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Seeing continued problems in the Thru track of the BIAB mixer. Specifically, the volume, reverb and pan settings are not being remembered from song to song. Have over 500 BIAB songs and did not see this issue in BIAB 2020. Settings are being reset to a common value: that is reverb to "0", pan to "0" and volume to "90"

Have tried:
1. reset to factory settings, both partial and full
2. Tried to save songs as "save" and "save as"
3. Have gone into Options, Preferences, Channels and tried to set up different levels of defaults but that seems to make no difference on songs once they are opened.
4. Have gone into File, Save Special, Save Songs with Patches and Harmonies and have all options checked

Its almost like the "Save and Load Thru settings with Songs" check mark in Save Songs with Patches and Harmonies is broken and has no effect.

Is anybody else seeing this? Can you confirm?

OK, I can see the problem with both the Thru and Soloist Tracks. Below is a before save and after save. Many of the tracks remain as they were saved, but there are some revert when the song is opened again.

Attached picture befor save.JPG
Attached picture After Save.JPG
Hi Jeff,

I'm running 814 and the Thru settings saved OK for me.

When I looked at my "Save Special | Save Song with Patches and Harmony", the option to save the Thru settings was deactivated. I wonder if the checkbox is set wrongly so that when it's active, it's off, and when it's not active, it's on.

Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Jeff,

I'm running 814 and the Thru settings saved OK for me.

Hold it, I'm running 814 and the Thru settings DO NOT save OK for me. Welcome to BIAB. grin

Did you try toggling the settings found in ALT+F2?

As mentioned above, my "Save thru settings" is deactivated and it saves. Jeff mentions that his is activated and it doesn't save. It's possible the the box has checkbox has been programmed incorrectly.

That's an interesting thought Noel. I played around with it quite a bit this evening and think that I have some additional insight into what's going on. I think it's definitely a bug.

1) it seems that you have to have the "Save/Load with Songs" checked for it to work at all.

2) in an existing song, any of the over 500 that I have, if you open the song the reverb will be at "0" in the BIAB mixer. BUT...that doesn't mean that's where it's actual set at!

3) now go to "options", "Preferences, "Channels". Look at the reverb in the Thru track...its where you set it when you first saved the song!

4) as a double check...change the reverb in the mixer Thru track from the current "0" setting to any other setting you want in this same song. Hit "Save" to save the song.

5) open any other song to clear all settings

6) go back to the song that you just modified and open it. The reverb in the mixer will show a setting of "0"...but if you go to "Options, Preferences, Channels" and you will see that the reverb that you set for the Thru track is accurately saved there!

Bottom line, as least to me, it seems that the Thru tracks settings on the Mixer are being saved in version 814 but they are not being accurately displayed in the Mixer. The link between Thru track on the Mixer and the "Options, Preferences, Channels" Thru display is broken.

Anybody else have any thoughts?
Hi Jeff,

That's very interesting.

I don't know if you visit the "update pre-testing" site. Just in case you don't, I linked your last post to a post at that site so that the development team are made aware of your problem and your investigation.

Appreciate your help with this Noel.

I am not aware of the "update pre-testing site" but I am willing to help out with this issue and any other testing that PG may need.

Who would I contact?


Send an email to and ask to be involved with the pre-release testing of updates.

I'll also mention in the testing forum so that Andrew sees it.

There are a number of us and we just literally load new updates and see if any issues arise. Depending on how things work out, PG Music then release the update or modify it and release it.

It appears this bug is being addressed in the next patch, which should be released shortly.

I had the chance to have a look on the 818-pre-release. It's not fixed (see attachments)

Best regards

Attached picture mixer_thru.JPG
This problem has a long history of being solved then reappearing.

What is your checkbox setting in Options, Preferences, Overrides for all of the checkboxes in the upper half? Are they all ON?
Hello Matt,

thanks for this excellent hint. Indeed, the "Thru"-Ckeckbox wasn't set. It seems, that this checkbox is new in build 818 and is unckecked by default. After set to checked, it works fine. Therefore I have to correct my statement. It's fixed.

Best regards
Great. You could ‘mark as resolved’ on your first post.

Oops - never mind; you didn’t start the thread.

I don’t think the checkbox is new, but it’s a possibility that having it off is a new default setting. I’m not sure.
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