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I am not very computer literate so this may seem a "D'Oh" question to some - But -
On my PC my "band in a box" file is called Program files\BIAB not \bb.
In that location are stacks of other folders and files (one actually called bb) all relating to downloads etc, Real Tracks (which I've never been able to get to work!!) Real Drums (which do!) demos, upgrades - you name it, the file or folder seems to be in there in a haphazard sort of way.
Does this matter and have any effect on how the total of BIAB operates?
When I repopulate my style list will BIAB go looking in ALL locations and bring them all into the new Style List or must they be in a specific location first?
Should I take ALL the files and folders, no matter where they are in the \BIAB folder and put them into the folder within it actually called \bb or doesnt it matter?
To some all this may seem obvious but not to me. My PC is like my car - I use it but dont know how all the gubbins under the bonnet (hood!) works.
You may call your directory whatever you like. The only limtation would be that the path length of all those nested directories together with filenames is currently restricted by the OS to a maximum of 256 characters. Have fun.
You really shouldn't have installed it into the programs file. It needs to be installed in the root directory. C:\bb. I remember a couple of Betas ago that it was going to be an option to install into whatever directory you want and it proved to be problematic so was abandoned. If it was me I'd uninstall it and reinstall into the default. Maybe your RTs will work then.
My original BIAB was 2004 and all upgrades have been via download.
Therefore I cant UNinstall it and reload it - it wont be there to reload!
How do I move it lock stock and barrel to the root directory \bb.
And - where IS the root directory \bb or do I have to create it somewhere?
I am seriously thinking that when I get my 2010 version that I get it on disk, bin all this lot and start again - but that depends on many things, not least of which is Cash!
silvertones, there you mention that might be commented on by PG Music. It is standard Windows convention to install programs to the Program files directory. It would be considered outright bad programming practice to enforce an installaion directory on the root of the system partition.

Personally I opted to stash all music programs onto a different partition, so BB gets installed onto E:\bb here - yet could as well be F:\Band-in-a-Box or X:\you\name\it.

RealTracks are deliberately flexible with respect to their installation directory - it's best to use a high capacity partition. The directories for RealTracks and RealDrums just need to get entered appropriately during the installation procedure - that's all there is to it to get them working. They may even get moved to a different location later on and addressed appropriately via the BB Preferences settings.
True about the Rts however who knows what installing into other then the root directory is causing.Even if he did install to the program folder why isn't it program files/bb? His is program files/biab and inside the Biab folder it appears are other files and also a bb folder. It's definitely messed up some how. I would just delete that biab folder and do a fresh install in the default locations.
I'm sure that problem has long since passed. At one time saving long filenames from a to b was a huge issue. For example if you had biab in C:\musiicprgrams\pgmuisc\bb and tried to load and save songs to D:\john\muisc\jazz\seta\ the thing choked something up that drove me nuts.

If my dusty mind isn't muddled it fixed itself when xp came out. Or when 'long' filenames became ok.

The install routines all assume C:\bb so if I can I'm using that now, but was trying to run everything off the external drive, however plugging it into Vista it showed up as H: and back to xp machine one it was D: and the other machine it was F: so I had problems remembering, and vista and the program got really confused about what I was using, Ketron, Dxi, get the idea.

... who knows what installing into other then the root directory is causing.

I would not be trusting any S/W company that enforces an installation onto the root directory. So BB better works on any directory you choose, or you might as well ditch it.

My original BIAB was 2004 and all upgrades have been via download.
Therefore I cant UNinstall it and reload it - it wont be there to reload!
How do I move it lock stock and barrel to the root directory \bb.
And - where IS the root directory \bb or do I have to create it somewhere?
I am seriously thinking that when I get my 2010 version that I get it on disk, bin all this lot and start again - but that depends on many things, not least of which is Cash!

Ian, BIAB is the one program that you can simply Copy and Paste the entire folder's contents to another location without fear. I do it all the time.

