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i got this popup message using win biab 2021 829

This song is set to transpose the audio or audio performance tracks by 2 semitones. If you don't want a transpose, set "transpose audio tracks" to 0 in the Edit-Song Form-Additional Song Settings dialog.

to my knowledge i did nothing to cause the msg to appear
There are several ways in BIAB to do transposition. We could figure out which, but the quickest way to fix it is Options, Return to Factory Settings.

ps just a suggestion, you’re behind on updates, currently 842.
I've received this a couple of times of late - as recently as yesterday. I wasn't planning on transposing anything at the time. I think I'm up to date as I have 842 installed.
Most of these reports involve the newest transpose feature, the one on the main screen (not in the menus). People seem to hit the wrong one by accident. When you click on the key signature, there are two columns. The one on the left changes everything: note appearance and pitch. The one on the right changes only note appearance, and a small integer appears showing how many half-steps. Is that possibly what's happening?

Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
Most of these reports involve the newest transpose feature, the one on the main screen (not in the menus). People seem to hit the wrong one by accident. When you click on the key signature, there are two columns. The one on the left changes everything: note appearance and pitch. The one on the right changes only note appearance, and a small integer appears showing how many half-steps. Is that possibly what's happening?

thanks Matt
i'm trying to find a style for "Wondering Where The Lions Are" besides the one suggested by the style picker and may have loaded the demo songs for some of them and then had to transpose to the key of D i would have used the left column option

setting "transpose audio tracks" to 0 in the Edit-Song Form-Additional Song Settings dialog.
save me from the factory reset option
My experience with the transposition menu was as it was supposed to be and the correct letter in the correct column was selected and I received the message.

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