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I watched the video, but I am still hoping to hear some finished demos using real tracks. Without being able to assess the quality of these real tracks and styles, I cannot invest in the product.

I hope the user base of this product will post a few finished demos, so the rest of us can hear the significant product improvements we are reading about.

Thanks again.

There are tons of real track tunes (along with some midi stuff) posted in the off-topic section.

Here's a few of mine.





Easy Listening:



Without being able to assess the quality of these real tracks and styles, I cannot invest in the product.

Thanks again.


There are musical heavies on this site who have posted some sparkling results. Harvey Gerst comes to mind. Using RealBand, he produced several cuts that were album quality to my ear. Other examples are posted almost daily in the Off-Topic forum. (It would help if everyone detailed the platform on which they did their recording; not all postings are done with PG products.)

PG Music also have a 30-day money-back guarantee. Get it and try it. If it's not for you, send it back. No other software manufacturer that I know of offers that.


P.S. It appears that the archive goes back no farther than June of this year. Regardless of whether Harvey is still with us, his postings were much older than that, so would no longer be available. Please pardon my ignorance.
Hey Kevin...Good stuff. The song "Clap of Thunder"...which of those tracks are BIAB real tracks? Good song. How much BIAB do you use?

Thanks for responding. I like your stuff.

Re: Clap of Thunder

I searched for the song in the off-topic, but it only went to June of this year. All the instruments in there are realtracks and realdrums except for my acoustic guitar and electric guitar parts.

Moo, Harvey passed away a few weeks ago.
John, Harvey? Or do you mean Howard?
The songs Harvey Gerst posted were done a long while back, using a version of BiaB that did NOT have RealTracks.

They sound great.

But they are not RealTracks.

Matter of fact, he surprised a lot of us when he told us that the BiaB parts were played on the VSC MIDI synth, the first non-DXi version!

The thread is still on the Off-Topic forum, I just did a search for Harvey Gerst as user and set the engine for 1 Year and newer:

Harvey Gerst's BiaB songs post

AFAIK, Harvey is still alive and kicking.

I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Been a while, what's all bovine lately?

One of the coolest features of BIAB 2010 is that you can use it as a plug in to your favorite DAW, for me, Sonar.

So, I took a BIAB file that I had, Night and Day. I found a Bossa style with drums, bass, piano and guitar. The Clarinet is from my Korg PA800 keyboard.

I dropped the Real Track audio tracks into Sonar, without even really previewing them, and then dragged the melody track, which was MIDI, over to Sonar.

Tweaked the levels a bit, armed one track to record all the audio. Took that one track, exported it as .wma, uploaded it to my site, and am posting it here. Total time, less than 20 minutes.

I didn't record anything for this, other than the melody a few years ago, so the playing isn't great. I could do a LOT more to this song, but I wanted something quick and dirty to see how it worked.

i feel compelled to
as everyone knows... biab and the real tracks together with realband
is very much unique in the music creation market.

to create a song one either has to go thru the laborious
days n days n sometimes weeks n even months (which some people ive met do.)
laying down bed traks and getting them right.
ie..the traditional approach.
or one can use pre canned loops n midi patterns n go and paint such on tracks.
or one can start a song in biab/rb combo and even finish it.

in summary..3 options.
1. traditional (a la the old 2 inch tape multitrack days)
2. loop painting.
3. biab/rb approach.

each approach has plusses and minuses.
option 1 can be lengthy.
in the past gold records (oodles of them) were done useing this
but often in megabuk studios and often with hot dog session musicians.
like the funk brothers etc.
the problem is most people cant afford such.
ive used session cats in the past, superb folks, but today on a pension..
no can
the other basic problem is , even if one is a multi instrumentalist
and a superb musician who can play geetar/piano/drums and a couple of other
instruments to boot , one cant know every instrument.
so option 1 can be limiting unless one has a group of session musicians on
tap 24/7.
i did option 1 for the longest time..firstly tape based ,
and then once the pc became more powerfull installed powertraks.
and i can say from experience of oodles of songs n demos etc
often one can loose ones spur of the moment creativity ..
eg laying down midi traks.

