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Just really started using RealBand
It there some trick to allow tempo changes during playback using RealBand with Realtracks?

I noticed that setting a track to a RealDrum or RealTrack - it "Generates" it into audio.
It doesn't keep it in that quasi midi "Real" track thing that BIAB does.

If I want to change tempo's during playback it says I can't because the song has audio data.

I don't see any option to say keep realtracks like BIAB does?

And, and as far as I can tell, there's no way to say like only put midi tracks in RealBand, and have it control BAIB where I could put the realtracks - and thus be able to control the tempo during play back in RB?

There's no runtime interface between RB and BAIB that I could keep the two in sync?

thanks in advance,
Realtracks have never been midi or quasi midi at all, they are true audio. They are just somewhat akin to loops and are dice and slice and reconfigured to the tempo, bar, and chord settings.

Real track generation is the same in Bb or Rb, it is just that RB does not regenerate each time you hit play like BB does, it freezes the track until you tell it to regenerate.

To put all midi in Rb, simply do not make real tracks, just make midi tracks in BB. They are not the same. The only midi associated with a RTs is the one that generates notes for the real charts. Also you can have Rb generate midi as well you do not have to make RTs and RDs.

As far as tempo changes i will let someone else answer that one as i have not used that feature.
Hi Rob

Thanks for the response.
My whole issue is with tempo changes.

I'm pretty sure the answer is "No", if you put a real track in, you can't make tempo changes while RB is playing.

Thanks in advance.
No becasue Rts are audio, if you want to insert a tempo change you need to stop the playback and insert the change then regenerate the song all tracks included and then it should work. Remember that is you ask the Rt to tempo stretch to much it will sound bad.
I suppose that if you recorded track A at tempo A and saved it as a wav file, then recorded track B tempo B as a wav file then had 2 computers one with RB the other with Reaper or other audio player and could sync the start, it could be done. I've often wondered how the sync for 2 computers could or how well it could work.
Just an idle thought on a rainy Sunday afternoon, Wyndham
Too bad RB can't keep these "real" Real-tracks like BAIB does.

I was hoping to use and external midi sync, part of it would/could change the tempo.

And then too bad BAIB can't do external midi sync.
Raintalk, You are still missing the point here, Real Tracks are not midi, so midi sync has nothing to do with them. Of course they can't use it. They are audio, and if you want to control the songs with external midi sync and midi data you need to use MIDI tracks.

If you want Real Tracks to change tempo then just insert the tempo changes where you want and regenerate the tracks and see what happens. Remember that RTs only stretch so far before they start to degrade sound wise.
No Raintalk understands. In BIAB if you generate a song with all Real Tracks say at 120 BPM then hit play you can grab onto the spinner and speed up or slow down the song in real time with very good results. If Biab was able to SYNC to midi time code then an external device could be used to control tempo in Real time.A foot pedal for retarded endings or mild speed up during choruses. Real Band can do neither.

A foot pedal for retarded endings...

Gotta love those retarded endings. Some of them really suck for sure.

Now, ritarded endings are much more musical...

Hmmm, well then, thanks for the update on that one silvey! Raintalk, sorry my bad i was the one not getting it.


A foot pedal for retarded endings...

Gotta love those retarded endings. Some of them really suck for sure.

Now, ritarded endings are much more musical...


I'm a country player. We don't know about them things.
Since realband can sync as slave via midi clock - is it now
possible for realband to follow tempo changes?
In my experience, RealBand can slave to MIDI and will work if all the tracks in the .SEQ are MIDi tracks.

However, if there are any Audio tracks, it won't work with the Tempo changes sent, because the program cannot stretch Audio tracks like that "on the fly".

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