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Posted By: ReinhardS BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/21/22 06:21 AM
Is it possible to move or sync the whole c:\bb folder to Onedrive, so I can open BiaB on a second Notebook and still use the same songs, and keep every machines songs in sync?
Would there be a problem with license, even if it is only a second notebook?
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/21/22 07:34 AM
I understand we're authorised to use BiaB only on one computer at a time, though it can be installed on two or three computers at the same time. That said, I've occasionally used two copies at once when diagnosing problems, or to have a large screen for editing a song whilst using my notepad PC for practice (it's a tiny screen that's a pain to use). (*)

I run BiaB on my home office machine in either Windows or in Wine on Linux, with the while of /bb/ on a drive F: and I find that when I rebuild the styles database on one platform, the other platform then asks for a rebuild. I imagine similar would happen with Onedrive.

As I understand BiaB's behaviour, it does some file generation/swapping in the /bb/ directory, so it's possible that using Onedrive for /bb/ might result in, e.g., slow generation.

You have a maximum of three activations available. If you wish to activate a fourth machine, you must first deactivate one of the first three.

An alternative arrangement might be to keep just your songs on Onedrive and the rest of BiaB on the machine(s).

(*) For another software package I have I asked a similar question of that vendor about occasional use of two copies simultaneously. Their answer was that it's tracked but they don't really mind licensed users doing that ... "what we're really worried about is millions of users in China using ripped-off copies".

Caveat: these are mostly my opinions/understandings of the situation.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/21/22 10:16 AM
Simplistically, it is my understanding that you can install and run BiaB on up to three different computers - as long as they all belong to you and are not used by anyone else except you, the licenced licensed user.
(edit: use of non Americanized spelling - my bad) grin

So with that said, you could save your songs on one or more drives, and share them on your own different computers as long as they are for your own use.

The company is very flexible, and understands that a single installation is not always practical, but does require that any installation has to be to the licenced user only. Very fair, in my view.
Posted By: rharv Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/21/22 12:39 PM
three different computers - as long as they all belong to you and are not used by anyone else except you, the licensed user.

/I did fix the spelling on license so not a true quote.
Anyway I posted to say as I understand it you do not have to 'own' all three machines, but you do have to be the one using the licensed product on a given machine.

Example - at our studio we have a computer that has RB & RTs installed. It is for all practical purposes a 'co-owned' piece of equipment owned by Barry and I as is everything else there. But I am the only one that uses it there, so there will never be two or more instances running at once. Barry owns PT and prefers that as he never generates anything but RD's, so we're legal as far as I can tell.
As long as I am the user on that machine it has been fine so far.
.. or maybe PGMusic is just lenient on licensed users not intentionally making unlawful copies.

Come to think of it, I can hook the external hard drive up to any computer and run RB, long as it is only licensed for three different computers at once.
I have removed it from my laptop to allow me to use it to record audio at work. Then returned the licenses back to the original systems when done. I think Gordon Scott nailed it; it is not about one licensed user and his needs, it is more to make sure some Authorization code isn't sold on the 'net a hundred times for $25 or something.

As in remember Napster? I think the idea is - someone can't go giving your work away without a mechanism to stop it when needed. Not so much about whether you as a licensed user have two computers open at the same time in your home. Or need it somewhere else while on the road etc.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/21/22 08:54 PM
/I did fix the spelling on license so not a true quote.

Actually, whenever I post from here in Australia I do try to remember to Americanize the spelling of words to avoid confusion elsewhere, but I guess I slipped on that one wink

Fair call on the computer ownership. Yes, I believe that it really is about the licensed user, not the computer. Thanks for that clarification, it's a good and important point. PG Music don't sell their product to a computer, they sell it to a user.
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/22/22 07:25 AM
Originally Posted By: AudioTrack
I do try to remember to Americanize the spelling of most words

I tend to stick to UK spellings, though I'll use computer-specific spelling like dialog box.
I do though try to remember to not use words that have a different or offensive meaning in American (or Australian or Canadian or NZ or...).
Languages are rich and it's a huge shame to distill them all down to one variant.
Posted By: etcjoe Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/22/22 09:11 AM
The English language is such a mess. There, Their, They're.
Pacific Ocean, the c's are all pronounced differently.
There are too many examples. Too, to, two. I think the texters and tweeters may be on to something with the phonetic versions. Phonetic a word that is not spelled the way it sounds, means exactly that. Go figure. Fonetik, there I fixed it.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/22/22 10:02 AM
Originally Posted By: etcjoe
The English language is such a mess. There, Their, They're.
... There are too many examples. Too, to, two. ...

Well, none of us created the language or its variations and we're all just trying to work with it.
I do agree with Gordon's comment: "Languages are rich and it's a huge shame to distill them all down to one variant."

Now, back to the main program...
Posted By: etcjoe Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/24/22 12:56 PM
I agree about language. I was trying to be funny! I love that we have different words for the same thing when we are all speaking a version of English.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/24/22 09:48 PM
Originally Posted By: etcjoe
I agree about language. I was trying to be funny! I love that we have different words for the same thing when we are all speaking a version of English.

Joe, the humor was definitely noted grin
I digress again, and apologize in advance, because also I agree that English is wacky in so many ways:

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Posted By: rharv Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/25/22 09:24 PM
Now that was funny smile

Sorry for my error earlier in the thread. The spelling just looked weird to me .. and didn't think much beyond that apparently
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: BiaB - Folder on cloud storage? - 08/25/22 11:51 PM
All good Rharv, I was actually pulling your leg, and getting a bit of fun mileage wink
(and yep, we can all lighten up a bit sometimes, hence the further post on the crazy English rules. I liked the 'science' one best grin )
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