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I'm using RB 2010 (on the external HD), and have a wav/MIDI song of 8 tracks that I want to mix in Pro Tools. Does anyone know if Pro Tools can read a seq file? If not, what do I need to do to get the tracks to Pro Tools?

Thank you!
Cannot answer the Pro Tools Question....

You can export from RB single track at a time in 2013 by:

Audio > Export Highlighted section(or entire track)to wav and other formats.

Thought was worth a try to help.
Protools can't read seq files.
You may have to save each track as a WAV file and then open those in Pro Tools.
I tried converting the files, but the computer said I didn't have a DXi synth on my computer. So, I went to the BIAB download and chose to only DL the DXi stuff. I have no idea where it went because I am not given a choice as to where to DL the files.

My Bad!, sorry bout my suggestion.
I work with VSTi synth's and realtracks installed most of the time.
Which does allow the function suggested.

Expansion on carkins comments.

Within RB audio tracks you recorded or created can be saved this way.

Select or Highlight 1 track you want to save.
Click on Track at top.
Click on Save to File.
Save to name and directory you want it saved it.
Repeat for every track you want for ProTools.

This will work better.
Use 'Track-Save track to file' command instead.
Two improvements; you can save audio to tracks as .wav and MIDI tracks as .mid files.
These should be able to be imported to ProTools.

As I mentioned, the drag/drop feature should work also.
Thanks for the tips- I'll let you know!
PK, I've been able to get my tracks into Pro Tools, but can't get the midi tracks to play. The reason for wanting to use Pro Tools are the easy to use plug-ins for EQ,compression,etc. I sure wish PG would update these plug-ins!
Hi Rusty,

I don't use ProTools but I'd imagine that it's the same as other DAWs that I've used in that it's necessary to direct the midi track to either a built-in synth on your computer's soundcard or to a software syntheziser plug-in.

If you use Google to search for something like "getting midi sound from protools", I'd imagine you'd find lots of posts. Also, I just had a look on Youtube and there are some ProTools tutorials there, too.

Rusty, what is the actual sound generating device for your MIDI tracks in RB? Is it an external sound module/hardware synthesizer?

If so, then you need to make sure that ProTools is sending MIDI data to RB.

If it were me, I would do the conversion from MIDI to .wav in RB so that all you are dealing with in ProTools is audio data.

If you are getting some kind of sound in RB from MIDI tracks, you are either converting from MIDI to audio inside the computer or outside the computer. As soon as you have that figured out, you are one step closer to getting this done. Until you have that key part of the puzzle figured out, don't even bother with ProTools.

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