If you want to have BIAB located in C:\bb (Which is the default directory for bb but does not have to be, you can indeed name the main folder anything you like without fear of anything being "wrong" at all, other than when it comes time to install updates you will have to Browse to that folder every time rather than the quicker method of accepting the C:/bb location in the Installer files...).

*Create a New Folder in C: named bb

*Navigate in Windows Explorer to your present folder where all of bb lives.

*Use Edit -> Select All to highlight everything in that folder.

*Then hit Edit -> Copy (Don't hit Cut. Not until you are positive this happened and everything is working. This way you keep the original files right where they are, just in case you need a backup if anything at all goes wrong during the Copy).

*Navigate to your new C:\bb folder and hit Paste. Wait for everything to be copied over.

*Doubleclick on the bbw.exe in the new folder and check out BIAB, make sure it is running and all. Select and Play a couple songs, no need to play them all the way to the end.

*Once you are sure that bb is running fine from the new loacation, now you can go back and revisit wherever the program used to live and delete the entire folder.

Again, Band in a Box is the ONLY large scale music making program I know that will still allow this kind of copying. That's because it does not write to the windows registry. Which I think is a great feature.

Couple of minor points.

The USB hard drive you get directly from PG Music places the program several levels down, so it clearly is OK with them. It looks like this: H:\PGMusic\Programs\bb\

Copying all the files to a new folder works with a few exceptions. One is any DXi or VST, which must be installed separately. Another is fonts. PG Music comes with five (I think it's five) fonts, all beginning with the letters PG so they are easy to find. These must be installed in Windows if you are to be able to see some screens in BIAB.
All of Macs instructions are good, but one thing to keep in mind is if you already have a file of the same name in any directory you are trying to copy to, Windows will let you know about it and give you the options of overwriting, not overwriting or making a second copy (I wouldn't recommend doing that one, might be a big problem down the road). So, for example, if you already have BIAB 2009.5 in there, copying an older version over the top of it wouldn't be a good idea. Go the other way, the new version over the old and then move the old directory to another location. You will still get the notices from Windows about files with the same names, but you should be able to tell it to overwrite them all and end up with the latest versions of them.
Remember, this only applies if you already have files in the target directory. If you create a new directory, it won't have anything in it so copy away without worries.

On my PC my "band in a box" file is called Program files\BIAB not \bb.
In that location are stacks of other folders and files (one actually called bb)

Read this carefully. What he said. He has a folder called BIAB and inside this folder are other files including the bb folder. Maybe his real tracks is inside the biab folder and not the bb folder. I guess that'd be OK as long as during install it pointed to that folder for the RT

Just curious as to how come you don't have either discs or the USB hard drive. I don't recall PG ever selling just a download version.
I got BIAB in 2004 and installed it on my old slow-mo PC. We moved house in 2006 and lots of stuff either got binned by mistake or just simply disappeared in the move. (Not only BIAB but if my Cakewalk GT Pro2 ever crashes - I'm stuffed!!)
My son James, built me a new PC (this one) in 2008 and transferred everything over by jumpering from one HD to another. As far as I can tell, cos I dont look under the bonnet unless the engine is clunking, its always been like this - but then again it might not. I wasnt on hand when James did his thing - its beyond me so I went and had a cuppa whilst he did whatever he had to do!! Nobody died so I guess it went OK. LOL!!
What I WOULD like is for everything to be where it should be and my Real Tracks guitars, and pedal to actually work. Real drums do - no problem.
If it were my PC, I think I would move (not copy) all the BIAB files in whatever folder has the BBW.EXE file, to C:\BB and make sure that under the C:\BB folder there were RealTracks and RealDrums folders. But I wouldn't try it unless you are comfortable navigating and had a utility program to move, not copy. In case you want to try it, I use Total Commander but there are a number of other good ones out there. If you don't have a lot of Real Tracks, which are comparatively the only really large files, then copying everything is OK. Erase the old folders when everything is tested and working in the new location.

