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Posted By: rharv Song Generation section - 08/29/11 11:50 PM
Can we get that song generation section to be minimizable? It eats up a lot of screen, and for most of my work I am using right-click to generate new tracks. It would be nice if, once we got a song to a certain point, we could hide that and use the screen space to view more tracks, FX, etc.
Posted By: Tommyc Re: Song Generation section - 09/02/11 02:17 PM
I agree ! I have never used it or several other early PT screens !
Posted By: Ian Fraser Re: Song Generation section - 09/02/11 02:31 PM
All for that +1 !

But maybe leave RT Generation buttons visible.

Posted By: multitracker Re: Song Generation section - 09/08/11 03:36 AM
I agree, it would be good to be able to minimize this to gain more screen real estate for working with tracks.

Along this same line of thought, would be nice if the upper section containing the icons could be redone, making smaller icons available, thus again gaining more work space.

I appreciate what PG has done so far with recent changes in the track view, providing a way to minimize individual track height, allowing for background color options for differentiating various tracks, etc. I hope that PG will continue with this trend.

Posted By: Pat Marr Re: Song Generation section - 09/09/11 02:02 AM

I agree, it would be good to be able to minimize this to gain more screen real estate for working with tracks.

Along this same line of thought, would be nice if the upper section containing the icons could be redone, making smaller icons available, thus again gaining more work space.


If lack of screen real estate is your biggest problem and the icons duplicate function that's already in the dropdown menus, seems like turning off the icons and using the dropdown menu would buy some space without sacrificing ANY functionality.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Song Generation section - 09/09/11 04:27 PM
Pat, that is a great idea, i very seldom use the Icons on the tol bar, most of the time i use the drop down lists. I am going to explore that option.
Posted By: multitracker Re: Song Generation section - 09/13/11 04:41 AM

If lack of screen real estate is your biggest problem and the icons duplicate function that's already in the dropdown menus, seems like turning off the icons and using the dropdown menu would buy some space without sacrificing ANY functionality.

Or, having the option of menu dropdowns folded into one dropdown box, Firefox-style, then giving us an option of using small, mouseover-type icons, small enough to fit across one row ...
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