option 2. sample/loop painting.
i'm not frankly in favor of the loop painting approach.
mebe its my biases showing. but no gband or acid for me thanks.
its ok for roughing out ideas i guess. and i have gigs n gigs of samples n loops
here. but frankly i find it a bore.
one has to search thru sample libs figuring out which samples n loops fit the song
idea in ones mind. then one goes thru such things as can i match the tempo ??
or hmmm...
ive got this great piano chord sample in Dflat minor, but dang gonna have to change that
down a semitone cos i want a Cminor. no biggies..but it all takes time.
painting the drum loops n samples, then the darn bass loops n samples
and then building other traks to get a decent sounding bed trak going.
it all can take lots of time searching thru libs of loops n sounds.


now ..
3. biab/rb combo.
the advantage of this approach the right hands it can be a time saver.
but as someone said to me one still has to find the right style of the many available thats most appropo
for the song (and of course select the instruments for sound picture).
but what i like about the concept is its like haveing a group of session musicians always
on tap to create songs with.
how i look at biab/rb is like a marriage.
biab for flushing out the song idea fast while the muse hits and then
bring the song into rb for finishing off //lead upfront traks//song icings.
(or D n D into ones fav daw software).
now let me say ive come across in my net and other travels two
some people have said , will never use it. or sounds cheesy,
or sounds like musak. they are very firm in their beliefs.

when people say this to me i know they have not properly delved into the products
in an open minded realise
what can be done useing them.
because as any experienced user knows its all in how one
sets about useing the products.
of course it will sound cheesy if one uses the darn MS on board synth sound chip.
but use realtraks and/or a wonderfull synth engine and a whole new universe opens up.
the other camp are those that love the products and know how to use them.
and this is the nub of it imho. cos in many respects from looking at the demos etc etc
n reading tons on google these products are CHAMELEONS.
they can be used in lots of different ways.

bottom lining the whole topic.
i dont think there will ever be a perfect solution/approach.
cos music creation at best is WORK as i said.
but i do think pg have done a breakthru with these products from
a software engineering standpoint.
my only nit pik is i wish the pricing was less for those of us on a

now the original poster asked for songs.
one problem of course is realtraks are a new phenomena.
so i'm sure its taken awhile for people to get familiar with all the
there will be songs made that run the whole gamut from brilliant
right thru basic guide trak ruff demo.
some people use biab just to rough out guides for musicians
in studios to play over the top of.
this really depends on the users aims.

i would also like to bring up another important point.
years back occasionally i would have discussions with folks in big studios.
sometimes biab would be used in the song creation process.
eg a jingle or tv ad or a proper song or whatever.
but often it was kept as sorta an inside secret.
some folks just dont like to give out how they did things.
or their tricks etc etc ive found.

all i'm trying to say is, if one hears a poor song..
one cant say "oh boy" ya know that biab.."man it sucks".
believe it or not ive seen such daft posts on the net.
cos mebe it was a poor song concept or the song wasnt produced correctly.
bottom line is biab n rb are just TOOLS.
some architects build beautifull buildings with the same tools as
other architects that build ugly office buildings we all dislike.

now if pg would just offer pensioner

Moo, Harvey passed away a few weeks ago.

This is indeed sad news for me, and here I thought I was doing so well.

Actually, I've been kinda busy designing some new studio monitors so I haven't been here as much as I'd like to be. Here's a thread talking about them:

Trident HG3 Studio Monitors

But I'm still alive and kicking, and I just got the 2010 UltraPak so I'll be getting into that more, as time permits.
Yeah, Harvey!

Looks like you haven't lost those rather unique design skills at all, like the good old wines that get better 'n better. Not "age" but "vintage," right? Right.

Take the market.

By storm.

OK here's one I've recently finished. This is my first 'All realtrack' demo apart from the vocals of course, It made me feel quite lazy as I didn't pick up one instrument.

