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Posted By: CEC VST effects not present during record - 03/24/13 05:21 AM
I am having a terrible time getting vst sounds to come through the channels during the record sequence. I have spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to get them running during playback and everything there is working fine. But when I try to record I just get a generic piano sound during the entry process. Then if I go ahead and record anyway and play it back I get the VST during playback but not during the actual record. I flipped from BIAB to RB because getting this going seemed even harder than it is here with RB. What is even stranger is that I got it to work one time but I have never seen or heard it since. I have tried numerous combinations for hours on end and can not get the vsts during real time record.

Any suggestions for me? Thank you, I am about ready to give up but I do not want to.

Thanks, Clifford
Posted By: CEC Re: VST effects not present during record - 03/24/13 06:25 AM
Ok, I got it. What a trial this was. I did some searching on this and found so many other folks here with the same problem. So then ASIOforall becomes the next big clue. I installed it, pushed buttons like crazy again with all kinds of combinations and finally got it. The other huge advantage now is obviously the lack of latency that ASIO provides. I did not think my basic laptop could ever use asio drivers, this is a great surprise. So I am not exactly sure how anybody is supposed to figure this out, took me hours and hours but it looks like I am in. Suggest RB do some work on this issue with a big tutorial up front as to what to do here, a lot of persistence and your help here.
Thanks, I will see if I can hold on to what I have accomplished.
They have a big tutorial. It's a pdf file called "MANUAL"located in the RB folder.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: VST effects not present during record - 03/24/13 02:18 PM
Most folks do not record with effects since then if the effect is not quite right the track is ruined and you have to re-record. I always record dry, and then add effects afterwards. the exception maybe with a guitar effect yo particularly like.

Most folks do not record with effects since then if the effect is not quite right the track is ruined and you have to re-record. I always record dry, and then add effects afterwards. the exception maybe with a guitar effect yo particularly like.

Agreed BUT some folks find it hard to record dry SO by using ASIO you can have effects on your voice/instrument BUT have the track record dry at the same time.
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