Your last sentence is bothersome, though. You can set Real Tracks and Real Drums to work from locations other than that where BBW.EXE is located, and they are set separately in the same general way in the Options, Preferences area. If you have one set correctly, and the other matches, it must mean something got moved somewhere it should not be. Please look in Options, Preference, RealDrums and in Options, Preferences, RealTracks and see if the checkbox for "Use a Custom Folder Location" is checked, and if so, tell us what it says there for each.
I recommended doing a Copy for a reason.

"Move" or "Cut" can be dangerous stuff for large file sizes and a computer that likely is not plugged into a UPS.

A Power Failure can lose all of his data.

But if the Power fails during the Copy routine, the original data would still be available, right in the folder where it was.

After the Copying is completed and rightful operation of the new location has been tested is time enough for deleting the old files from the Program Files folder.

If the disk has enough space, of course...

Because I hold a audio/video studio facilitie in my home I have a PC with four internal sata hard disk for a total of 2.5 terabytes and three 500/1TB GB external USB/eSATA disk for storage and big sampler libraries I use not frequently. My computer disk raid remembrance a big city (in my son' mouth words ), also I use multi OS booting and my main audio is Windows XP is on disk E: (trying W7 now), aside of my BIAB external 2.5" hd pack I use (in my now missing by stole laptop ) Band in a Box patch is installed in my studio PC in a specialy devoted to audio disk: 'D:\Audio software\Band in a box', (without year version in name for updating on place) there are Real Tracks and Real Drums folders inside BIAB dir. However I have Real Band in 'D:\Audio software' outside of BIAB dir. Up to date all is working great, every time I update or apply a PGmusic patch the system automatically locate BIAB/RT/RD and RB folders and all is done flawless. As you can note I avoid to install programs with king sized contents in system main disk program files dir. Honestly I donĀ“t like any program living separate in the root of a OS disk like C:\bb installer deafult option, although as Mac point, BIAB install routines does not write to the windows registry. As a personal tip: I use Beyond Compare, a very useful program let me to compare, copy, move, synchronize and update folder and files, its main adventage is you can copy or move big dirs without annoying breaks occuring in the half of a long copy/move session when Windows find a corrup folder/file or system file, perfect for uninterrupted accurate copy of even complete disks. There are others good programs however, personal matter.

I would not be trusting any S/W company that enforces an installation onto the root directory. So BB better works on any directory you choose, or you might as well ditch it.

That's pretty harsh. So you don't care if it works, you only care where you can install it? But it doesn't matter, because you can install BIAB into just about any folder. PGMusic, I believe, likes to use C:\BB (because that's where it started historically), and for newbies, it makes telephone troubleshooting easier.

SixChannel mentioned that he originally had 2004 and then the rest were all downloaded upgrades, so it would be difficult to re-install. However, except for downloaded patches, if you downloaded an upgrade to the program (for example, the upgrade from 2008.5 to 2009.5), then you have everything you need to re-install the program. You don't have to install the earlier version first (although you certainly may), and then install the newer version over it. Of course, what you end up with after re-installation depends on which version you have. So, if you initially purchased the 2008.5 UltraPAK, but then purchased the 2009.5 MegaPAK, you may not get back all the styles, etc that you would have had in the UltraPAK.

I don't understand downloading the installation files to programs and then not backing them up somewhere after (or even before) installation. You never know when your hard drive can crash and you HAVE to re-install. As long as you've kept the installation files you downloaded for each year's upgrade, you should be fine.

Of course, as Mac said, if you have a working installation, you can just copy it to a different folder, but if you ever have to move it to another machine, you'll need the original installation file(s) to make sure you get fonts and some other add-ons.

BIAB can easily be installed to just about any folder. I haven't used C:\BB for a very long time. I don't, however, put it in the "C:\Program Files" folder, because Vista doesn't always allow you to write to the BIAB folder there after installation (I suspect this has more to do with the fact that BIAB doesn't do things through the registry, but instead uses INI and configuration files). OS's like Vista see this as trying to modify the applications directory and balks at it (especially if you don't have UAC turned off).

