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I saved a song as an MGU. I tried to open it in my next session and got this error.

When I save a song that uses RT' do I save it as something other than an sgu or mgu? How do I save the RT's as .wma in different tracks?

How do I correct this error?

I am getting the same thing. Not just one piece but 2 new pieces that I started yesterday and then again today. They are unaccessible. This is very frustrating. BTW I just purchased BiaB 2010 and like being able to use it with DAW but if I can't even access the song a second time how can I work on improving the piece?

I am having the same problem. So was Danny C (see threads from yesterday.) I believe it has to do with real soloists--at least for me, when I saved a version of a tune prior to adding a real soloist, then added the soloist, I could use the version without the solo, but the version with the solo gives me the error message. I sent a file to Peter Gannon, per his request in the thread I started. Hopefully, they'll have a fix soon!

(By the way, the file works in BIAB 2009.5, if that helps.)
Moo, I assume from your other post you are using version 2010. Also, from the fact you couldn't get drag and drop to work in that other post, you may want to try Return to Factory Settings first, and possibly a reinstall.

If you are using Vista, make sure the UAC is off. There are other posts about this with better info; check those.

Your songs will always be saved with either the SGU or MGU extension, but that's not the issue.

It is possible to Render the tracks to individual WAV files. Not sure if you can do it to WMA directly in BIAB.

One other thing, in case you are using it: I get an Access Violation if I forget to start the external USB drive before I start BIAB.
I am using 2010 with a quad core win XP. Q 6600 2.4.

This error is a big hassle in the program and needs to be fixed. You'd be smart to move the song from Biab to RB in order to avoid this for now.

As suggested, I read the other topics concerning this and find no real solution. I am running Windows XP Pro 32 bit on an AMD64X2 dual core 4200+ CPU (4 Hard Drives - C: 160 gigabytes, D: 200 gigabytes, E: 400 Gigabytes, and I: 1.5 terrabytes (external and for storage and backup).

I defragged and optimized. I removed all old BBW.exe files for earlier versions. I even removed the BBW.exe for 2010 to do a re-install. Good thing I just renamed it and put it on a different drive as my upgrade package would not install without it in the BB directory (which is on C: drive). No, I repeat No RealTracks songs play now. I get the same Access violation message that is listed in the topic here. However, all the styles with NO RealTracks work just fine. But, if I add a solo to a midi style that is a RealTrack, WHAM! same message and I have to shut down.

This is not good for a piece of software to crash so much. This was one of the reasons I waited to purchase this (or any) upgrade to make sure most of the major bugs were fixed. I am running version build 292.

It would be silly to have to do a complete fresh install which I assumes formating the HD and re-installing everything. I only do that when I change operating systems or loose (knock on wood) a motherboard/CPU.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way in lowering my blood pressure. :-)

Not mad, just frustrated,
Rich Rayer
I habe the same problem but I cannot even open Biab 2010 anymore. I get the 2010 Start jpg and than the error message and the program closes down. Before that happend I played around with the Soloist Maker and Real tracks. In some point I got an error pop up, that this was not possible. So I closed down biab and saved the song.

From this point I cannot even open biab 2010 anymore. Always get the error message with the bbw.exe I replaced the exe again, but nothing happens. Good for me, that I made the backup copy on a WD passport. I was running the programm from the WD passport. Than I tried it from the original Biab hd and it worked. Right now I try again copying all the files from the original hd to the WD again and hope that I can start the program later again from my WD hd.

But I'm kinda scared, that this is gonna happen again and I don'T know, what to do than.
Has anyone figured this out yet? I'm getting this error today. Had something similar before but got it to go away after defragging and running off the USB drive. Tried all that but still getting the error with some files.

This is similar to something that I spoke about in a recent post. It sounds like you have frozen the Soloist. This is very easy to do because if you save a song in BIAB, it will automatically freeze and save the Soloist. As far as I can tell there is no way to turn this process off.

Have a read of my post and the fix that I discovered. It's here.

Peter as advised us that he's working on it. In the meantime, if the error is the same one I played around with, to avoid it, simply erase the Soloist before the final save of a song and subsequent exiting of BIAB.


From this point I cannot even open biab 2010 anymore. Always get the error message with the bbw.exe I replaced the exe again, but nothing happens.

I'll bet you had the option set to open last file when BiaB starts. If so it'll crash every time because it keeps trying to open the corrupt file.

Try renaming intrface.bbw in the \bb\ folder. That should reset the recent files list. If BiaB does open then try a demo song. If that works then there is a problem with a corrupt file. Probably the frozen soloist that's awknowleged as a problem and being fixed.
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