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Hi all,

I have recorded a piano piece using Ivory II virtual piano and am having problem converting to wave file. The piece is about 3 minutes long. When I go to Audio and select merge into audio, I could only get half of the wave file recorded. Meaning when I play back the wave/MP3 file, the first half is missing! I tried to do the same with Mixcraft and the program crashed. Please advise. Thank you so much! Dai
Hi Dai.

You could try right clicking on the track in the TRACKS window and selecting AUTO CONVERT INDIVIDUAL MIDI TRACK TO AUDIO TRACK. If it converts the full track you can then highlight the track and save it as a wav file.

It might just work better than the MERGE command from the AUDIO menu.

Thank you and I will try that. It seems you know the answers to everything! smile I have been using PT since mid 90's (when it came with a small blue book) and I would like to keep using it rather than going with any other program. I will let you know of the outcome. Dai
When only parts of the audio get rendered, it may indicate the need to do a Consolidate Track command and try again.

That command may be needed if the track(s) have had some editing like cutting and pasting done to them.

Originally Posted By: Mac
When only parts of the audio get rendered, it may indicate the need to do a Consolidate Track command and try again.

That command may be needed if the track(s) have had some editing like cutting and pasting done to them.


I recorded the song in different tracks then merged all together so it only has one track now. Dai
That would certainly seem to me to necessitate use of the "Consolidate Track" command.

The command is there for just the reason of your stated problem, give it a try.

Originally Posted By: Mac
That would certainly seem to me to necessitate use of the "Consolidate Track" command.

The command is there for just the reason of your stated problem, give it a try.


Hi Mac,

I tried and the PT message says " no audio data in selected region". Any other ideas? Dai
Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Dai.

You could try right clicking on the track in the TRACKS window and selecting AUTO CONVERT INDIVIDUAL MIDI TRACK TO AUDIO TRACK. If it converts the full track you can then highlight the track and save it as a wav file.

It might just work better than the MERGE command from the AUDIO menu.



I tried and the conversion renders no audio data (just a flat line). Any other ideas? Thanks Dai
Right click the track (after highliting it)
Click 'Select Whole Track'
Click Track - Consolidate Audio Region

I, like Mac, am pretty sure that track is a bunch of audio chunks.
You can look at the number of Events on a track by hovering your mouse right beside the track number (not on it).
You should see a popup like the image below.
Consolidate will make the track one continuous chunk. This helps, especially noticeable if rendering tracks with certain FX.

After consolidating (and selecting whole track as mentioned above)try rendering again.

Attached picture events.jpg
Originally Posted By: rharv
Right click the track (after highliting it)
Click 'Select Whole Track'
Click Track - Consolidate Audio Region

I, like Mac, am pretty sure that track is a bunch of audio chunks.
You can look at the number of Events on a track by hovering your mouse right beside the track number (not on it).
You should see a popup like the image below.
Consolidate will make the track one continuous chunk. This helps, especially noticeable if rendering tracks with certain FX.

After consolidating (and selecting whole track as mentioned above)try rendering again.

I have tried many times and the message keeps saying " no audio in selected region". After a third time, I get the message " access violation..." and the program crashed. Dai
Is the Track MIDI, or is it audio currently?

You said you recorded it with virtual piano but didn't say whether you recorded audio or MIDI
Originally Posted By: rharv
Is the Track MIDI, or is it audio currently?

You said you recorded it with virtual piano but didn't say whether you recorded audio or MIDI

I recorded with Midi so I can edit the data as needed. Today I select the play back via Pianoteq, Pianissimo and the conversion is fine (in the audio menu). However with Ivory II, sometimes I get only half of the song, sometimes nothing! I have tried to do the manual rendering but I cannot find the 'Window Mixer button" anywhere. All I see are the VU meters with a speaker icon in the center. When I hit audio record, only the output meter lights up and the input is silent. There is something that prevents the conversion here. Thanks Dai
Windows mixer is usually accessed via the speaker icon in the lower right corner of your monitor.
Originally Posted By: rharv
Windows mixer is usually accessed via the speaker icon in the lower right corner of your monitor.

Thank you for your reply. I think I find the solution but it is really weird. That is if I uncheck the "re-route to VSTi box but put Pianoteq in it and at the same time assign my piano track to channel 1 with Ivory as the voice, then I am able to convert to audio file OK. But if I place Ivory in the VSTi box but UNCHECKED to be re-routed, then either the wave file is empty or chopped off at the end. It really does not make sense but somehow having Pianoteq in the VSTi box makes a difference although I am not using it at all. Thank you for all the help. I just posted another inquiry and I hope you can me on that one too. Dai
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