I generally install BIAB to a folder called C:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB; however, on one machine, I have installed every version I have, so it goes into C:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB2006, C:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB 2008, etc. Every version works fine this way, from BIAB version 8 (not 2008, but 8) all the way up through 2009.5. I have installed v08, v09, v10, v11, v12, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. I have also installed it to the E: drive with no problems. My RealDrums and RealTracks are all on my D: drive. RealDrums are in D:\AppsData\PGMusic\RealInstruments\RealDrums\Drums; RealTracks are in D:\AppsData\PGMusic\RealInstruments\RealTracks. I have no problems accessing them there.

I know at one time, there was a problem with path depth, but I think that was more at a time when folks were still using Windows 98. Under XP, Vista, or Windows 7, I don't believe you will see those kind of problems.

That's been my experience on my two machines, but I will say I could be wrong or that others may experience a different result.

Yes, C:\bb is the default install location for Band-in-a-Box, however you can select to install it basically anywhere you want, such as E:\MyMusicPrograms\BIAB or whatever. When you install upgrades/add-ons in the future, they will remember your location E(:\MyMusic......) and default there. Installing a program in C:\bb is not the current Windows convention - that would probably be C:\Program Files (or C:\Program Files (x86)). It's also a convention to put program files and settings all around the user's hard drive, in places such as C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserAccount\Application Data\.... and so on, but those specific locations are changing from time to time. Also, with Vista the Program Files folder is a bit mysterious, since when a program needs to save a file there, the file actually gets saved in a Virtual location and not where you expect (I think the behaviour is different depending on what privileges the program has).

So one advantage of the C:\bb location is that it's simpler to deal with and fewer potential problems, especially with a program like BB that has thousands of files. Another advantage is since many people already have BB, and have installed it in C:\bb, it would be confusing for them if we changed the 'default location'. The advantage of Program Files would be that it is the convention. But yes, if we refer to the C:\bb folder (in documentation or wherever), you should translate that to wherever you happen to have BB installed.

sixchannel - one possibility is that your BIAB\bb folder is your actual Band-in-a-Box folder, whereas your main BIAB\ folder has some bb related files that you downloaded. Can you run the program (bbw.exe) from your BIAB\bb folder, and what are some examples of filenames in the BIAB\ folder? You'll be able to get RealTracks working later, but first you should get the program running.
Excelent and very clear response Andrew, thanks. Finally, if the only install options was a 70's 5.25" floppy or even here: , I would do without protest, have BIAB is absolutly worth it...wherever it is.
That lower picture is one of an old nuclear reactor controller.

Most all of it was analog and man-computing although there was indeed an OCTAL-based "computer" involved.

More like a basic State Machine than a computer, though.

Hard wired program.

Get out the soldering iron to reprogram it...


That lower picture is one of an old nuclear reactor controller.

Most all of it was analog and man-computing although there was indeed an OCTAL-based "computer" involved.

More like a basic State Machine than a computer, though.

Hard wired program.

Get out the soldering iron to reprogram it...


Yeah Mac. you right "..The picture is actually an entry submitted to a image modification competition, taken from an original photo of a submarine maneuvering room console found on the U.S. Navy web site, converted to grayscale, and modified to replace a modern display panel and TV screen with pictures of a decades-old teletype/printer and television (as well as to add the gray-suited man to the left-hand side of the photo). The color picture above was taken in 2000 at the Smithsonian Institution exhibit "Fast Attacks and Boomers: Submarines in the Cold War" and depicts:
A full-scale display of a typical nuclear-powered submarine's maneuvering room in which the ship's engineers control the power plant and electrical and steam systems ..."

About reprograming it ...can you give me at least two/three hours for do it ? I have to get two miles of solder roll in RadioShack.

sixchannel , sorry if I was "slightly" out of topic ... I am guilty and confessed
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