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Posted By: lobster split point [Resolved] - 10/03/22 08:19 AM

I use my Studiologic NC2X as controller and the split point is setup to C-4, if I look exactly after the recorded midi and during the record, can see that overlapping of notes, that caused later when the recorded session is finished,not to separate the midi channels correctly.In other words CH1 and CH2, for example appears on the same track and can't be separate or extract
I must say, that the way I record is live! I don't use or like DAW.
My question is if the standard use in track view C5 can be setup, for another , for example Split point.
I know that for the lead sheet, can be setup it, but those notes are when playing the recorded would not be shown in the notation window correctly.

thanks for any answer
Posted By: rharv Re: split point - 10/03/22 08:46 AM
Edit - MIDI - Extract Channels to Tracks
Is that what you are looking for?
Posted By: lobster Re: split point - 10/03/22 09:20 AM
Hi rharv:

This I know, when I record live, I get a global midi track which will be extracted to all midi channels.
What I meant is the fact that recording, from Studiologic NC2X, which has 4 channels : 2 with internal sounds + 2 from an external midi module or keyboard, the result is :

2 Channels from internal sound are : Midi Ch 1 and Midi Ch 2
2 external from external sounds are for example: Midi Ch 5 and Midi Ch 7

I get from Ch1 and Ch 2, after extracting from Global tracks , both in the same Notation view and can't be separated.
So what I wanted to know is that in Main view window, where the Split Point is shown C5 , can be set to for example C4, which could be the solution to get those Channels separated each other.
You know I'm organ player and use The Mojo Desktop or Ferrofish B4000+, and those modules have 3 Channels, so in the Studiologic I program which channels are to be active, and also the Split point.
For me is the Split Point C4, and than is the problem!!

I hope is more understandable my issue.

thanks for any comment.
Posted By: Bob Calver Re: split point - 10/03/22 01:10 PM
without being at a pc using PT i'm guessing but can't you record the keyboard onto one track then spit it using the data filter?

i think you end up with one midi track in PT. using the data filter cut all notes above the split point you want to set and then paste them onto a separate track in PT. set each track to a different midi channel.

quite quick and easy - or should be. maybe rharv ( the expert) can give us his opinion. smile
Posted By: rharv Re: split point - 10/03/22 06:46 PM
That's a really good solution Bob

Edit - Cut and enable the Data Filter check box in the first pop up. This allows you to manipulate a given set of data that can be defined by channel, note range, velocity, etc. Very powerful feature once you try it. So you could cut the desired data by note range or MIDI channel (or both) and paste it to another track.

If the need is simply getting C5 to be C4, using Edit - MIDI - Pitch Transpose and going down -12 steps may also work, but I am still unclear of the desired end goal unfortunately...
Posted By: lobster Re: split point - 10/06/22 08:22 AM
Hi guys : Bob and rharv: I try to resume so I don't explain it again,
thank you for your help

That's the way I always did, remembering my old Technics KN3000, the sequencer provided almost 7 midi channels, but those options recording all at once like I did gave in PT the option to extract, and done very neat.
Now I use the NC2X as controller with also a MP113 Foot Bass controller.
So I can record an organ sound module, and the option to split the channels can be manage in the controller itself.
When I come to PT , got the split already prepare, that's when I so it as an issue, the fact of representing CH1-CH2, together after being make the Midi Channel extract.
In other words I had to redo what on Midi track 1 is given as CH1 again, thereafter, I can get the CH2 separately.
Posted By: lobster Re: split point - 10/12/22 11:29 AM
Hi Bob:

This was a useful tip, using the second filter and changing the note range for the one it should carry the notes for the second channel, which in my case were inside the first channel, could separate those mention CH's.
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