Can you select a portion and have BIAB generate just for that portion?
Thanks in advance.
Posted By: Rustyspoon# Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 02:04 PM
Bobby, yes!
I wish, we wish smile

It was requested several times and feature request supported by dozens of users for the past decade. This is one of highly requested features.
Please support threads:

Also, couple of days ago I started this thread, which in theory could also allow to freeze some parts, leaving others "liquid" plus do other good (and highly requested) things:
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 04:06 PM
As implied, no, not in BIAB. We do indeed wish. But you can move the song to RealBand and change just a portion there.
Posted By: Bobby Watson Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 05:24 PM
Like I said, I figured as much.
What I do as a work around in interim is use the multi riff function if it is a solo part and pick/choose in Studio One what I want to use.
Or, sometimes just generate alternative audio files, and handle them the same way.

Sure would be easier. However, I'm not sure how cohesive it would be with regard to the measure before/after if it were an option. One can wonder.
Thanks anyway,
Posted By: Bob Calver Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 05:27 PM
As Matt says what you want to do is simple in RealBand and it will open your BIAB file without transferring to Studio One
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/23/20 07:41 PM
Maybe head over to the wish list and give it a nudge. Who knows?
Posted By: Pipeline Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/24/20 12:10 AM
You could try Tutorial How to Bar to Bar Regeneration
Posted By: JohnJohnJohn Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/24/20 04:24 AM
Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
As implied, no, not in BIAB. We do indeed wish. But you can move the song to RealBand and change just a portion there.

I just tried this. Generated song in BIAB. Happy with the lead solo. Froze the tracks. Saved and then opened the song in Realband. None of the frozen solo was there. I would have to completely regenerate the solo bar by bar asking Realband to give me random chunks and just hope I could finally get back to where I started.

If you intend to work in Realband, something I would never do nor do I recommend, then don't bother starting in BIAB because too much gets "forgotten" when you move your song into Realband.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Regenerate a "portion" of a song - 04/24/20 07:01 AM
Frankly, by now, this should be a standard, simple, easy to use feature in BiaB. RealBand clearly proves how possible this is. Select the required bars and generate. There are workarounds, sure, but this should just be a standard, straightforward, integrated feature. Even the new Multi-Riff is designed so you have to take your song out of BiaB to complete the process. I did think this would be more advanced by now.
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