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Posted By: clinton RealBand jumps after edits - 03/19/12 04:51 PM
Hello forum denizens, I hope someone can shed some light on why (not always but irritatingly often), RB will jump to a seemingly random spot many bars ahead as I complete an edit in the piano roll or audio edit window. It might be relevant to add that I'm using RB 2011(4).
Posted By: silvertones Re: RealBand jumps after edits - 03/19/12 05:42 PM
It does and don't know why.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: RealBand jumps after edits - 03/19/12 05:46 PM
It might be jumping to the actual spot of the time line.
Posted By: Stef99 Re: RealBand jumps after edits - 03/20/12 12:44 AM
I've had a similar behavior when I generate a track for a few bars. Say I hi-lite one track bars 6 thru 20 and generate. I listen to the track and want to scroll back to bar 6 and try again with a different instrument. I click the left scroll bar arrow once. But instead of the screen scrolling to the left it jumps to the right, to say maybe bar 32 or so. Nowhere near the spot I stopped the playing. It jumps so far to the right with that one mouse click that I have to click the left arrow again quite a few times to get back where I was. I'm used to it now. And it doesn't happen consistently. But it is a pain. I haven't really taken notice of it since I updated to version 6. SO maybe it's fixed. I'll have to keep watch.
Posted By: clinton Re: RealBand jumps after edits - 03/20/12 01:40 PM
Thanks to the three of you for your responses: I was hoping someone would say "Yes I know what you mean and this is how you fix it...". But like some dude said a long time ago, "You can't always get what you want...".
As for your suggestion Robh, I'll set up a little experiment to investigate that idea. Meanwhile, two suggestions for anyone else having to deal with the problem:
1. Pay attention to the bar number where you're editing so that returning isn't such a pain.
2. If you're going to be doing a fair bit of work in a particular spot, whack in a marker before you start or at the first occurence, to make returning as easy as possible.
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