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Below is the URL for setting up SampleTank with Omnisynth so that it can act as a host for General MIDI.

... how to set up OmniSynth for General Midi

In the above thread, Jim111 offers a detailed explanation of how to get Omnisynth functioning properly in SampleTank.

What I've written below interprets Jim's words with images for assistance.

Essentially, if you navigate to C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\Instruments\OmniSynth 2, you'll find a folder called "GM Prog Chng Bank". This folder contains the midi maps for general midi. Jim suggests copying these to x:\bb as it makes them easier to find because one of the maps needs to be loaded each time BIAB is started. (Note: for some, the path may be C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 2.5\Instruments\OmniSynth 2. or other variations - see the post from Jazzmandan, a couple further on in this thread.)

To load an Omnisynth midi map ...

1. Click on the VSTi button. (If you cannot see this displayed, click on the >> to the right of the yellow cross to view icons that are not on the menu bar.)

2. Click on "Default Synth" (1); the dropdown sythn menu (2); select SampleTank (3).

3. When SampleTank loads, click on "Program CH" (1) and then select "Open Map" (2).

4. Now navigate to the map files at C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\Instruments\OmniSynth 2 and select either one of the STMP files. (It's definitely easier to find the files if they are copied to x:\bb.)

Jim also suggests loading 'SRGM KIT O1 DRY' in channel 10 of ST. If BIAB is set so that it automatically selects Realdrums when a style is loaded, then a suitable set of Realdrums is chosen by the program whether it's a Realtracks- or midi-based style. For this reason it's not really necessary to load in a kit for midi drums to use.

If, however, you want to set-up for midi drums, continue ...

5. Select midi track 10 (1); click on the arrowhead next to "Omnisynth GM" (2) to expand the list of instruments; scroll to the bottom of the list (3).

6. At the bottom of the instrument list under "Omnisynth GM", there are a number of drum kits called SRGM Kit (1). Double-click the left mouse button to load any one of these into channel 10 (2). Note that, as mentioned about, channel 10 needs to be selected first, before double-clicking.

Open one of the midi-only styles in BIAB and double-check that SampleTank is indeed now operating as a GM synth.

All the best,
Error Message at Step 4

Nevermind, it was a problem with where I was storing the files - go that fixed. But then loaded a midi style, hit play and a total crash of the program. Have not seen that happen in a long time. BIAB just shut down.
Hi Dan,

That's strange behaviour. Did you try copying those map files to the \bb directory to see if that made a difference?

Also, it might be worth restarting your computer after the install. Sometimes things seem to get stuck in memory for no apparent reason.

Another thought ... is Omnisynth in the correct "Instruments" folder? It should be in the folder under IK Multimedia and not the "Instruments" folder under Sampletank 2.5 (that was how it worked for me at least). I notice that BIAB have files under both locatations. I suspect that that's a safeguard.

In the meantime, I'll re-try the instructions I've written just to check that they're ok.

I will check all out. Here is what I currently have regarding the install:

That's interesting, you only have the one instrument folder. That must be because I have had ST on my computer for a while.

Try going to SampleTank's preferences (1) and using the browse to (re)set the path (2). If that doesn't help, try setting the option "High Performance" (3) rather than "High Quality". That will reduce memory load and might help narrow down the problem.

Hope this helps,
Got ya Noel. We will figure it out. I have no doubt - But the parties are starting so I will be gone for bit. Happy New Year.

Here is the apparent fix. It had been discussed in other threads.

"..after my many hours playing with ST and BIAB - load the actual VSTi and NOT the DXi (wherever the " SampleTank2.x.dll " was placed when you installed Sample Tank"

Noel, does that mean you need to change you picture in step 2? Or is the Dxi working for you?

I also get crashes if I select the DXI but using the VSTi works fine for me.
Hi Dan and Ed,

The DXi has been working for me. That's pretty interesting given that it seems to crash for others. It might be related to the fact that I was running a 2010 installation of SampleTank.

Dan: I've taken your advice and have updated the image so that it reflects the VSTi. That was a very good point. Thank you.

All the best,

you know how professionals often have initials after their name to signify their area of expertise?

Biz Nessman, MBA
Norm BerCruncher, CPA
Anne Telligent, PHD

you should add the letters FA to the end of your name, as in

because you're FREAKIN' AMAZING in the way you explain all this stuff!

(even if you don't add it, I'm going to consider it to be there anyway)

Thanks for all the work you go to in order to clarify common questions here on the forum. You help me a lot.

Pat Marr, BOD
(Big Ol' Dummy)
Hey Pat,

Well that certainly made my computer monitor chuckle!!!! Thanks for the comments! I've got to be honest, though, the only letters that people put after my name usually are ones that have a mix of letters and symbols like "%$*!".

Take care. You're a gentleman and a scholar!

Hey! Nice one!

I loaded the VST version and now it's working.
Well, the GM mapping is working. But the VST version wont Juke.

I have been jukeboxing my 'Pianist' midi files through Real Band and Sampletank for the past week. The Sampletank pianos sound great. As long as I have the DXI version of Sampletank loaded, the patches I have selected for piano, bass and drums stay loaded from one song to the next. When I use the VST versions, the Patches unload for each new song.

ITs not a big problem. Im just saying...
Today was my first time seeing this. Noel, many thanks for adding the pictures. They're each worth a thousand words or more.
Thanks, Jim. Sampletank is brilliant. It's really worth playing around with and learning how to drive.

All the best with the adventure,
Something I've found helpful is to have a separate partition for BIAB/RB with folders for stuff I need to access frequently.

_My Songs
Band Box
Real Band
VST Presets

Having the presets in a dedicated folder avoids having to scroll past all the operational BB folders to find what you're looking for.
Thanks to all you Omnisynth 2 experts and fans: i finally got it running, but how can you set it that it automatically loads the GM bank AND the drums to channel 10 automatically when starting BIAB? PS After some trial runs, messing around and experiments i alas went back to using edirol and or coyote softsynth, too much hassles for me LoL - F
Originally Posted By: fiddler2007
an you set it that it automatically loads the GM bank AND the drums to channel 10 automatically when starting BIAB?

I'd like to know if this is possible to get it set up as well.

That's the only thing it's keeping me from using Sampletank. Changing instruments is too much of a hassle to even bother... or so I thought?

I'm all ears!!!!
That is explained in detail in the opening post. Every time you open Biab you have to load that GM prog chng bank. Once you do that ST will behave like a regular GM synth.

In other words this is a workaround because no, ST isn't a GM synth but this makes it close.

Excellent instructions. The minor inconvenience of loading the map on startup is well worth the improvement in sound quality ... to me anyway.

I had been previously loading instruments channel by channel in ST ...
Glad it was useful, Bob.
Years ago, I bought Omnisynth. Anyway, last year I re-purchased it along with a bunch of other Sampletank packages at the special $10 each sale. My question, can we load all of those Sampletank sample packages the same way? I must admit, I haven't really played around with it yet as I don't want to rock the BIAB boat and I only use Realtracks at present. A always have loved the Sampletank samples though and it would open up the option of pulling in some of the great pro midi files around (like those created by Roland) for song requests at shows.
This ST 'song and dance' has been the reason I avoid it.
Can't they make it easy for a dummy like me?
Yes the sounds are nice and allow a lot of customization options, but it is such a PITA to work with.
Sorry, I'll go home now.
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