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Posted By: rewind Pause when play arrow clicked - 12/16/21 11:58 PM
I have a 64 bit version of Real Band on a HP laptop running Windows 10 home version. When I click on green start arrow or click on find lyrics there is always a several second lag before starting. I have been using Pro Audio Tracks on a Laptop with Windows XP for years and never had this problem. Probably an easy fix in Windows settings, but I can’t figure it out.
Posted By: Bob Calver Re: Pause when play arrow clicked - 12/17/21 07:11 AM
If you are using a track that needs regeneration RB will generate the whole track before it starts wheras BIAB starts playing while generation is still not complete.

did you mean PowerTracks? its a little simpler than RB so that may be the answer
are you working wth a seq track or a BIAB mgu/sgu track?

Posted By: rewind Re: Pause when play arrow clicked - 12/17/21 08:42 PM
I am working with midi files, some we programmed and some programmed by others. We have been a midi band and have been using them for over 20 years. The files work just fine on Real Band just like they do with power tracks. We set up our sets using jukebox function. My problem is there is a delay when playing our files on Real Band. There is a pause of several seconds after you hit the green arrow and the actual program starts. I didn’t know if this could be caused on the way the computer is set up using Windows 10. The computer we use for playing out is an older dell running XP. I use real band on my personal laptop to edit files.
Posted By: rharv Re: Pause when play arrow clicked - 12/18/21 09:34 AM
What MIDI driver are you using in RB?

When you open these MIDI files do any of the track names show up in blue instead of black?
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