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Ik heb een vraagje over band in a box..

Ik gebruik band in a box voor het maken van een band waarbij ik zelf het gitaar gedeelte speel..
Heel veel (nou ja veel) heb ik al uitgevonden maar soms loop ik tegen een probleempje aan
Er zijn enkele liedjes waarbij het einde uit meer dan 2 delen bestaat..
B.v. wooden heart van Elvis.. hier staat aan het einde F C F C F C G C...
maar ik kan er maar 4 van de 8 invoeren .. hoe maak ik dat langer..?

Alvast bedankt en een goed 2010 toegewenst


Sorry for by bad englisch

I have one question about band in a box ..

I use band in a box to create a band and I play the guitar part ..
Many (well much) I have been invented but sometimes I have a problem
There are some songs where the end of more than 2 parts ..
E.g. Wooden Heart by Elvis .. Here is the end F C F C F C G C. ..
but I can only 4 of the 8 input .. How do I make it longer ..?

Thanks and good and great 2010

Welcome to the forum, JTvD. By the way, there is a Dutch area if you prefer writing in Dutch.

You 'can only 4 of the 8 input'? I presume these are chords and you are trying to input 8 chords into one bar? You can't do this at the moment. BIAB will only resolve to 4 chords per bar. Wooden Heart is actually a very simple song and a straight 4/4. I believe you are trying to input 8/4 - meaning for every bar you are currently using there are in fact two bars. If you bear this in mind, you should have no problem with the ending
Bud i don't mean that..
Example...I have a song and i play it twice (wooden heart) at the end there are 2 bars.. bud i need more bars ..
I hope you understand it.. how can i make more bars after the end on the second time...

Add a tag.

Bud i don't mean that..
Example...I have a song and i play it twice (wooden heart) at the end there are 2 bars.. bud i need more bars ..
I hope you understand it.. how can i make more bars after the end on the second time...


Rightclick on the bar before the two bar ending, choose "Song Settings" and examine and use the "TAG exists?" options.

You can set the number of bars for a TAG that will occur before the two bar ending happens.

I think that's what you are after.

Yes thats wath i mean.. thanks a lot...

And a verry good 2010 from Holland for you all...

Best regards
Posted By: JTvD A new question? - 01/01/10 08:36 AM
I have download some songs for BiaB and a saw that some numbers have red borders?
Why is that?
And where can i chance that (if i want)

Best regards
Posted By: Noel96 Re: A new question? - 01/01/10 09:08 AM
Hi JTvD,

I take it that you mean there are red rectangles around certain bars in the chord view. If this is the case it means that those bars have had their settings modified (right-click on the bar and choose "Bar Settings..."). Such modifications might be tempo, instrument patch, or a number of other things. It's ok to play them.

Posted By: JTvD Re: A new question? - 01/01/10 07:35 PM
Ok thank you for the explanation
I've tried it and yes that is what I saw ..

Best regards Tinus

Welcome to the forum, JTvD. By the way, there is a Dutch area if you prefer writing in Dutch.

Yeah, the Dutch one is hardly active though...
Therefore I ask here ..

My English is not so good but it worked with Google translate
Sometimes with errors bud i can understand it..
Sometimes mistakes but I got it
Dat had ik al begrepen!
Ja, hoor! Ik weet het!

Most Dutch people have a reasonably good command of English though - unlike the Austrians.

Tinus, I'm sure Mike will help you if you need. He's a Dutchman from Friesland
No problem, it works well this way ...
All I've asked, I can do with your answers.

I had French lessons at school.
But here I totally understand nothing.
My English is from the TV .. also my German language.
I can read and speak well, but not write.
So for this I use Google translate
Only for you there will be no proper syntax.

I have another question.
I've tried but it did not work
I have many songs of Johnny Cash and Elvis.
Can i also put the text (lyrics) in BiaB on the right place with the cords
That if one can sing along played it and not have to read from a paper.

Tinus, jahoor!

Never mind the syntax. If you keep your questions short and to the point, we can help. Yes, you CAN make your own 'karaoke' versions. The great thing is you can place the lyrics where you want and the karaoke window will give you the lyrics and/or the chords to sing/play along with.

Holland is a beautiful country by the way. I spent two years living in Haarlem and hanging out in either Zandvoort or Amsterdam when I was 19-21. I still remember it fondly. I just don't know what happened to the Dutch girlfriend I had at the time (well, I do but I don't want to think about it)
Then i will not ask .. you're young and ... well ..

But Austria is also a beautiful country ..
Many Dutch people take holidays or even live there..

But how do I do with the lyrics?
just a little help and I'll figure it out ..

There are two ways - but start by reading the manual
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