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I have the sheet music for a song melody that I would like to add to my BIAB arrangement.
I could enter this note for note but find the editor a little difficult at times.
I have done it a number of times.

However, I could also enter the score in Musescore and the import that score to the Melody in BIAB.

Can this be done and what file formats etc would I need?

Best regards
Hi Bernt,

Although it's been a while since I last tried it, I do this by saving the melody as a MIDI file. BIAB then imports that without any issue. You may need to define which bar you want to start from when it's imported into BIAB.

The command is found under... "File | Import | Import melody from MIDI file"

You could also try saving the file in XML in Musescore and import that into BIAB as BIAB will read XML.

All the best,
Yes, that seems to work.

Thank you.

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