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Posted By: nichollstj Guitar Rig - 07/10/13 09:12 PM
Hi all,
I just purchased NI Komplete Elements. The included Guitar Rig 5 works fine in standalone mode but I can't seem to get it working in Powertracks2013. Its a VST so I added it to the list via the directx/vst plugin configuration dialog. I set up an audio track and hit the fx button on the track and select guitar rig 5. Then I select a preset from guitar rig. I can hear my guitar playing but no amp effects have been applied to it. I have enabled effect monitoring and IM effects recording in the audio preferences. The effects are showing up on a track insert ( in this case 1 for the only track in the file). Should I insert the effect here?
When I record on the track its nothing but a pile of noise.
The guitar rig plugin has two meters for in/out. There is nothing to indicate there is any signal getting to it when I play.
I've tried this on the aux bus with the same non response,
I sure would appreciate any suggestions. I'm such a novice at this stuff.
Posted By: ROG Re: Guitar Rig - 07/10/13 10:28 PM
Hi Terry.

The Guitar Rig VSTi needs to be loaded into the input monitor, not the track. To do this, click on the DXi button and then on the track selection at the top of the box. Scroll right down to the bottom and you'll see INPUT MONITOR INSERT, Select that and then load the Guitar Rig into the first plugin slot.

It's possible to load other effects into the remaining slots so you could have, for example, a delay, reverb, or other effect added to the Guitar Rig sound.

In AUDIO PREFS the ENABLE INPUT MONITORING will let you hear the effect as you play, but will record the sound dry(without effect). The button ALLOW IM RECORDING will record the sound you are actually hearing. This has been known to have a bug with certain hardware configurations - if you hit a problem, get back to me and I'll show you a work-around.

Posted By: nichollstj Re: Guitar Rig - 07/10/13 11:00 PM
Thanks again Rog!! That worked just as you described. I guess however that I'm one of those people with the certain hardware configuration since if I use the IM effects recording option I get nothing but noise. Would you be so kind to let me know what the work around is? I couldn't thank you enough.
Just for curiosity I did a search of the user manual for input monitor insert and there were no matches. Perhaps there should be. Im sort of confused about what all the inserts actually do. Every day's a school day.
Posted By: ROG Re: Guitar Rig - 07/10/13 11:17 PM
Ok, Terry, the work-around.

Record the track listening to the effect, but without IM RECORDING selected. You now have a dry track and two options -

1) Highlight the section of track you want the effect on - I find it easiest to do this from the BARS window, but you can use the TRACKS window as well. Now go to the EDIT menu and select AUDIO EFFECTS and then DIRECT X AUDIO PLUGINS.
Load in the effect you wanted with the settings you had when you recorded. You can adjust these settings in real time by hitting the PREVIEW button. When you've got it sounding right, hit PROCESS.


2) Click the INSERT button on the dry track and load the Guitar Rig as a plugin. Adjust the effect as needed. This method is non-destructive, but uses more processor overhead.

Hope this helps.

Posted By: ROG Re: Guitar Rig - 07/10/13 11:22 PM
Terry - logging off now - it's half past midnight here! I'll check tomorrow to see how you've got on.

Posted By: nichollstj Re: Guitar Rig - 07/11/13 09:11 AM
The Edit-Audio Effects-Directx Audio Plugin sure didn't work for me. When I tried that with the Guitar Rig I get some weird behaviour with the different presets of Guitar Rig cycling through the window and then it stops responding. The subsequent error message says "dxplug^.exe not responding". Windows then checks about the problem and I get a second error message saying "error Problem running c:\pt\dxplugin.exe".
I tried applying an effect using one of the built in pg effects and it worked fine.

The good news I guess is that using the edit dx button and inserting Guitar Rig there worked ok. I can hear the effect applied and can adjust the sound that way. As you say, this can be processor intensive if I do a lot of tracks so i tried getting around that using the merge command from the tracks menu and including the effects in the merge. Seems that will work.

Its a convoluted way of doing things but at least there is a path.
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