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Posted By: daiphan Cannot record from Tyros 4 to PowerTracks. - 05/01/13 08:12 PM

I connect the T4 to the PT using usb cable and on the MIDI set up, I choose the workstation 1 for both in and out. When I play on the T4, the notes are marked on the screen but when I hit record button, a yellow box came up telling me that there is no data coming in. As such, nothing is recorded. I make sure I hit the record button for midi rather than audio but to no avail. I am confused because the program gets the signals as the notes light up but yet there is no midi recieved according to the warning yellow box. Please advise. Thanks DP
Posted By: LynB Re: Cannot record from Tyros 4 to PowerTracks. - 05/01/13 08:13 PM
When I record Midi from a Midi Controller I select the IN Driver only and leave the OUT Driver unchecked.
Hi LynB,

But without the OUT driver, then I will not be able to hear what I recorded? Forgive me but by using USB cable I should be able to get midi signals to the PT without using the classic MIDI cables right? DP
Posted By: rharv Re: Cannot record from Tyros 4 to PowerTracks. - 05/01/13 11:07 PM
I choose the workstation 1 for both in and out

Is it the only one selected?

If multiple MIDI ports are selected the default one gets recorded first. Default is whichever one is closest to the top of the list. Make sure it is the only input selected while recording.
Hi all,

In BIAB, I was able to record from T4 and play back to T4. However, when I open PT, if I click record, a yellow warning box appears on the top right telling me there is no midi input. Does that mean PT requires connection with the old midi cables rather than USB? I tried eveything to no avail and am quite frustrated at this point. Although the signals are going to PT (the keys light up when played on T4) but they are not recognized. Re install PT, driver but still no go. frown DP
Posted By: rharv Re: Cannot record from Tyros 4 to PowerTracks. - 05/02/13 11:08 PM
Options-preferences-MIDI devices
See if the T4 is selected as the MIDI input (and the only one selected and at the top of the list). This makes it the default input.

Normally if you see the keys light up it will record.

Only other thing I can think of is you don't have the track set to MIDI, but in this case it should not give the MIDI Input warning.\\Since you have BiaB, have you tried Realband?
It's PT with some BiaB features thrown in, like a combo of the two.

And yes, using USB MIDI normally works fine as long as it is selected.

I tried all night with different settings but still no go. Looks like this won't work out after all. Thanks for all the help. DP
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