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Posted By: johnmusic RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/07/13 12:46 PM
Why does RealBand make realtrack instruments mono when you know they are stereo?? I insert the "strings" track which is the melody "lead" instrument in reaper and it's a stereo track. Sometimes RealBand forgets the middle section pause for the soloist and generates the whole section. Any way to correct this???
Posted By: rharv Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 12:28 AM

Why does RealBand make realtrack instruments mono when you know they are stereo?? I insert the "strings" track which is the melody "lead" instrument in reaper and it's a stereo track.

You may be using BiaB terms for RB (no strings track or melody in RB), or confusing the two programs
.. or your question is confusing me


Sometimes RealBand forgets the middle section pause for the soloist and generates the whole section. Any way to correct this???

Realband only generates when you tell it to, and it only generates the section that is selected, unlike BiaB which can remember sections like that. Also Soloist is assumed by me to be a BiaB term. Are you confusing BiaB with RB or assuming they act the same?
Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 02:54 AM
Audio tracks are what I mean, I know after the .MGU is opened this is what happens:

An audio track I chose as the melodist, in the "Strings" spot in BB, when rendered from BB, it is a stereo file.

When Real Band assigns an audio track, it becomes mono. And with no rhyme or reason just randomly makes different instruments mono or stereo, willy nilly.

Not midi tracks, real tracks.

any way to get all stereo?
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 04:07 PM
You have to setup in options what your default tracks will be in RB. When i have time i will post exact sets since it has beena while.
Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 04:31 PM
Ok thx, I will mess around and see in the mean time, if I figure it out, I'll be back.

Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 08:44 PM
I can't figure it out. When your ready Robh eagerly awaiting.
Posted By: rharv Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/09/13 11:37 PM

when rendered from BB, it is a stereo file

Is it actually stereo or just rendered as such?
A track rendered from BiaB may be set to render as stereo.. depending on how you do it (I think)

In RB you could use Audio-Import to bring in the stereo wave file if you already have it saved somewhere. That'll keep you working anyway while others look into/test this.
Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/10/13 12:09 AM
Yeah basically BB will render all Stereo files to the folder of your choice. If you open a saved BB .MGU, Realband changes this in its sequencer when you export, if the file was mono, you export mono.

Hope theres an answer thanks.
Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/13/13 01:23 PM
Sent MGU to support hope they can tell me what i have to do.
Posted By: rharv Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/13/13 01:46 PM
Now that I understand the situation better;
You can force RB to export to stereo by soloing the track and using 'merge to stereo wave file' in the Audio menu.
So RB allows both. Just depends on what you want as to how you should approach it.

I don't want RB to change to exporting stereo all the time. I like it as is.
Posted By: percy Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/13/13 02:41 PM
Hello All,

Just an observation about mono and stereo tracks...

In PT 10, in Track View, mono is indicated by one horizontal line and stereo by 4 lines. Now in RB 2013, both mono and stereo tracks are indicated by just the one line. So when I arm the tracks in RB, I no longer have the visual of all the tracks on the one screen.

Hovering the mouse over the individual tracks does yield the info, but I prefer the PT orientation.

Posted By: rharv Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/13/13 04:15 PM
The icons to left of track name show this info anytime the Tracks window is open.
Important to remember if tinkering with the look of RB.
Posted By: johnmusic Re: RealTrack generation ETC. - 01/13/13 11:54 PM
RealBand ignores the "Dry Real Track" setting, Verb all over the tracks, gota figure this out now. BandinaBox I saved without verb. RATS!!!!
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