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Posted By: MitchC Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/17/11 10:48 PM
Not sure what happened, but when I now render a mix to a .wav file, it doesn't "honor" my mixer pan settings...the "stereo" wav file is MONO ? What in the heck did I do ?
Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/18/11 02:01 AM
BTW, the same song rendered to wav file in BIAB sounds fine (stereo)... It's just in Real Band that the file ends up in mono... can't figure this out ?!
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/18/11 06:50 AM
Hi Mitch,

I don't have an answer for your problem but some questions spring to mind that it would be useful to know the answers to. Knowing these answers will help with starting to isolate the behavior.

1. Do you use the "Merge Audio and DXi to Stereo Wav file" as shown below?

2. Does the Realband song play properly in stereo when you play it in Realband before merging?

3. Are you using MME or ASIO as your soundcard driver?

4. Are you using Realband 2011.5?

5. Is your operating system a 32-bit or 64-bit system?

6. How do you get the song-file to Realband? Are you "dragging and dropping" or simply opening the BIAB directly in RB?

Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/18/11 02:59 PM
1. Do you use the "Merge Audio and DXi to Stereo Wav file" as shown below?


2. Does the Realband song play properly in stereo when you play it in Realband before merging?


3. Are you using MME or ASIO as your soundcard driver?

ASIO for recording, but have tried MME, both produce a MONO .wav file

4. Are you using Realband 2011.5?


5. Is your operating system a 32-bit or 64-bit system?

64 bit Windows 7

6. How do you get the song-file to Realband? Are you "dragging and dropping" or simply opening the BIAB directly in RB?

I open a BIAB file.

Also, the 'mono' box is NOT checked in the Mixer window.

Thanks Noel !
Mitch do you mix all of your RealBand tracks to another stereo pair of tracks, and then do the "Merge" of just those two tracks OR do you send all of your RealBand tracks right to Merge?

The only time I ever got mono like that was when I used "Export Wave".

I always mix first to a stereo pair of tracks then tweak the sound some more. If you do a stereo pair, then make sure that you repan the two tracks before sending to "Merge".

Hope this helps.

Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/18/11 09:55 PM
Ian, I have never 'pre-mixed' to a stereo pair. (not even sure how to do that?) I've always just merged the entire RB track w/ DX to a stereo .wav file using the selection as noted above. I USED to be able to produce stereo files until recently.. and it's driving me nuts trying to find out what happened.

My wav file ends up sounding exactly like it sounds if I check the 'mono' box in the Mixer Window... it's as if when rendered, RB 'thinks' that mono box is checked ?
Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 09/18/11 10:38 PM

I just tried your pre-mix by merging all tracks to a single stereo audio track...then exported that SINGLE track to a wav file and it is STEREO ! ... but this is only a 'work-around' .. I'd still like to know why the Merge to stereo file does not work..

Here's the stereo version of the mono track above:
Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 10/05/11 12:56 AM
BTW, this problem still persists. Any input from someone at PG ?
Posted By: Mike. R. Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 10/05/11 07:21 AM

I USED to be able to produce stereo files until recently.. and it's driving me nuts trying to find out what happened.

Sounds like one of those "something's changed" issues and that can be a right needle in a haystack ...

No patches / other app upgrades or anything spring to mind.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 10/05/11 07:47 AM

It sounds like it's time to contact PG Support. They have free contact numbers. I'd also email the URL of this thread so they can see the discussion.

Posted By: rharv Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 10/05/11 01:17 PM
Preferences - Song Generation - is Stereo Panning for BB tracks checked? Shouldn't matter, but ya never know.
Posted By: MitchC Re: Render to .wav produces a MONO file ?? - 10/06/11 01:41 AM
Thanks guys... off to PG Support ...
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