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Posted By: redguitars Recording SOLVED Problem - 06/07/12 02:38 PM
Hello all,

I just got my software installed on my new Win7 PC. I have BIAB and Realband 2009 and PowerTracks 12.
I have my mixer or whatever I need plugged into my line-in and it works just fine and sounds great.

Here is my problem:

When I record Audio in PTPA 12, with MIDI Tracks playing, it records the MIDI audio. Just like in XP when you choose "What You Hear". I can't figure out how to stop this.

When I use RealBand I have no problem. I never changed a thing and the line-in records perfectly and the MIDI track do not get recorded as audio.

I have compared the Audio settings on the 2 programs and I see no difference. I must be missing something.
Is anyone is using Win7 and PTPA12. I'm going to upgrade but I waited till I got my new system running. Realband works perfectly. I always use Power Tracks, but it records whatever audio is playing, like "What you hear".

Thank you Wayne,
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/07/12 02:50 PM
I forgot, I'm using MME drivers.
If anyone needs a screenshot of something, just tell me.

Thank you, Wayne,
Posted By: rharv Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/07/12 10:56 PM
New Win 7 PC

Check soundcard record settings (right-click speaker icon bottom right in W7 usually))
Stereo Mix selected? (or similar)
Otherwise tell us settings in RB to give us a clue (driver selected for audio MIDI etc)
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 12:39 AM
The PC is using onboard audio. It says Conezant HD Audio. In Realband and PTPA I'm using the MME drivers, no Asio. Everything is set the same, but something must be different in PTPA because it records ongoing audio.

My last machines were XP and it was easy.

This is a new Dell i5, with Win7. Realband and Cakewalk Music Creator work fine. Only in PowerTracks does it record what is being played. So when I record Audio (my guitar) while playing with MIDI tracks in PTPA the MIDI get recorded as audio.

In RealBand it works like it always did. On my PC I select Line-In for recording. As far as the PC there is nothing complicated. It works fine. Realband proves that. PTPA records any track that is playing along with the line-in audio.

I don't have any MIDI inputs. I just have all my MIDI going to Coyote Forte or TTS-1 synths. I will compare the Audio settings in the 2 programs again to see if there is any setting that is different. If not as a last ditch maybe I will reinstall it.

It's so simple. It always has been. I'm glad Realband works. If not I wouldn't have anything to use. It must be staring me in the face. Also, BIAB works fine as well.
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 12:52 AM
Thanks for replying Bob. Right after I wrote my last reply I went through everything one more time and found it I checked the Sound on Win7 and found the problem.

Even though I had selected "Line-In" for recording as the default and only choice. I noticed that the microphones were not selected as well, but they were disabled. So I clicked on "Stereo Mix" and disabled it. Problem is solved and nothing else was effected. I still wonder why only this one program picked it up. But it is fine now.

Your reply made me take one more closer look at the selection box.

Thanks again, Wayne,
Posted By: jford Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 01:14 AM
Windows 7 completely changed the way audio was handled from XP, so you have to re-learn a few things.
Posted By: rharv Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 01:34 AM
Sometimes it seems like it makes no sense. It's like the programmers at M$ don't record audio regualrly.. so they don't understand it. (grin)
glad you got it sorted out.
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 01:34 AM
You're so right John. I rarely have to learn much, because I really have almost no problems with Win7. Once I got a handle on the audio it was a no brainer. It was just a fluke that PTPA was picking up the audio. But I enabled it again and found that I could just mute it for recording and problem is still solved.

It's not just that Win7 works for me, it's also the new PC. I have an i5, 8gigs RAM and a 1 TB HD. It was hard to beat at $599.00. I was an XP user till the end. We lost our PCs in a flood last Fall.

I'm still amazed at the new PCs. My wife has an i3 laptop and it flys. And not a crash yet. With her old XP system, I was always getting up and unsticking her system. She goes online much of the day and keeps like 4 to 6 tabs open in her browser and a word processor. She doesn't have any problems.
But I digress.

Thanks all, PG forums always either solves or pushes me to find the problem. There's always someone ready to help. I will be recording again soon now. Only instrumental Jam stuff though. I can't wait. It's been a long time.

Thanks, Wayne,
Posted By: redguitars Re: Recording Problem PTPA 12 HELP - 06/08/12 01:37 AM
Thanks again. Reading your post made me go back again. I can never

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