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Posted By: Timothy W. Cook Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 07:11 PM
I have a SGU that I opened in RB from BiaB. If I recall correctly, this was originally a MIDI file I got from somewhere. Then I converted MIDI tracks to RealTracks in BiaB.

Now in RB I want to remove all of these unused tracks.

But I get a notice saying that isn't allowed.

Attached picture RealBandCapturar.PNG
Posted By: eddie1261 Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 07:28 PM
Export all to wav, start a new song, import the ones you want, delete the old BIAB song. RB is much better anyway,
Posted By: Timothy W. Cook Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 07:42 PM
Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Export all to wav, start a new song, import the ones you want, delete the old BIAB song. RB is much better anyway,

I was afraid that was going to be the answer. Maybe I'll check the wish lists and if not already on there I'll add it. Seems like it should be pretty easy to delete unwanted tracks, if RB wants to be a DAW.
Posted By: DEddy Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 07:51 PM
Wait .....

Try this (screenshot)

Attached picture RB_remove.jpg
Posted By: jford Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 09:12 PM
Make the BB tracks regular tracks (a menu choice) and then you can do whatever you want with then.
Posted By: Timothy W. Cook SOLVED: Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/06/16 10:00 PM
Originally Posted By: jford
Make the BB tracks regular tracks (a menu choice) and then you can do whatever you want with then.


Edit->Track->Make all BB tracks Regular Tracks

Select all tracks to remove

Edit->Track->Remove Track

A notice box will be shown that tells you what is about to happen and that it cannot be undone.
Posted By: GHinCH SOLVED: Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/07/16 08:01 AM
... that is the reason why you never, I repeat: NEVER!, work with the original version.

It takes a lot of disk space, but working with a "work copy" is the safety net to fall back to earlier stages of the work. If everything is o.k., then delete all the intermediate versions that you don't need anymore.
Posted By: rharv SOLVED: Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/07/16 09:07 PM
Once in RB this is not necessary.
Just make sure to save it as a SEQ file. Then the original SGU is safe, plus:

Now when you Save it in RB a backup copy of the previous version is stored in your RBBackup folder .. so you always have a 'working copy'.

To open the previous version use File - Open Special (or Open Backup, depending on version).
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: SOLVED: Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/07/16 09:30 PM
And once you have saved as a SEQ file, opening that file again is nearly instant.
Posted By: Timothy W. Cook Re: SOLVED: Re: Delete BiaB tracks - 03/07/16 09:38 PM
Originally Posted By: rharv
Once in RB this is not necessary.
Just make sure to save it as a SEQ file. Then the original SGU is safe, plus:

Now when you Save it in RB a backup copy of the previous version is stored in your RBBackup folder .. so you always have a 'working copy'.

To open the previous version use File - Open Special (or Open Backup, depending on version).

I was already saving the SEQ version just for that reason. However, I did not know that RB automatically makes a backup copy. Thanks for that tip.
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