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I was just trying to copy and paste 4-bar MIDI phrase from one section of the tune to another. Copy/Paste doesn't work, Copy Special From... To... doesn't do it either. How to fix this?
Do it while the midi is in one of the original tracks and then move the midi to a utility track.
Are you trying to copy from the Notation window or the PianoRoll?
here's a trik.

simple way of moving midi bars around (cut/copy/paste etc etc) rather than piano roll which i find 'fiddly' on any daw...and also moving bits of midi around to different traks.

drop the midi trak into realband. youll see the midi on a rb trak.
bring up rb BARS VIEW et voila…and move bars of midi data around to your hearts content.


see edit menu for features etc.

note there are lots of way to use bars view.
lots of midi POWER n' features in rb.

see the manual to save me typing pages n pages.
spend the time getting acquanted with rb's midi POWER and you'll be surprised. lots of triks to discover.



OK, This is a bit different. I am trying to copy and past "tracks" not just portions of a track. But maybe the lesson is learned... I created a midi bass line on the Utility 1 track. I can't find a way to drag this to my DAW ( I don't believe it is possible), so I used copy From To, the Utility track to the Melody track. Then I was able to drag it to the DAW. For the first 25 mins it was a nightmare of errors and mismatched midi. Then I RTFS and after that it worked. At which time I immediatley returned to the friendly confines of my DAW. grin
Doesn't matter. Notation window, Piano Roll. I just want to copy and paste the phrase to the next set of measures.
Originally Posted By: Funkifized
Doesn't matter. Notation window, Piano Roll. I just want to copy and paste the phrase to the next set of measures.

Try return to settings option. Copy/Paste in the Piano Roll Window works on my system regardless if it's a single channel or an entire Midi song imported onto the Melody Channel. I get the same results editing a Super Midi Track generated on a Utility Track.

Return to Settings option?

Change your preference settings back to their defaults:

Options > Return To Factory Settings.

Once you've reset and set preferences back to the way you like then save your settings in a preference file:

Options > Save Preferences As ...

That way if the program becomes unstable in the future you can return to factory settings and quickly load your settings.

Description: My preference files
Attached picture Clipboard01.jpg
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