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When starting BiaB 2023 I get a "NONAME.SGU Division by Zero" Error. The Program isn't working and closing without "End task" in Task Manager.

What can I do to fix this?
Thx Gery

Attached picture Capture5.JPG
Attached picture Capture6.JPG
I would contact the PGMusic support line:
Live Chat, phone or email.

I understand your problem is that you cannot get BIAB to even start and you get that message.

There are several things you can do.

Call or chat with PG Music Support
Reinstall BIAB

However, try this first:

Using a file manager or Windows Explorer, navigate to your /BB folder (probably C:/BB) and then go into the Preferences folder under that.

Rename these two files: intrface.bbw (yes, I spelled that right) and MySetup.DK

The files will be recreated by BIAB once it starts. You will have to redo any preferences settings you may have made, since this is the equivalent of Return to Factory Settings, except you can do it without starting BIAB.

If you want to know more, but you don't have to:

Thanks, I did rename intrface.bbw and MySetup.DK. Then I checked and adjusted preferences and options. Since the styles were empty I did a (slow) rebuild. In the the middle of this process the "Division by zero" showed up and I have the same status as before.

So maybe (one of?) the styles is corrupt?
Or may be installing the program in C:\Program Files (x86)\bb was no good idea (I set "Full control" for all users)?

Strangely BiaB VST in Cubase 12 works with no problems.

Thanks again for your ideas.
Or may be installing the program in C:\Program Files (x86)\bb was no good idea (I set "Full control" for all users)?

Installing in that folder is a known no-no.

You should only install BiaB in a top-level folder, e.g. X:\bb

Suggest you uninstall and then re-install as above. There are known privilege issues in later Windows versions with using \Program Files (x86)
I concur. We know that either one of the /Program Files folders is about the only place where BIAB will not work.

I should have spotted that in the error message.

To my knowledge, the BIAB /BB folder can be on any drive you choose. In my system, it’s drive F. If it isn’t on drive C, a few system files like fonts and the plug-in will be installed on C. Also, although I’ve never tried it, I’m not aware of a requirement that /BB must be at the top level of a drive, but put it there in case I’m wrong.
You should be able to install in an other folder than X:\bb\ however, the overwhelming majority of users do use X:\bb\ (where X: is the selected drive letter on the computer), so using this approach just offers a chance for some consistency.

Mine is installed in E:\bb\ as shown:

Attached picture 2023-01-22_9-44-15.jpg
Thanks for all your help!

I uninstalled and re-installed in C:\bb. All working fine.

As soon as I add my own style files in the folder C:\bb\Styles and do a rebuild the "Division by Zero" Error comes back. There is a message saying "No Blanks in Filenames allowed". So it seems my styles with " " in the filename cause the trouble, strange.

Maybe it is not "allowed" to add own styles?

As far as I am aware, the BiaB styles naming format is strictly no more than 8 characters long (8.3 format).

Rename the style and replace the space character with an underscore or similar and see if that resolves the error.

Separately, a non-conforming file name should not generate a division by zero error, it should be handled gracefully by the program.
That did the trick: "..replace the space character with an underscore.."

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