One More Chance


Moo, Harvey passed away a few weeks ago.

This is indeed sad news for me, and here I thought I was doing so well.

I bet the flowers I sent were quite a surprise.

Very nice looking product you got there. Would love to hear them someday.


Moo, Harvey passed away a few weeks ago.

This is indeed sad news for me, and here I thought I was doing so well.

Actually, I've been kinda busy designing some new studio monitors so I haven't been here as much as I'd like to be. Here's a thread talking about them:

Trident HG3 Studio Monitors

But I'm still alive and kicking, and I just got the 2010 UltraPak so I'll be getting into that more, as time permits.

Rolling on the floor right now, but I must admit I was afraid we had lost another for a second or two. I guess the lesson here is never stay too quite for very long or someone will throw dirt on ya! You had better check in more often Harvey.

PS: By the way I am feeling well.

PS#2: Best of luck with the new monitors.

Hi All.
Manning - Thank you for taking the time to explain the different approaches and your experience of creating a song, biab or not. Very interesting reading and I agree whichever method one uses to get it right it can be a long but hopefully pleasurable experience. Biab is just another aid to the process albeit a fantastic one for those of us on a pension and no access to professional musicians for the instruments we do not play to help us. I think biab, especially with realtracks, injects that human touch to my songs rather than using loops or other methods to create the backings. It is also a wonderful for learning theory of music.
Yes please discounts from PG to pensioners.
Regards. Jeff
My dad used to get so mad at the 'seniors' discounts. As mad as my Dad ever got was "Gol Darnit..." or my grandfather under his breath going.."God blessss ..theee...Duke ...of....of....Argyle..." LOL.

His theory was 5 kids, no money, and someone who had their whole life to save up is getting a discount while the guy with the 5 kids, well pay up.

Now he claims to be rich, (he's not really), but he can afford a new car every 3 years and pay cash, and has a really nice condo.
If he is alive and healthy he is rich indeed..

I'll be rich too, if I can get these kids out of the house.
Not in a hurry, actually; the day will come too soon.
Can't come too soon for me. The very presence of my 20 yr. old daughter who has every excuse for not getting a job is driving me nuts. Probably because I worked part time from 11 to 15 and then full time until I retired to work part time out of boredom.

I spent the first 14 years of my life wearing older cousins clothes, how Ioathed the semi annual trips to the rich relatives so I could get their used junk. With 5 kids in the family and me the oldest...well...just how it was in the 50's and 60's. First thing I bought was dress pants and a shirt.
And a 100 buck transistor radio to hang on the handlebars of my bike.

I'm fixing the house up now for selling it. I have rooms no one goes in all week. Only wish I could do some of the work. The wife is painting one room today. I'll play the piano.
I was going to say at least you have cheap labor for the painting, but then about the actual cost. <grin>

A 100 dollar radio back in that time was probably pretty impressive.

My oldest is at the age where they claim they can't wait to get out on their own .. they have no idea how good they got it right now. Same as me at that age.
I bought the wife a Black & Decker pressurized paint roller setup for her anniversary present last year.

She appreciated it almost as much as the chain saw I gave her the year before.

It made me feel good that she doesn't have to use the axe so much now.

Next year, I've got my eye on a nice log splitter for the little woman.

BTW, John, she really appreciated the golf shoes. Thanks for the tip. With those spikes on them, when she washes my truck on these winter days, she doesn't fall down near as much as in the past.

Oh well, I said after the first time, never again.

Then I met a northern French girl with a swiss army knife, her father and I had all the same books on the shelf and she read them, and I missed the bush and he had hundreds of acres, 32 axes (by my son's count) and she still can't cook, just leaves that end to me. But on the other hand she's way younger, has more energy, and no isn't often in her vocabulary. Unless I want her to play for the Daughter's of the Empire we beat the French night, and that's a stretch. But Rule Britannia sounds good with the flute....

She's painting away, and I'm headed for the recliner for my noon hour snooze.
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